
Void System for Husband

Thrown into the void he found himself in despair, from despair came acceptance, from acceptance came love. Now i'm married and i need to get stronger to stay with my wife. Traveling through the anime world to kill enemies and get stronger. . One or two chapters a week. . English is not my first language. Please be patient with my grammatical errors. . I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters, contents, or the cover.

Dedao · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Day 1 (5/5)

Read the note at the end of the chapter before you start telling me to go to hell hahahahaha.


"INCREDIBLE! HOW DO YOU DO THAT!?" Kohta asks full of excitement.

I let out a humorous laugh seeing his reaction "Hahaha! It's not as easy as it looks. In a basic explanation: I can convert my mana into air and control it to generate wind." I explain to him.

"That's fantastic! I've always liked games that have magic in them. I never thought I would see a real wizard in front of me... You... Could you teach me how to use magic?" Kohta says with sparkling eyes.

I stop the moment as I see his face full of expectation. Could I teach him? Maybe, but I don't know how long it would take him to learn. Agata said that I have a great talent for magic since I was able to develop elemental manipulation on my own, I don't know if he could replicate the way I learned on my own.

"Honestly? I don't know if you could learn magic from me. I can tell you that the way I learned it is unorthodox, not ideal for teaching others." his expectation drops when I explain to him "But if you want to try, I can show you how I developed my magic." soon his face lights up again. He is quite an amusing boy.

"I WANT IT! Please teach me how to use-"

"WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT YOU DID DOESN'T MAKE ANY SCIENTIFIC SENSE! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Saya interrupts Kohta with a shout. She starts shouting some more things and I decide to ignore her.

*crying from a hysterical girl in the background*

"Do you guys have something to ask?" I ask Takashi and Rei.

"You knew about this! Why didn't you tell the authorities!? The government could have done something to save you-" Rei begins to say in an irritated tone.

"Save people, made you a plan to lessen the damage and blah blah blah. Do you realize how stupid what you are saying is? Why should they believe me? What could they do to stop the evolution of the world? Everything is simply useless." she gives me an annoyed look as I stare at her without interest.

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!? PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE YOU KEPT QUIET!!!" Rei screams as she jumps towards me. Takashi seeing this holds her in his arms.

"Rei! Calm down!" Takashi tries to calm the situation down. Clearly it didn't work.

"YOU STAYED SILENT AND PEOPLE DIED!!! IT'S YOUR FAULT! BECAUSE OF YOU HISASHI DIED!!!" Rei screams and cries as she tries to free herself from Takashi.

Saya immediately enters the discussion.


I look at everyone in the room. Kyoko, Kana and Saeko are staring at me, Saya is still screaming and now being held by Takashi, Kohta is cowering in his chair afraid of Saya and Rei while looking at me, Takashi is holding Rei and Saya furiously in his arms and Shizuka is resting leaning against me.

"*Sigh* I'm going to be very honest with you. Do you want to blame me for this? Go ahead and blame me. The door is right there for anyone who wants to leave. I don't care about you, I don't care about this world, so you can leave." I finish as I lean back in my chair. I am simply tired with all of this.

'Really you are blaming me for this? Why the hell did I decide to help people anyway?' I ask myself.

'{You were emotional after having sex with Shizuka. You could have just gone back with them using magic and stayed in the apartment with Rika and Shizuka while enjoying your stay in this world}. Agata answers me with the amused tone in her voice.

I let out a tired sigh. I have two hysterical teenagers being held down by another teenager, two frightened adults, a teenage girl looking at me suspiciously, and a boy who I don't know if he is in awe of me or afraid of me. Really, a great way to spend the day.

I stay silent and let them decide. The first person I decide to leave is Rei.

"I'm leaving now!" she lets go of Takashi and starts removing the furniture from the entrance. Saya follows her right away and starts helping her.

"Wait! It's not safe to leave like this!" Takashi tries to stop them.

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM TAKASHI? THERE'S NO WAY WE CAN STAY CLOSE TO HIM! HE'S TO BLAME FOR THIS!!!" Rei yells at Takashi as he pushes the furniture away.

"I'M NOT STAYING TOGETHER WITH THAT PERSON!" Saya also yells at him and moves the furniture back out of the driveway.

Takashi looks at me for a moment and turns to the two "all right, let's go then." he starts to help remove the furniture.

They quickly clear the entrance. Takashi wipes the sweat on his forehead and turns to the other people.

"Are you guys coming or did you stay with him?" Takashi asks the rest of the group.

Kana, Kyoko, Saeko and Kohta exchange glances. Kohta slowly gets up and walks to the door.

"Are you to blame for this illness?" Saeko asks as she looks me in the eyes.

"No." I answer as I raise an eyebrow at her question.

"Yes! You are the culprit! Look at you, you don't even look like you're Japanese. You must have come from another country and spread this disease here!" Saya says with venom in her voice.

"I'll stay then." Saeko ignores Saya and says nothing more.

Kyoko looks at me and Shizuka. I can see the worried look on her face, probably worried about everything that is happening. Kana is quite calm but I can see the worried look on her face.

"I came here with Loseram because I wanted to get you two to safety. You two are my friends, but if you want to go with them you can go, I won't stop you." Shizuka says in a serious tone.

Kyoko and Kana are silent after Shizuka's words.

"Think it over. Forget that you are teachers and your responsibilities that come with that profession. The world no longer rotates in the order it used to," I advise.

The two remain silent. Saya and Rei's group seeing this decide to leave, the room goes silent again and the heavy atmosphere intensifies.

"It sucked, didn't it?" I ask with a tired smile on my face.

"Yeah, it sucked but they decided to leave." Shizuka says.

I look at the three people who decided to stay and let out a sigh.

"Come on, I'll use magic to get us home."


Where to start... sadness, fear, hostility, frustration, anger and despair, those were the feelings I wanted to get across in the characters.

Stop to think a little. Rei lost her boyfriend and thinks she lost her father, she felt all these feelings in a short period of time. When she knew that Loseram knew about what was going to happen, she transmitted the anger to him, with the anger came hostility and the rest is history.

Saya had experienced a near-death event a few minutes before this. Did he save her? Yes he did, but the human mind sucks and we always blame other people for everything that happens around us.

Blaming someone else is always the easiest way out, even if it doesn't make any sense.

"Ah! Why did Saeko stay so calm while they were so hysterical?"

Little grasshopper, are you really going to ask me that? I, the supreme grasshopper, will answer.

Saeko shows herself to be a calm and controlled person in the anime/manga. She is rarely influenced by her emotions when making a decision.

Could I be wrong? Maybe, but that's how I interpreted her personality.

Takashi and Kohta followed the girls because they have feelings for them. More reasons? If the girl you like is angry with another guy, won't you support her?

Kyoko stayed in the group because of Shizuka and Loseram's advice. Kana is the same thing.

I had fun writing this chapter? No, but I thought it was necessary. I have always been interested in the study of personality and feelings. I used to work (before the company closed and sent everyone to the street) with customer service and sales, it was part of my job.

Have a good night and brush your teeth. I am in a bad mood after this chapter.

This time I wanted to be Dio.

I would have killed everyone in the room and left with Shizuka...

Dedaocreators' thoughts