
Void System for Husband

Thrown into the void he found himself in despair, from despair came acceptance, from acceptance came love. Now i'm married and i need to get stronger to stay with my wife. Traveling through the anime world to kill enemies and get stronger. . One or two chapters a week. . English is not my first language. Please be patient with my grammatical errors. . I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters, contents, or the cover.

Dedao · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Day 1 (3/5)

Currently I am sitting on one of the beds, Kyoko is sitting on a chair and Shizuka is taking care of Kana, I believe that is the name of the fainted woman, who is lying on another bed. It would be a peaceful atmosphere if it weren't for the screams of people dying outside.

"Hi, my name is Loseram," I break the atmosphere by greeting Kyoko in a cheerful voice.

Kyoko pulls back a little in her chair and Shizuka chuckles softly watching our interaction. I don't know if she is afraid of me or the screaming outside.

"Kyoko Hayashi..." she finally answers after a few seconds. I can see in her gaze a glint of recognition.

"Wait, are you Loseram who Shizuka was talking about? What's going on out there? How did you get in through the third floor window?" she starts throwing question after question. I don't answer right away, I wait until she calms down to answer.

"Yes, I'm Shizuka's boyfriend, Loseram." I calmly answer the first question while thinking about how to answer the others. "Have you ever watched a zombie movie? That's what's happening out there, monsters that used to be human, eating humans who soon become monsters too. How did I jump out a window on the third floor? Trade secret."

She looks at me with a skeptical look, clearly not believing any of my words.

"Huuh~ What he said is true." Shizuka says while placing a bottle of medicine for Kana to smell.

"Just look out the window, they must have arrived in the parking lot by now," I suggest to Kyoko.

Kyoko walks over to the window. I see she choke at the sight of the carnage outside, not long after she falls to the ground.

"impossible, this is impossible. Everything was normal a few minutes ago..." she speaks softly but I can still hear.

I walk over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"It's not impossible. The world is changing, this is just the first visible effect humanity can see." I say in a reassuring voice. It doesn't work very well as she is still shaking, I am terrible at comforting people....

"Calm down first, I'll keep you safe," I remove my hand from her shoulder and walk to the door.

"Honey, I'm going to clean up the hallways nearby. You can leave the door locked." I'll let shizuka know before I leave.

"Huuh~ okay, I'll be waiting." Shizuka answers me as she finishes Kana's treatment.

The screaming in the building has been greatly reduced, I believe more than 80% of the people have died from the commotion. The moment I leave the room the smell of blood assaults my sense of smell, there are several corpses all over the corridor and many more Zombies devouring them.

"... 11, 12, 13. There are 13 Zombies staggering in the hallway." I calmly count their number as I pull out my wooden sword.

"Let's test my work. I know gladius was fair perfectly, but there is nothing more pleasurable than testing my craftsmanship first hand." I hold the sword with my right hand and run to the nearest one, the zombies hear my footsteps, but it is already too late.

With a quick blow the first zombie hits the wall with its head smashed in. I quickly jump sideways to dodge one zombie that tried to grab me, still in my motion, I grab him by the shirt and throw him against another approaching zombie, I do a horizontal swing and attack another that tries to attack me from the shore, he falls like a puppet without strings. I watch with an excited smile the others approaching, the adrenaline is such that I can't stop laughing.

"HahahHAHAHAHA! COME ON EVERYONE!" with an excited smile I start dismembering zombie limb by limb. I crush three more heads and cut off another two with my left hand coated with a wind blade, still excited I finish the rest in that hallway and move on to the next. I don't take the time to count how many there are, I just continue with my run full of laughter and blood.

Due to the noise of the fight and my excited laughter, more Zombies begin to arrive. I waste no time and run towards them, blood and guts flying everywhere I go. With my right hand I crush the skulls of anyone who comes close, with my left I cut those further away. This is simply a dance, a work of art.

Deciding to go back after a few more corridors, the infirmary door might be closed, but there are no combatants. Taking a moment I go to one of the corpses in pieces, this one has his head crushed and is missing an arm, his stomach has a cut that almost broke it in half. Ignoring the poor soul's plight and I use Devour on him.

I feel a slight sense of euphoria and it's over. I look at the other corpses and let out a sigh, this will take a while.


[You used the Devour skill on 42 corpses].

[You received: STR + 57, DEX + 78, END + 73, SEN + 58, INT + 69, WIS + 74, CHA + 77.]

I knock on the door after finishing with the last one.

"Honey, open the door, it's me," I call out to Shizuka. After a few seconds she opens the door and looks at me, her face is slightly white as she looks at me.

"You're covered in blood! Are you okay!?" Shizuka starts groping me for injury as she asks worriedly. I take my attention away from her and watch myself, clothes soaked with blood, a few pieces of flesh nailed to my sneakers.

"I'm fine, that's not my blood. Where is the bathroom?" I ask as I hold Shizuka's hands lovingly, I want to at least wash my face and hands. The blood is a nuisance but I manage to wait until we get to Rika's each.

"The bathroom is in that door." she blushes a little and points to a door.

I give her a kiss and walk to the bathroom. It doesn't take long to get the blood off my face and hands, the most time consuming part was cleaning my clothes a bit since they have some bits of dried flesh and blood on them.

I leave the bathroom after a few minutes. I see the three women talking, I hadn't noticed when I arrived but Kana had already woken up.

"Hi." lengths the two friends of Shizuka. Kana looks at me with a strong look and a slight scowl, I believe she is angry with me since I was the reason she passed out.

"*sigh* Hi, you must be Loseram, correct?" Kana greets me with an appraising look. Kana is a young woman, light skinned, brown eyes and hair, 5'6" approximately. Even though she is short she has a respectable bust, her slim waist and wide hips can catch the eye of any man. In short, she is a very attractive woman.

"Yes, I am Loseram. I believe you are Kana Kojima, am I right? Shizuka has talked a little about you," I say to her. "You too Kyoko, Shizuka has told a little about you." I finish with a smile for both of them.

The two shift their gaze from me and look at Shizuka.

"Huh~ you guys are my friends, my boyfriend should know about you." Shizuka comments as she crosses her arms over her breasts and pouts at her friends' stares.

The two of them let out a sigh giving up on their friend. I give a sympathetic smile, I know how Shizuka is, she is a sweetheart of people but sometimes she is complicated.

"Anyway, I don't know if Shizuka has explained to-" I am interrupted by a female voice calling out from the hallway.

*Toc Toc*

"Are you there Marikawa-sensei?" says the female voice.

"Ah! Yes, just a moment." Shizuka replies and stands up. I know it's Saeko but I still walk Shizuka to the door.

When Shizuka opens the door I get a perfect view of Saeko. Saeko has straight purple hair, straight and shiny at thigh height, with a triangular fringe in front that barely touches the tip of her nose. She has blue eyes and is quite tall for a Japanese girl. She is wearing her student uniform and holding a bloody bokken, no doubt she has fought hard to get here.

She also looks at me with a puzzled look. I am not dressed as a teacher, much less a student. Her gaze travels over my bloody clothes and my blood-red sword. At that moment I can see that she raises her guard.

Still with her guard up, she looks down the hall and enters, letting Shizuka close the door. I take that moment and introduce myself to her.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Loseram. I came here to take Shizuka and her two friends home. What is your name?" I ask with a polite smile as I offer my hand to her.

She spends a few seconds in silence and then shakes my hand "Nice to meet you Loseram-san. My name is Saeko Busujima." she introduces herself with a respectful tone.

"Please sit down for I was just about to discuss some things involving our leaving school." I point to a vacant chair and return to the bed with Shizuka.

She nods and introduces herself to the other teachers. Really, a very traditional woman. After the introductions everyone is paying attention to me again.

"So, I'll start from the beginning. I have two options for getting you out of here. Option number one: we go to the teachers' lounge and get the bus key, help whoever is still alive inside the building, and go to Shizuka's house. Option number two: I get you out of here with magic and we go to Shizuka's house. Honestly I prefer option number two, safer and 0% chance of anyone dying, not that option number one isn't safe." when I finish I can see the perplexed looks on the three women's faces, Shizuka already knows about this so she is just resting her head on my lap.

"Before you start asking questions or disbelieving my word..." I show a small tornado in my hand for them to see "magic is real and it was magic that caused all of this. In short it is the world going into evolution and the living dead out there is the first visible effect to the people.

The three women have surprised looks on their faces. Saeko is the first to regain the clarity of her mind.

"Was it you or someone else who caused this?" she asks with narrowed eyes as she moves her hand psrs the bokken.

"No, no one else did that. I can safely say that I am the only person in this world who uses magic, if you want to blame someone, blame the world since it is the world that is evolving." I raise my arms in a sign of surrender as I explain.

"I know this since I can see and feel the flow of mana in the world. I warned Shizuka this morning and offered her protection, she decided to go back to school to help Kyoko and Kana since the two are her friends. I, as a good boyfriend, came with her to keep them safe, I have no problem helping other people in the meantime. I can explain everything to you when we get home, I don't want to be stinking of blood all day." I finish my explanation to the three women and wait for their answers.

Seeing that there is no more risk of a fight, I decide to go out into the corridor and let them talk alone. I take Shizuka's head off my lap and walk to the door.

"You can talk in privacy, I'm going to stay outside." I say with a smile and leave. I am not afraid to explain to people about me and what is causing all this, I believe I can protect myself very well with my current mana pool and my Air Manipulation.

More than 100,000 views. I am surprised, I never imagined it would reach so many. Anyway, one more chapter for you.

I'm going to start begging for power stones, why? Because I'm bored hahahaha. Sorry, it's just a joke but feel free to vote and do a review. It may not help much in my native language but it helps my understanding of English.

I am getting better at bug fixing thanks to some of your comments. I know there are a lot of character genre changes. There are several comments saying that

Dedaocreators' thoughts