
Vile in My Hero Academia

Once a Maverick hunter, Then a wanted Criminal. Now A Hero?

ChaoticHappiness · ゲーム
19 Chs

Good luck trying to damage me (pt.1)

I Brainstormed once again for ideas. And in mind came a few. Better material for my armor, Or a way to make a Thin layer of a material that will absorb the shock of the hit. I found a piece of a material with high shock absorbing properties, I Stick it on my chest and it disappeared, Just like that gone. But then i tested something

[Weapon exchange]

(Arm) Triple 7 -> Golden right

[Weapon exchanged successfully]

I pointed my fist toward my Chest and used IT to hit me... "I-I am fine." I said to myself as i looked at the place that i used the Golden right on. It wasn't even scratched, Not even bend. I became confident because of the results, I was becoming stronger. If i can survive the Golder right then i can survive so many other things

I waited for the school to start once again. It took a long time, The night was going surprisingly slow, Not like any else. I went outside and took a walk around city it was peaceful, And rainy. I jumped on a building and sat on it.

Someone sat beside me and grabbed my neck, He was a man in a black hoodie

"How about we get things straight?" The person asked

He sounded just like Shigaraki, Who already tried to kill me once before

"You can let go of my neck. Your touch won't do anything to me." I said as he put his last finger on my neck, and as i said it didn't do anything. "I told you, Also why are you here, Shigaraki?"

"You would be a great addition to our league, Why don't you join us?" He asked

"I already walked along this path. I don't need to do it again." I said looking down on the city, It was quite empty


"Did you just came here just to ask me that?" I asked

"Basically yes." He replied

"You won't fight me?" I asked him

"No. I came here just to try to get you to join us, but it seems like you won't." He said




"To be honest you sound like a nice person when you are not threatening someone. Why did you become a villain?" I asked him

"You don't need to know..." He replied as he stood up and walked backwards into a portal. I looked backwards and saw that he was gone "You could have atleast say goodbye." I said joking around with myself

The sky started brightening and the sun soon appeared it was a nice view, But The school day was already starting, So I started jumping from a building to building, Getting closer and closer to school, As in the end I got there without a problem, But it was time, Me and my classmates were given written tests for three days, And I managed to get the best score in the whole class.

The Written exams were over, And now it was time for the practical exam.

We were transported to the center plaza for the practical exam. The students gathered to see every teacher in front the entrance.

"Now then, Let's begin the last test. Remember it is possible to fail this final if you want to go to camp, Don't do any stupid mistakes. I expect Many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you will be faced with today." Aizawa said

"We will be fighting this big ol metal robots." Denki replied

"Actually, This years tests will be completely different for various reasons." Nezu said as he appeared from underneath Aizawa's scarf. And using it to get down to the ground "The tests now have a new focus, there will be hero work Ofcourse, But also team work and combat between actual people. So what does that mean for you? You students will be working together in pairs and your opponents will be one of our esteemed UA Teachers. Isn't that fabulous?"

Some were shocked

"Additionally Your partners, And your Opponents have already been chosen, they are determined at my discretion based on various factors, including Fighting styles, grades and impersonal relationships. First Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team against me. Next Modoriya and Bakugo and their opponent is..." Aizawa said as a figure came down from the sky, It was Allmight

"And now let's announce the teams and the teachers they will fight in order." Nezu said

Battles & Events

Team Sato & Kirishima vs. Cementoss (Round 1)

Team Asui & Tokoyami vs. Ectoplasm(Round 2)

Team Ida & Ojiro vs. Power Loader(Round 3)

Team Todoroki & Yaoyorozu vs Eraser Head(Round 4)

Team Uraraka & Aoyama vs. Thirteen(Round 5)

Team Ashido & Kaminari vs. Nezu(Round 6)

Team Koda & Jiro vs. Present Mic(Round 7)

Team Hagakure & Shoji vs. Snipe(Round 8)

Team Mineta & Sero vs. Midnight(Round 9)

Team Midoriya & Bakugo vs. All Might(Round 10)

Team Viktor & (?) Vs (?2)(Round 11)

"So who am I fighting with?" I asked

"It will be your choice once again, Viktor. If you want you can go solo or pick an ally, But if you pick an ally You would not be allowed to use your robot." Aizawa said

I smiled underneath my helmet And replied "Then I wish to fight all of you." With the clear thought in mind that most of their quirks won't work great when they are in a team.

"Huh? Is that even allowed?" Aizawa asked confused of my words

"Perhaps this could serve him as a lesson." Nezu said "It will help him understand how to pick up fights, Though I can see the reason why he asked for this battle specifically, But for the fun of it i won't reveal it. Good luck everyone."

"Let's begin The teams will take the exam in the order they were called. We have a stage prepared for every team." Aizawa explained Then the heroes started walking forward toward the entrance of the building "Sato, Kirishima You are up. Those who waiting for their turn to fight can either watch the exam or try to strategize as a team

I already had my strategy and i never asked for a teammate.

So I just stood there and watched the other exams