
Vile in My Hero Academia

Once a Maverick hunter, Then a wanted Criminal. Now A Hero?

ChaoticHappiness · Video Games
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19 Chs

Glimpse of destruction

After the internships were over i knew some more hand to hand combat. I was walking toward my school until a Portal appeared beneath me, it's slowly started to suck me in. I tried to lift my self out of it, but i couldn't. "The only choice i have is to go inside." I said to myself as i pulled my self through the portal appearing in a forest.

"Look who it is. I said that next time i would make sure you are dead, didn't i?" It was Shigaraki and the portal guy

"You want to fight me, huh?" I replied

"I will and i will destroy you." Shigaraki said as he charged toward me, But something was not right. There were many more people around me.

[Weapon check][Weapon exchange]

(Arm) Zip Zapper -> Triple 7

(Shoulder) Long Shot Gizmo -> Front runner

(Leg/Knee) Dragon's Rage -> Bumpity boom

(Leg/Foot) Ice trail -x>

[Weapons exchanged successfully]

I gave the command to my robot to come as soon as possible to my location and started shooting at Shigaraki, Causing him to jump back in pain as many holes were pierced on his body from the bullets and from each one blood leaving his body

Then many people emerged from the trees and attacked me, I jumped and opened my knee. From it a grenade like bomb exited and blow some away. I continued fighting as many of them started hitting me, I continued shooting at everyone. But some managed to get in my guard pushing me on the ground and hitting me. I Used another bomb and stood up. The fight continued, but my armor started cracking

I continued shooting making a huge blood shed around me, Many screams were heard and a lot of blood was spilling But then a spike appeared, Piercing my chest.

They managed to damage me. My body started to slow down as more spikes appeared making more holes in my armor, But no blood only sparks "NO IT CAN'T END THIS WAY." I said to myself

"It won't end this way." I said

[Emergency weapon switch]

(Shoulder) Status: damaged

Do you wish to proceed?

-- --- ------ ---- _Yes -- ---

--- ----- -- - ---_No--

-> Yes

(Shoulder) Front runner --> Necro Burst

[Weapon exchanged]

I used Necro burst as my body turned off for a few second, But it made everyone around me fall to the ground in pain, some passed out and others had blood in their ears and couldn't stand up

I looked at one of theme, He had a black mask and a business costume, He was just sitting on the ground like nothing happened... At that moment my robot jumped from the trees and landed before me, I gave it the command to grab me and bring me back to the school, before the damages dealt to me make me vulnerable

It grabbed me my the waist and jumped away from the place. My body turned off, But my robot didn't stop, It was going to do it's task. It continued moving fast through the forest and the roads, Until we got to UA it was let in by the security system.

It dropped me which woke me up for a bit. I walked in and slowly making my way to the class room Turning off and on, frequently. Until i made it to the room, My body turned off and i fell down creating a loud sound

{In the class room, 3rd person}

Aizawa was reading something to the students until a loud sound of falling metal was heard outside. "Wait here i will check it out" Aizawa said as he started walking toward the door, Upon opening he saw Viktor laying on the ground seeming unconscious and in terrible conditions

"Wait here class. There is a problem." Aizawa said as he called for some robots to get the body and bring it to the nurse, Even though She can't do anything about him, He could use one of the beds.

The nurse was confused for why they brought her a machine.

{Back to the class room}

The students were confused for what the so called problem was and they asked for explanation

Aizawa simply replied "Viktor's armor was cracked and he was unconscious." Everyone was shocked of the news, and most of the fact that he has been hurt

{Back to 1st person}

I woke up after a bit, I was like new. I was in the nursing office.

"Hello?" An old lady asked she was the nurse

"Hello..." I replied clearly confused of all the damages that just disappeared "Do you know how my damages, Were repaired?" I asked

"I saw your damages disappear really fast, They just faded away." She replied

"Probably a part of my quirk." I said as i stood up and i was totally fine. "I guess i am fine now. I will be going now." I added as i started walking toward the door

"Ok Then, Have a nice day." She replied

I walked toward My class room and entered. "You may sit." Aizawa said as he continued talking

Some looked at me in confusion, others just didn't look at me at all.

"Now that you know Why to prepare, Let me ask something." Aizawa said as he looked at me "What happened to you, to have been in such conditions?" He asked

"They used the quirk of the warp gate guy, The one that made way for the villains to attack the U. S. J." I replied as everyone looked at me in shock. "But there was someone different. He had a black mask and a business suit, He just sat there after one of my strongest attacks, Like it was nothing. While others fell unconscious, It is a weapon i avoid using on people, But i was outnumbered and already in terrible conditions. This could have been the end of the road for me."

"Do you wish to demonstrate this weapon off yours?" Aizawa asked

"If i do i can cause great damages, I can't aim it. It is just a huge burst of energy that can kill someone if they are not strong. Those who weren't strong enough there fell unconscious." I replied

"Duo to the fact that you used your quirk in self defense there won't be any punishments. But at all cost avoid using it without a good reason." Aizawa said as he started walking toward the door "Also class remember to prepare for the exams." He said as he completely left the room

"You guys will probably ask me how i got away from them. You will see once you are get to the entrance of the school." I said as we were called by Allmight to one of the training grounds

It was a plain covered in pipes, factories and walls I went with first five. Sero, Ashido, Ojiro, Midoriya and Tenya. The exercise was just a simple parkour race, To which i am good, But i have to be more worried to Sero and his quirk. He can swing from the pipes without of problem due to his quirk

It was time we were positioned. Then it was time to go, we were signaled to go, and we did

My jets provided me with a good air time and faster movements. I continued jumping around as i saw Midoriya and Sero's performance. "Not bad." I said as i continued jumping from pipe to pipe and in the end i was on a close call with sero, But i got to The platform that Allmight was standing on. "And Viktor is the winner, Thank you hero." Allmight said as he put a line on my neck.

Then we were sent off so there the others can contrinue. The already done people were free to go to the changing rooms, to change clothes.

Once everyone were done, we were free. I went straight home and thought for some more upgrades. Those villains managed to almost kill me, I need more improvements