
Vile in My Hero Academia

Once a Maverick hunter, Then a wanted Criminal. Now A Hero?

ChaoticHappiness · Video Games
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19 Chs

Good luck trying to damage me (Pt.2)

I watched the others, exams and made a strategy for the weapons.

I was with Midoriya, Ochaco and recovery girl In the monitor room. Until it was Ochaco's turn, Then Midoriya's and finally mine.

Upon getting there, before the match started

[Arsenal Check][Weapon Exchange]


(Arm) Golden right -> Popcorn demon

(Shoulder) Necro burst -> Parasite sword

(Knee) Bumpity boom -> bang away bomb

Foot weapon -> Speeder[New]

[New] The Absorber

[Weapon Exchanged successfully]

I just realized i had new things except the armor improvement.

It was time "Viktor, Practical Exam. Ready, Go!" The announcer said

I was in the middle of the city, I knew my climbing capabilities so The exam wouldn't have been hard to find, Because i can just hop over the wall. I was given 5 hand cuffs for this round. They were attached onto a rope that i tied around my neck and underneath my armpit

I detached one of them and hold it into my left hand. I started running through the city, But i was ambushed by Aizawa and Midnight, Only did she know she was useless against me. Aizawa looked at me deactivating the activatable part of my quirk, Preventing me from using my weapons. Then he tried to tie me up in his scarf, But i jumped. He managed to tie onto my leg. Once i got on the ground i did a lil dance, and started break dancing. Spinning him around the air, Until Midnight tried to stop me with her whip, She knew if she got close it would become more dangerous for her, But by any chance She somehow managed to get pulled into the tornado Aizawa was in. Her whip Got tied onto my other leg and she was dragged into it. Then i stopped letting them both fall. While they were still nauseous Because of it I carried midnight next to Aizawa and Used the handcuffs on them both

Then i got back up from my knee and started running forward

Two down, eight more to go. I grabbed another pair of handcuffs and continued running, Until i reached present mic.

"Your quirk ain't helping you here." I said as he rushed him down and put the hand cuffs.

Then i took them back and continued running, But I was ambushed once again. This time by Many clones of Ectoplasm. I Dropped a few Bombs making me a path way in which you can't determine my location. I jumped over all the clones and skipped them completely. Upon Leaving the smoke, Allmight tried to punch me, But it was already over. I Put the hand cuff in front of his fist, and he got caught.

"Nice try Allmight, But i thought i would be fighting all of you at once." I said as i continued running. The new Part of my arsenal, Surely made me more quicker.

Bullets started flying up from the sky, And the cement beneath me started to reform creating a wall around me. I aimed upward toward one of the building and a Sycle like blade appeared out of my canon, Passing through the walls and hitting Cementoss. At that moment the wall went back into the ground letting me continue. I continued until he tried the same. I jumped on the side Running on the buildings wall

Snipe tried to shoot me off, But his bullets were ineffective against me

Cementoss tried To make me stop, by creating a way forward to where i was going, But i didn't. I used his own walls to get to him and put the handcuff on him, Then i jumped to Snipe and forcefully put the handcuff on him as well then I started running on top of the buildings But the one i was standing on started to fall down. I jumped quickly and got to the other building.

"This is probably Nezu's doing." I said to myself as it continued. I still had 15 minutes

And 6 Were down. The only one that were left are Nezu, Ectoplasm, Thirteen and Power Loader

But it was already over i found the end of the wall, and the gate. I jumped down from the building and almost into the gate, Until thirteen started pulling me with her quirk I grabbed my last handcuff and ripped it in half, Throwing it to her in a way that it would lock around her arm, And with a little bit of luck, I got her, But there were more problems nezu destroyed a building and with it, He is blocking the exit. I started destroying my way out Until ectoplasm made clones and threw them all at me, He tried to immobilize by getting me to carry so much weight till i can't no more, But i used Parasite Sword destroying a huge amount of his clones, Then i punched the wall and made a hole through which i escaped.

"That was a fun match." I said as i walked away.

"That was impressive." Ectoplasm said as everyone were sent back to the school campus except those who got hardly injured They stayer in the central plaza for treatment. There Aizawa explained something about the summer camp. Those who failed expected to not go, But He revealed that everyone will go, But those who failed will have bonus lessons in the summer camp

One of my classmates, Suggested we go shopping together, The whole class. I had nothing to buy as i had nothing to need, But i agreed anyways.