
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Chp. 53. The God's 'gift'...

Marc has never thought that the thing inside him could affect him like this. He could still see what he is doing but his mind cannot seem to be able to make his body listen.


His heart burned as his mind surged with turbulent emotions as he looked for an outlet, but as he was feeling the heat within him seem to be close to consuming him, the two new assistants of his arrived in his room.


He glared at them and felt something within him beckon to take these two that arrived. His mind screamed to stop but his body did not listen, he pounced on them using his full strength that even he was surprised at how fast he moved.


"Kyaa!!" Imlis screamed as she felt the predatory glint of Marc scared her but it was too late as she and Bula were in Marc's hands I an instant.


Marc was in a daze as he brought the two into his bed and slammed them without gentleness. The two were winded as they did not understand what Drove marc into doing such an act to them


Marc growled as he pounced again first into Bula while a few roped appeared as Marc subconsciously pulled them from the Dungeon Core Inventory.


He was like a blur as he tied both Imlis and Bula to the bed and they were just getting bearings on what is happening as they realized what is happening to their new Lord.


They had seen such a similar occurrence to the Kobolds and Lizard men, sometimes in the Orc tribes too. It is totally similar on how a male acts during the mating season, their lord was in heat.


They looked at each other then they stared at the tent within the leather pants of Marc, they gulped as they knew what is going to happen to them and are worried that if they try to resist then he might feel anger towards them.


They had seen his competence and they did not want to lose the goodwill of their lord, so if they are going to be a sacrifice then they will not resist.


They just hoped their old bodies would satisfy their Lord so they let him do his instincts tells him to do.


It was at this moment that Magla and Philip arrived worried but Magla stopped a few dozen meters away from the room of their lord making Philip confused.


She sniffed the air as she seemed a bit confused, she then sniffed again for reaffirmation and made her look into Philip unsure what to say.


"Warrior Magla, is there something that you noticed? Is our Lord okay?" Philip was a bit worried as he felt that this new Master of his is a good soul that is much needed to this dark cruel world.


"Uhmm… Lord okay…. They mate." Magla still has a crude understanding of the Common tongue so she can only speak this much.


"Mate?" Philip was confused at first but then Magla made a hand gesture that was universally understood by all humanoid species.


"Ooh!! So the Lady Imlis and warrior Bula are his Lord's consorts. I should have known, but why had the master's Cockatrice brought him back with great urgency." Philip wondered as he calmed down and while he remembered the accounts of the servants that witnessed the quick actions of Tyrone.


"Umm… Master…mating." Magla said as she sniffed again and she seemed to be aroused as well.


Philip noticed this and nodded so he left accordingly then went to call the maids away from the area of the Lord's room.


Magla was in place and was struggling with something as she seemed to be called by a primal feeling within her. But her thoughts were slowly crowded by this call and slowly walked towards the room.


It was during that day the inhabitants learned of the prowess of their Lord's virility and was happy that he is already planning to make future heirs.


Unbeknownst to the Marc was not willingly doing this, but spilled milk cannot be put back into the bottle so he spilled his milk in the jars of three women.


Growls, moans, howls and even roars could be heard in the room but nobody disturbed their Lord.


Marc was silently shedding tears in his mind as he watched his body get consumed by the technique, yet he can also feel the subtle change within him as his aura flowed through his body then towards the three women and back to him refining his aura into a higher quality.


But he cannot rejoice as he was more focused on the fact that he is slowly getting a semblance of control of his body's instincts.


Yet even then he does not know how to get out of his predicament when there are three women that he assaulted yet weirdly willing to his desires.


"How the hell am I going to go about this?" Marc thought as he is now getting sober but his junior is still hard and kept ramming Magla at the moment.


His two hands were in the flowers of Imlis and Bula as he gained clarity in his eyes but they seemed to be enjoying his actions.


Years of nothing but flying his plane solo he got to vent his urges today and he seemed a bit reluctant to stop right now since he honestly felt good as well.


"Seems like a waste to stop now wouldn't it?" Marc thought as he kept humping the strangly erotic Kobold warrior.

He did find these three to be attractive sine they all have varrying degrees of milf proportioned bodies.

Magla was the strangely more attractive one with her thin waist, long legs and big boobs that were being held by a long cloth strip.

Though she is borderline furry, Marc still found her attractive in human standards.

Her fur was just a bit of a novel sensation for him but since it was a thin layer that cover Magla it was not really a problem.

'Am I a furry? Does this technically make me a furry?' Marc thought but his body still kept on pounding as he felt pleasure in doing this.

He just didn't expect that he would be doing a foursome interracial play but thinking that there was no use even if he stopped now, Marc just continued.


"Well fuck it! let's just bang the brains of these three. I still feel a lot of my stamina is still there to be used." Marc then went into creative mode as he spent the whole day doing his assistants.

'Though I still hate that god for this so called 'gift' of his.' Marc though along the process but he did also think that they were making an awful lot of noise.

But he felt only Philip's presence in the small keep of his but he did not dwell into this further.


[Dunskirk Family]

"You ignorant fool of a son!" The Duke fumed as he looked at the recently recovered Rollo.


"My husband have mercy, Rollo is but a child!" The consort of the Duke pleaded as she did not want her child to be hurt.


"A child? A child?! You still spoil this little shit even now?" The Duke looked to his consort and backhand slap her in the face as he raged.


"Mother!" Rollo said as he felt concerned for his mother.


"YOU KNEEL BACK DOWN! You have done too much already and you still went behind my back to hire Assassins?! And you even took many of the treasures in the family's Vault to pay them?! You unfilial piece of shit!" The Duke was so angry he did not hold back slapping the face of his useless son.




"*cough!*...why not father? How could I rest when a commoner wildling did this to me?!" Rollo seemed aggrieved as he said this but all he got was a boot to his stomach.


"Commoner?! A commoner?! You little...piece of...useless son! Since when did...saints become...COMMONERS!!" Duke Dunskirk hit his son on every pause as he felt so angry at how this supposed to be talent is making things harder for him.


Rollo was then seemingly shocked at what he just learned, after he woke up he did not waste time in taking treasures in the family Vault and went to the infamous Midnight Lullaby Assassins.


A rather ruthless organization spanning many different countries and has branches all over major cities.


It was coincidental his parents or anyone with authority to stop him was absent since the Duke went to plead to his main wife to help their family handle the pressure from the Royal Family.


He was bed ridden for a long time when he woke up after veing healed and found his equipment between his legs were incomplete.


He did not have time to even know much about what he really did and was in a coma for quite a long time.


But when he woke up he was filled with thoughts of revenge that he went and gave dozens of treasures their family owned to hire a SS-rank assassin to kill the person who hurt him.


He just said it was some bumpkin living in the wildlands but he did describe Marc's appearance to the Assassins.


They accepted no doubt making him think that they'll make true of their reputation of killing every target they were hired to kill.


But hearing that the person who attacked him was a Saint poured a cold tub of water into his whole body. Rollo was sprawled in the floor as he thought about it clearly and remembered the three people he considered background characters in the front of the Adventurers that time.


But he was tunnel-visioned when Marc's aura pressure locked on to him that he just realized it was Saint Pettun that went to help him and that there were Beast Lords behind the horde of monsters in the Fog.


He was arrogant and impulsive but he was not an idiot, he realized the gravity of what he has done but since he was used to bullying others he did not think clearly for a second after he woke up and only harbored revenge within his heart.


"You seem to have understood just now huh!? How the hell did I raise such a vain and arrogant fool like you?! Arghh!" The Duke was so angry he cannot think of the vast trouble that is going towards his family.


He was in a tight rope barely hanging on as he thought of ways to resolve this but if that Saint within the wildlands is alive he cannot think of a way to appease the royal family who thought it was really bad earning the ire of a powerful Saint.


Someone who was even able to overpower the famous eccentric Sage of the Five Elements.


Only if this Saint is gone then the Royal family would not have any reason to blame them if they have nothing to gain from this trip.


Realizing this fact the Duke calmed down but he still looked at the dazed pale faced son of his who was muttering incoherent words in the ground.


"I'll have to call the ancestor for help now..."