
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chp. 52 A Thought Form...

[Marc's mind space]

Marc was inside his mind as he watched himself being pushed down, it was at this moment he found himself face to face with the former owner of the Dungeon Core.

"We meet again fellow Earthling, hah… Who would have thought that we met before you even had an audience with a God? To that arrogant Fluxolas to at that, man I really want to punch that guy's face but first you must remember my words because we have very little time…" the man said towards Marc as he stared confusedly at the dark space where he can see various lights going about.

"Wh-what? Where am I?" Marc was confused as he looked around but his face was suddenly held by a force as he was made to look at the man with him.

"LISTEN! Dude we have no time, the Dungeon Core emergency measures activated when the God of Plans teleported you so I a thought split from the original owner has been activated. So please listen to me for a few moments." The man made himself the focus for Marc as he then explained what is happening.

"I do not know how you only got to be in the God of Plan's radar but it seemed you did not come here through conventional means. So right now I am making a few decisions depending on what I had deduced okay?

The Dungeon Core is in hiding for the moment so you cannot pull out some energy from it because you are not in the level of this guy yet. Also he has tried looking into your memories so I made an impromptu background story for you which I will leave a copy for you later to browse.

Also remember this, the Wildlands that you are in now is a Silence Area strong enough to hide you from the eyes of the Gods. They cannot actively search for you because they have rules they too follow.

So once you get teleported out you go back instantly to the tree house you have understand me? The Dungeon Core will also help in masking your Aura so the Gods will not be able to see you, maybe that was why he found you in the first place because you have been using your Aura blatantly in the recent months.

So refrain for that for a few more times and make sure to study a technique I have on my Private Library in the Dungeon. It is still in my private office which is now yours so do not forget… Aww shit! Of all the things he could give you!" the man curse a bit more as he saw the pink energy root itself to Marc's body.

"What is this!?" Marc was feeling a bit weird as he also felt the pain his body is feeling as this energy gets deeper into his being.

"Damn it! Why can't it just have been Gluttony or Wrath? Okay add this to things you should remember, this thing here is an essence of Lust from the Devil of said Sin.

And it seems to be giving you powers, though it is beneficial for you to gain strength you must also remember this is a double edge sword.

Belay my advice on making yourself learn the technique of hiding your presence. You must first learn the Meditation technique in the Library called Saint's Resolution Mantra, it is a Jade Green book with Buddha Carvings and Phoenix jewels on it.

It might not be able to hide your impulses but it'll ensure you are not devoured by this power of Lust. Make sure of it, he has chosen you as a Demon King Candidate my friend and things are about to get hard for you.(A/N: Hehe...for sure it'll be hard.)

You might not be able to wander in human realms especially on the Main Continent if you cannot hide your presence… Hmm… It seems he is sending you back soon, as conceited as ever Fluxolas. This is my last words for you my friend, I cannot last long since I am but a thought form.

But there is a piece of my real body within the Wildlands being held by a rather grumpy fellow. You can get it and use it to power yourself up, it is just an Eyeball which has some of my skills still locked on it and it might be of use to you." The man smiled as he looked at Marc listening intently.

"You… you're the otherworlder that made this dungeon?" Marc asked as he cannot think a bit straight from the pain.

"Not exactly my friend, I am but a thought form made for emergencies. I am the second last left and the last one will only activate if you face life threatening experiences like this. Make use of the Dungeon, because it seems that you did not have any Golden Finger when you came here but the body you were born with. But you sure are a lucky fellow…" the thought form slowly became a bit translucent as he talked while Marc is a bit dazed at the information he just heard.

"Golden Finger?" Marc asked as he as a bit of an Old Soul he does not have much knowledge in slangs used by the younger kids on his time.

"Something to get you by in this world, like the original owner who was given a Crafting System that made him one of the best transmigators in this world. That is right, there are more people from our world that gets brought here.

But they were all given talents and gifts from the get go, you on the other hand was lucky you landed on the Silenced area and lived for a few years unhindered. So Lucky you got to find you compatible ingredient hahahah!!" the man laughed as he got more blurry at the second while Marc can see his body getting sent back in slow motion in a screen within his mind space.

"Wait! What compatible Ingredient?!" Marc was confused but he felt this part was important to him as his body felt hot and flushed.

"There are gifted Physiques in the world and by far every earthling has the same rare yet also almost useless one. It is called the 'Single Ingredient Compatibility Physique', sounds simple right? But you must also find the single ingredient which you can eat or use without limit.

You'll be lucky if it was an item that can enhance the body like the Earthen Body Fruit you also luckily stumbled on hahaha! Now that I think about it, you do have a golden finger. Luck! You are by far the most luckiest man with many coincidences that made you so strong really fast.

Earthen Body Fruits can only be used by Beasts with earth attribute to strengthen their bodies and improve their Earth Aura quality. Yet you found this rare tree on your first day and even ate a lot of it when only about ten fruits are the limit to a Beast to consume.

Marc Felton you are one Lucky bastard that even I, a Thought form, feels jealous. Damn that luck would have made me win a lot of Gacha waifus if I have it.

If you want to learn more about your physique then there is a book for that in my Office as well. Farewell my fellow Earthling, till you meet another me again…" the thought form dissipated as Marc arrived back on his room in the Earthen Wall.

"Gasp!!" Marc inhaled instantly as he felt his body ache and heat up. His stomach felt like there was hot charcoals being put on it making him writhe and looked for a place to release this.

But at this moment he remembered the words of the former Earthling like him. So he stood up with difficulty and ran out to the top of the Wall, there he whistled as soon as he arrived.

"Cockle doodle doo!!" Tyrone then came running instantly to his side and saw his constipated face.

"Cracawck?!(You wanna poop so bad bruh?)" Tyrone looked weirdly at Marc but he cannot respond as the heat on him increased so he just rode the chicken and pointed towards the direction of the Tree House.

Tyrone felt that this scene was a bit similar when Marc accidentally ate a mushroom that made him have the runs for two days and thought that maybe Marc did not want to ruin his image to the thousands of minions they got right now.

So Tyrone buckled up and ran as fast as it could reaching 800km/h in speed under two seconds boosting him towards the edge of the wall, there he opened his wings and flew as fast as he could back to their home.

When Tyrone is Airborne he went faster when he is on his claws and reached at least Mach 1 in speed as it felt the grip of Marc tightening and he feared that his boss might poop on his back so he hurried and used his whole strength to get back.

It didn't take two minutes when Marc was now brought back into the Tree House which he learned he built on the Earthen Body Fruit Tree.

Tyrone then threw him into his window that led to his room but their sudden arrival also alerted the Assistants of Marc worried what might happen to their Lord.

They have been given permission by Marc to get into his room since they did not seem to know the value of the fruit to him which he thought to be something everyone might covet.

They had been getting warmer to him since he had developed a lot of policies that made the whole Dungeon World of theirs much developed and organized that they did not even fear for food anymore.

Thus they came as fast as they could when they saw Tyrone fly by in a hurry. Tyrone dissuaded them as he cawed thinking they might get hit by a lot of poop if they got in but they did not understand the poor chicken entirely so they thought that Marc was sick.

"It's okay, we have knowledge in medicine so maybe we can help." Imlis said as she and Bula seemed worried their new owner might be in danger.

Tyrone just shook his head like he was saying 'Your funeral, go ahead.'

Then left as he did not want to smell Marc's stink, Imlis and Bula were confused at this but they sent word to Magla and Philip to get some herbs in case Marc is indeed sick.

"For our Lord to be sick means that he might have ate a rather strong poisonous substance, we both know a technique to abate the dangers so let us go first Imlis." Bula did not resent Marc when he killed her Partner, she might have good feelings for the last chieftain but they were only married to produce the best heirs.

She has great respect for the decision of her late partner and that was mostly is valued by the Orcs, now she and her kind also developed deep respect to Marc and his innovative mind that settled many troubles within their world so she hurried as she ran inside with Imlis.

But as soon as they arrived they can hear deep sounding grunts and panting making them more worried so they did not hesitate to push the door open.

"Grrr!" They were suddenly stunned as they were met with reddened eyes of Marc while he was totally naked and his whole body in display as his not-so-little friend is in rage mode.

"GragH!!" Marc suddenly pounced on them making them unable to react as he pulled them into the room in a split second.

"Kyaaa!!" 2x