
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Chp. 47 More beasts arriving

"So, who's going to tell him?" Sage Bertun looked down to the triplets that seemed embarrassed by their father who still over reacted to everything related to them.


"Not me, I've had it with frogs." Pettun said as he looked at the slimy rapier in his hands. He looked at a long robe of a mage nearby and wiped it secretly while the guy was distractedly watching the fight of Marc and Sage Fen.


"That Tyrant Bear was so persistent my old bones feel tired for the first time in four decades. Aish… why did you have to call your dad of all times? Now how are we going to cool down the situation?" Bertun panted as he looked towards the two gigantic constructs fighting each other in pure destructive manner.


"I'm sorry… it was just father had been so busy handling all problematic things himself recently. So we thought that maybe he could be here to stop you from trying to recruit the new Lord Saint and instead be lured in by us. We want to have some other to help take in some pressure." The eldest of the S-ranked mages in the Witching Night, Olie Basilicus, the green haired one said coldly as she casted wind spells to push back flying monsters.


"Sister! Don't speak like that to the Sage!" the third daughter, Odi Basilicus (Blue haired), berated the oldest while she gave water healing spells to the adventurers that are getting injured.


"Hahaha, you really are feisty. You take a lot from your old man." Bertun laughed as he did not mind the blunt way of the eldest in addressing him.


"Fen is losing." Pettun said that making them look into the battle field and saw how Marc was dominating the brawl of the two large constructs.


"No way!! Dad won't lose so easily like that!" the second daughter, Ory Basilicus, the red haired one who kept spamming fire streams towards the front of the fort heard the Saint's words making her look into the field too.


There they see how Marc was able to stop their father from landing a direct hit with the two turbine parts of Cherno Alpha and while in close combat the Lava Golem is losing very badly as Marc was using Wing Chun to rain punches on Fen atop the golem.


This prevented him from making a large move as he only casted quick cast spells to parry the extra punches that were going to land on him.


"How does a Golem move like that?!" Olie was shocked as she never saw her father struggle like this before.


"It seems our friend here not only broke the solid rule of Aura not being used in spells but also modified the simplest Summon: Mud Golem into a better and flexible form… a genius wasted indeed." Bertun stroked his beard and shook his head in pity that Marc was not able to develop his Space Element.


"A real Pity…" Pettun said as he readied his rapier but he was looking eye to eye with the Marsh Poison Lord who retreated in the side watching over him.


"What a bad match…" Pettun whispered making Bertun look over to him and understood that the Beast Lord he is facing seems to be a speed type attacker. Unfortunately Beasts Lords of the Wildlands are also the best when it comes to bodily strength.


Though the Marsh Poison Lord was average in running speed, its attacking speed is one of the fastest Saint Pettun ever faced. He could keep up with the speed but the strength behind the whips of the tongues always pushes him out of balance.


Bertun on the other hand was a defensive type of Sage and has a few offensive moves in his arsenal. A walking unrelenting Assault tank like the Tyrant Bear is also a bad match up for him, they would have liked to swap enemies but it seems the two already picked them specifically.


Imelia was a bit lucky, though she is having a hard time against the Spirit Ox Lord at least it was not against the Bane of Mages the Behemoth. They were at least thankful that she took her fight a bit far away but the two who stood guard was uneasy.


And as they feared, a rumbling of the earth was heard as the ones called by the Behemoth has arrived. +B-class Earthen Bulls, B-class Bone Rams, +B-class Iron Hogs, A-class Canopy Deers, B-class Sand Tapirs and even the dangerous B-class Horny Donkeys(A-class up to S-class threat to females or any pretty person of any kind the beast fancies, a tamer once tried to translate its thoughts and the guy said their kind has a motto, "A hole is a goal".


Many reports said that starved Horny Donkeys would resort to acts of debauchery if it is desperate enough that it would assault a male or other species' females should it not quench its 'thirsts'.)


Also there are -B-class Swamp Rats, B-class Bleavers(Beavers+Leaves), +B-class Copperbaras(Capybara+Copper) as well as some A-Class Armordrillos(Armor+ Armadrillos).


But the most worrying are the four S-class Multiceratops, a Frilled Dino-like beast. Resembles a trike but has four long tusks on its lower jaw that curves towards the front as well as horns all over its armored back that is similar to an Ankylosaurus as well as the clubbed tail. Five meters tall from hoof to shoulder and twenty meters long snout to tail.


These were similar to the Tyrant Bears, who could develop into variants that are strong enough to fight against a real Beast Lord. Now Four of them lumber together and acted like personal body guards to the Behemoth.


"Well shit…" Bertun said as he saw the four giant Beasts.


"Shit indeed." Pettun sighed as he knew their hope of having the S-ranked adventurers at least delay the Tyrant Bear was null as the four S-ranked creatures would surely target them if they made a move.


There is also that fully armored Steel Back Boar of the Saint who is slowly overpowering Sage Fen. After that there were other beast that arrived which were grouping up near the Tyrant Bear, they were the ones that answered its calls.


A newly birthed beast lord is still a beast lord, and the ones that answered are mostly carnivorous beasts that is made up of bear types with some that are mostly loner type of carnivorous beast.


A-rank Boulder Bears(3m tall, 6m long bear with rocky layer of armor), +B-rank Sun Bears(Sun bears but five times bigger than the earth counter parts), -A-rank Drunk Bears(A/N:Have you ever heard of the alcoholic Kodiak Bear?), A-rank Panda Lords(Same size as the Boulder Bears but are a bunch of Body Building Pandas), A-rank Giant Bears(Looks like a normal bear and as large as an Adult Tyrant Bear), A-rank Steel Clawed Sloth Bears(a bit smaller than the Boulder Bears but have a specialized claws that are very great materials for making daggers) and a few smaller king of bears ranging from C-rank to B-rank.


There were other species of Wolves as well that formed symbiotic bonds with the bears. Meanwhile there are two other Tyrant Bears that are at S-rank present in the group and acted as the body guards of the Tyrant Bear Variant.


More and more beast are slowly grouping up as the time goes by and Bertun as well as Saint Pettun was feeling things are getting out of hand. There was never this much amount of beast that appeared in any waves before and it all happened because of one idiot talking things about killing the ones inside the wildlands.


They had also called for backup as well since they knew that it might be ugly once all the beasts that are grouping up behind really attack. Also it seems their initial target for recruitment is not so easily persuaded and could also hold out well against a veteran Sage like the Sage of Five Elements.




It was then they saw the Lava Golem Sage Fen summoned has fallen on its back as Marc had thrown the gigantic summon using a Judo throw while Sage Fen was sent back far away during the takedown.


"Dad!" Ory the red haired daughter said as she saw her father get thrown back making her sisters look over. Olie immediately casted a spell that conjured a wind whip that shot over and wrapped itself on the Sage's waist.


"What the?" Sage Fen was a bit disoriented by the sudden throw of Marc that he did not notice the small spell attaching to him as his focus was still locked unto Marc.


He looked back at who it was and saw his daughters who were still fine making him relax a bit. He felt a pull on the wind whip and let himself be brought to his daughters but a sudden shout from Odi made him perk up.


"Father Look out!" Odi the young blue haired girl was aghast as Marc was not finished. He turned the had of Cherno Alpha and shot an aura beam towards Sage Fen who was distracted by his daughters.


Marc did not care much about the family bonding of the four as he only thought in his mind that this was an enemy and a lesson need to be taught to make them finally retreat.


Sage Fen was a bit late in casting a protective spell making the barrier he made not able to hold out for long and he was hit by the residual aura that shot towards him.


"No!!" the three daughters were shocked seeing the figure of Sage Fen thrown back into the cliffs behind them and embedded on the walls after he was hit.


Marc then went to pummel the Lava Golem into pieces as it tried to get up but before it could stand up he had conjured an earthen mace using his aura and smashed it into the head of the lava golem thus breaking it into pieces.