
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chp. 48 I can stay and watch over

Just as Marc destroyed the Lava Golem did the Tyrant Bear and the Behemoth roared making the beasts behind them move in unison to replenish the dwindling number of beast besieging the fort.


"This is Bad! Imelia please retreat! Who is the commander of the Royal Spear infantry Regiment?" Bertun said in a grave tone as he saw the beasts that had gathered now are moving.


"Great Sage, it is I! I am Count Wickham, commander of the Royal Spear Regiment!" a middle aged man arrived wearing full armor while carrying a spear with intricate design.


"Tell the soldiers as well as the adventurers to go on full defensive as well as send a messenger to the nearest towns to evacuate to the nearest castle and tell the lord to prepare a lot of provisions in case things go wrong!!" Bertun looked at the commander as he gave out his orders.


"Lord Sage! I am the Lord of the nearest castle of Mogard, Baroness Diane." Diane arrived along with Lady Janice and her niece as she heard the words of the sage since the high ranked personnel were all on the parapets of the fort.


"Princess, you are here?! How are yo-argh! Forget that, so this is where you were assigned to. Never thought you would be placed in such a remote region, anyways have your castle ready in case we might need to abandon this Fort. That Dunskirk kid will really get a piece of my mind after this if I ever survive!" Bertun grumbled as he looked at the horde of beasts pressuring the defenses of the Fort.


He could see that the walls are getting strained and that the formation keeping it intact is running out on fumes. It was then Bertun and Pettun flinched as they looked at the walls seeing the disheveled face of Sage Fen.


This time they had his daughters bring him back to the parapets as Marc seemed to have stopped attacking and moved to the side of his mount where the golem he made now stood there menacingly.


"You guys are alright!" Sage Fen smiled as he bled all over looking at his daughters but the eldest Olie suddenly punched her father in the gut making the Sage keel over.


"Olie! Don't hurt dad like that!" Odi the youngest went to hug the pouting Sage Fen as he was being stared at by the angry eyes of his daughter.


"Do you know your mistake father?" Olie glared as she felt angry at how their father went to make more trouble by going into conclusions.


"Boohoo, my Olie is a meanie. Odi is still the best of all!" Sage Fen did not listen as he hugged the youngest who seemed to be innocently smiling from the compliments of her father.


"You bone head of a father!!" Ory the redhead went and smacked the back of their fathers head. "Did you not read the messaged attached to the distress signal again did you?!"


"Muh, that does not matter. You called for help so I came did I not?" Sage Fen acted meek as he crouched to the corner as his daughters glares were getting angrier at the moment.


"You totally lost us the chance to make amicable relations to another Saint father. How many times must we fail in gaining allies due to that overthinking nature of yours? We had thought we could have gotten an ally perchance since this Saint is somewhat a reasonable one but you just came and went to conclusions immediately without even looking into the note I sent you." Olie was coldly saying this as her eyes became sharper looking into the guilty face of their father.


"Olie, don't blame father. You know he just cares about us so much." Odi defended their father as she seemed to be pitying the man as she casted healing spells to stop the bleeding of his head.


"Stop healing him Odi, you know his brain is busted anyways and to think we even tried to call him here just so he could ruin our chance means that there is no point for our brain dead of a father to help any further." Ory shrugged her shoulders as she felt exhausted at the antics of their father.


Bertun and Pettun looked at their fellow Sage Fen who seemed to be like a criminal being judged. They knew of this eccentricity of Sage Fen which gained him a bit of rivals as he once beat up a guy who tried to hit on his daughters thus the family of that boy made matters hard for the Five Elements Sect.


If that was only the problem then it would not have been a big matter for the Sage to solve it but there were too many instances of this happening that many noble families were also making things hard for the Sage since some of their heirs were injured by him pretty badly because he went to conclusions many times in the past.


He was an oddball in the Sage community as he did not care much about anything but only those related to his daughters. Rumor has it that they made the Adventurer group to get away from the suffocating watchful eyes of their father but still helped out the things related to their sect from time to time.


"Sigh, Sage Fen. We were getting grounds on a truce here before you arrive but now we are going to face the real fury of the Wildlands at this rate. Though you may not have lit the fuse, you surely poured gas into the flames Haish…." Bertun shook his head as he looked over to the battle, yet he could not take action as the Tyrant Bear was watching over him.


"So the guy was the new Saint?" Sage Fen asked as he covered himself in a thin layer of water as he healed his wounds.


"He's strong isn't he?" Pettun said as he looked to the side and saw Lady Imelia arriving with a bit of a disheveled appearance.


The Spirit Ox Lord was back into the side of the Beast Lords looking intently at the foe it had just faced.


"Ha! It was hard to disengage from the fight against that bull…" Imelia panted as she looked up the top of the cliff, she felt her granddaughter returned as they shot arrows to defend from the flying beasts.


"It seems that was but a warning. What are we going to do with this situation? It seems they are totally wanting to fight and make an example of us, haish if that kid had not run his mouth then we would not have this trouble with us." Bertun caressed his beard as they were back in the plat forms that were made for them.


They were in only one as they looked over and watched the fort slowly crumbling as beast are slowly breaking it apart. Earth Mages were having a hard time repairing it as they cannot cast indefinitely since their mana is getting depleted fast.


Meanwhile Marc now stood on the side of the Beast Lords thinking of how to make these Beast Lords stop their assault while making it seem that it is their win.


He knew the words of the idiot before made the Beast Lords mad and they did not think much and though to end the humans that attacked them.


"Hmph, these outsiders really are a bit tenacious." The Tyrant Bear growled in annoyance as he looked into the fort.


"They too seek to survive, though it seems the word of that cub earlier is not the will of the leaders of these outsiders." Marc called the people in the Fort outsiders.


"Che, a cub indeed. Does not know the dangers of the wild, we'll make them realize that we are not prey they can kill easily." The Tyrant Bear said as he also translated Marc's words to the other Beast Lords.


"Hmmm, it seems they have called more of their leaders. I think that they already understood we are not prey anymore." Marc said as he can deduce that there maybe people that could come as reinforcements.


He did not feel it at all but just said as a guess, it was not hard to think about it. If they wanted to live then they need to call some to equalize the equation, maybe they can arrive in a similar way as the other.


Both him and the other Beast Lords have no idea how expensive a one-time teleportation towards a place with no gates to lock on and only a few coordinates which is not even an accurate way of arriving.


Those kind of teleportation is only meant for emergencies and since the Kingdom of Portwest has a gate in Blandge 15km south of Mogard then they can just teleport their Sages and Saints there and arrive her two hours later on a fast mount.


"It seems I need to make a wall that will stop them all from coming to our lands." Marc suggested as the other Beast Lords had thought that maybe there would be others that would arrive similar to the other guy earlier.


They were angry at the words of the guy earlier but since Marc pointed out that guy was a cub they thought it did not understand the danger of the wildlands which is true.


But they cannot also actively attack because there would be some of them that might die if the humans and other sentient beings fight back.


"The others say they will make the wall with you, but who will stay and watch over the wall to stop them from entering?" The Tyrant Bear conveyed the words of the others who thought that maybe it is time they make a move to prevent annoying pest to disturb the Wildlands.

"I can stay, I'll watch over."