
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Chp. 38 Two Sages and a Saint


"Who would have thought we will meet again so soon." Henry said as he watched over his team while his captain went down to fight too early.


"Other than us the Kingdom of Portwest was able to even call seven other A-ranked adventurer group and also brought two regiment of the Spearmen Division of the Kingdom." Pang Hu covered his face with his fan as he looked at the organized formation by the sides of the Adventurers.


"Heh, they even called a Saint and Two Sages. Quite a lineup I must say. But at least the situation is mild for now." Henry smiled in defeat as he looked at the young leader of his so energetically fighting by the gates.


"Good thing there are the two S-ranked Adventurer teams in here as well. The Kingdom sure spent lot this time hiring these groups, Dragon's Bane and Witching Night huh? I heard the latter has three S-ranked adventurers and they are all beautiful women!" Axeface said as he looked over behind where the two teams were on standby.


"Well they are veteran Adventurers, but I heard a rumor that the Dragon's Bane's leader only agreed because that guy was totally infatuated with the young princess of the Kingdom." Pang Hu covered his face with his fan as he said this in a low voice.


"That kid that was rumored to be a Genius? Heh, he's only at A-rank Wizard at best and his team only advanced because he has his S-ranked warrior butler supporting him. The rest of his members are just low quality A-ranks hired on a large paycheck by his family." Axeface snorted as he hates these kind of spoiled brats.


"Well there are also rumors that he has slaves in his group, apparently some groups saw them using those slaves as exposable fodder." Henry was looking seriously grim as he also remembered this particular young master has a very bad reputation when it comes to women.


"Must be nice being born in a Duke's family huh? I saw his records and he had done no mission beyond the scope of his family's territories. Quite predictable what kind of brat we are dealing with…" Pang Hu scoffed as he looked to the side where a B-rank rogue was hiding in the shadows listening to their conversation.


"Heh! Quite Brave of you to hide here while others are fighting down there." Axeface smiled evilly as he to noticed the Rogue.


"*Scoff*! You commoners really like running your mouths, just wait and see when the young master hears of this!" the rogue said as he knew it was useless to hide but just as he was about to turn he was held in the shoulders by Henry who seemed very angry.


Most of the High ranked adventurers watched over in case some strong monsters arrived that the C-ranked and B-ranked cannot handle down there. F-ranked to D-ranked were placed on logistics to take care of carcasses in case they pile up.


But this guy was hiding here all along not helping down there meant he thought he'll be safe under the shade of the spoiled brat. Henry did not speak but he just flung the guy towards the battle but no one paid attention as the whole place was quite chaotic.


"Would we be able to see the Saint once more?" Lady Janice sat in a room along with her friend Baroness Diane that was also participating with her Division of Soldiers of Mogard.


"Maybe, or else my niece here would not have time to say her sorry for being a brat last time!" Diane was still angry at her now not so rebellious niece who seemed to be tame and silent for the past few weeks.


"Diane, don't be harsh on her. At least she is aspiring to be his Lord Saint's disciple, though I do not remember him to be wanting one when we stayed there in his town." Janice said as she looked towards the battle field below thinking about her time with Marc.


"Whoa, you seriously fell for the guy huh? You remember most Saints are Centuries old at least right?" Diane said as she noticed her friends absent minded gaze.


"So? He seemed to be physically young, he is not like other Saints that were a bunch of old men already. He looked like he is a mature man in his prime…" Janice did not deny as she blushed thinking of Marc's light brown eyes.


"Geez, your hopeless. I'd rather get a chance to have a spar with him." Diane said as she held her Blade's handle tightly.


"Why are you so brutish Diane? You look good too you know, remember our nicknames when we were young? Most of the guys even liked you more than me, maybe you should try seducing Lord Saint too." Janice giggled as she looked at the embarrassed face of her friend.


"That's it! Auntie next time wear skimpy clothes and seduce him so when you are close you can make him accept he as his disciple! Then when you go smooch-smoo-argkh!!" The young princess suddenly perked up as she looked at her aunt with bright eyes but Diane suddenly hit her head with the scabbard of her blade.


"What the hell has my sister been teaching you!? Ya little brat!!" the Baroness was fuming as she had thought her niece had been repenting on her actions but she just realized she was thinking of ways to still become the Saint's disciple.


"Owie!! Aunti why not? Mom has been worrying you would grow old single so thus is like hitting three birds with one stone!" the young girl covered her head as she cowered behind Janice for protection.


"Three?" Janice raised her brow at the young princess' words.


"Yes, three. One Auntie will get a husband, two I can get a master and three the kingdom gets connections to the Saint!" the young girl said as she felt she was a genius.


"Hais, ya little sh*t… not everything will go just as you thought it would be. Don't forget, the Saint is still mad at what you did last time…" the baroness was tired of her niece's overly optimistic views. She knew that if she does not let go of her sheltered attitude then she will face a harsher reality in life later.


"B-but lord Saint did save me before, so he is surely a good guy and might care for me a little." The princess said confidently as she felt she was close to getting accepted as a disciple, she thought that Marc might just be testing her.


"You brat! Now I am not letting you leave my side, if you keep going about that naïve way of thinking I will send you back to my sister for her to discipline you! She has spoiled you too much!" Diane was pissed at how her niece could be such a brat at her age.


"Young Princess, your aunt is right. Please understand that if you keep at it then the less chance you will get if you keep bothering the Saint." Lady Janice was looking worried at the young girl, she is pure but too sheltered and spoiled.


One could say it will backfire on her, she sighed as her friend started a lecture on her niece while she looked to the side and saw the Three specially made platforms by the cliff side.


Though she felt that the wave this time is not as intense as the last time from the records she had read. Yet oddly she felt this vague feeling she always has that will happen before something Major will emerge during this wave.


One the three platforms sat three figures emanating heavy pressure as they watched over the battle below.


"Quite underwhelming this time isn't it?" an old tall man with very thin body said as he looked down below where the soldiers and adventurers are struggling to fight the monsters.


"I was hoping things would get interesting when even the Guardian of the Elven Forest, Hurricane Sorceress Imelia to appear within our Kingdom's matters." A small stout bearded old man said as he looked to the other platform. Behind him a young handsome fellow was standing straight silently listening to the banter of the strong people in front of him.


"Well, what can I say? My Granddaughter told me a very interesting story about a very peculiar person beyond the Wildlands, so of course I would try to at least greet this new friend we will be getting to know of, Dwarf Lord Bertun." Sage Imelia was giggling as she looked down the adventurers area but her attention was more upwards where the long ranged mages and archers are perched in footholds to be able to shoot flying beast and rain down under.


She felt her granddaughter up there, but she as looking at Pang Hu as well, because that young guy was a child of an old friend of her daughter. Thus was able to meet Clarisse, she was glad their adventurer journey had been fortuitous.