
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Chp. 37 Panicked beasts

The dungeon core slowly changed from Purple to Amber as his aura merged with it. Marc then closed his eyes as the core got smaller and smaller until it was only a size of a marble.


Marc waved his hand and a necklace appeared which costs him 50 million DP. This thing was an item in the shop that could hide the mana and aura of its wearer as the dungeon core merged with Marc and settle itself into his chest.


Marc bought the necklace as he had read earlier that this dungeon could also serve as a pseudo mana core for the owner. So even in 'Silenced' Areas he would be able to use his Aura and Mana.


Marc then waved his hand and a Throne appeared and Bacon was teleported here on top too. The large Boar was surprised as it looked at the sudden change of scenery but it relaxed when it saw Marc.


Then he went and lied down besides Marc who now sat like a King on top of the Throne. He looked down and saw that the people under the valley are now watching him with bated breath.




[Outside the Gate]


Outside the Gates the Seven Beast Lords waited for two hours and it was then the gate in front of them shone and turned from purple into Amber.


"It's him, I can smell his scent on the Aura!" the Tyrant Bear said as he looked at the reaction of the gate. Then the others also looked at each other as they too felt the familiar beastly scent of Marc.


{What is he anyways? He looks human but he feels dangerous like us?} the Emperor Lobster asked as he looked at the other Beast Lords.


{That I do not know, but it seems he has not shown any hostility towards us.} the Hill Turtle said, his kind has an ability to feel the emotions of others.


All he could feel from Marc was his sincere words when he said the down sides of they let the Wave proceed. Though it did feel an emotion similar to hunger but he did not mind it, maybe Marc was just hungry.


Thankfully the Hill Turtle did not akin that feeling to greed, or else he would not have stopped the others when Marc issued his challenge earlier. He stopped them as he thought that maybe he indeed has a plan to stop these things from happening again.


"Who cares if he is human, at least I heard from small critters he does not over hunt and that his area had a great atmosphere because he take care of the trees." The Tyrant Bear said as he sat there watching the gate change color.


{I have fought him, he does not aim to kill and only hunts what is needed. He is not like the humans outside that only kill for no reason at all, my children had even wandered to his territory. There he does not condone hunting in his nest, only had them hunt what is needed.} The Albino Ox grunted as it looked at the other Beast Lords.


{I heard from the snake as well, though we did fight him because we were hunting he did not come back invading after had issued my warning. Out of all of us, he has the least territory. And he only wanders in borders from time to time.} this time the Swamp Toad Lord croaked as it remembered the heated fight he had with Marc.


{So are we going to introduce him to that being?} the Gorilla asked as it scratched its head waiting.


{There is no need, that being only cares about no one bothering it. We can only relay words to it to prevent him from starting a battle to it.} the Hill Turtle said and then the Gate slowly shrunk until what was left was Marc riding on Bacon holding three tied up beings.


"I have prevailed…" Marc now talked in the common tongue of the natives here. He looked at the Tyrant Bear who started translating.


"… they did not expect me to go in and I was able to win easily and taking their key to the gates. They will no longer bother us for centuries to pass…" Marc said as he then picked up on tied up being with a sack on her head.


"These are my prey, I shall be taking them back to my lair. But before that I am grateful for you to have come here in case I have failed… so let me handle the rest as I will face the humans beyond the Fog to prevent them from going here too…" Marc then looked at the others that conversed.


"They said they agree, but they will wait at the edge in case the humans prove stubborn…" the Tyrant Bear licked its lips feeling that he might be able to fight to its heart content should the humans outside not agree to Marc.


"I shall take my leave then, tomorrow I shall face the outsiders…" Marc then led Bacon with the three tied up women lying silently on his lap.


"See? I did not lie, I told you they would be waiting outside." Marc said as he felt the slight trembling of Bula and Imlis. Reason he picked them is that he felt Imlis and Bula had enough voice and this Magla was a very straightforward person so she could easily make others trust her word.


Marc did not go towards the direction of his small monster town as he instead went towards the border. The Swamp Toad Lord was glad Marc was willing to face the annoying pest gathering besides his borders.


It had felt some strong presences beyond the Fog mountain and he knew that Marc might be able to help them. The Hill Turtle had been able to convince them that maybe it is time they make use of the two that would enable them to communicate the humans.


They knew that they could learn the common tongue in their level but their habitat was a 'Silenced' area and their species here have adapted to live in such precarious places.


Most monsters and demonic beast could use mana and magic but not that ones in the Wildlands. They are all pure physical fighters, thus almost everyone here have no talent in using Mana and Magic, only the innate abilities of their kind can be used.


But they are the strongest of all monsters in physical prowess wherever they go. If they wanted they could be a force to be reckoned with outside the wildlands. Yet they prefer that their home does not change or gets disturbed by outside forces.


They only thought simple, as long as no annoying pest outside gets in then they can have the young Tyrant Bear(A/N: For them he is young since the rest are older beast.) who barely passes as an equal but has the ability to communicate with the humans.


And Marc who seemed to be closer to them rather than the humans outside the Wildlands. So as Marc marched south the Swamp Toad Lord, Tyrant Bear, Behemoth and Albino Ox followed behind.


The rest returned to their respective territory as they knew that this was not time to fight for supremacy. As the others too could feel three beings sown south with similar danger like them.


Marc was still vague but they did see his fighting prowess as some of them faced him. Marc looked behind him as he somehow understood what they wanted.


"We'll be passing through my area soon, I shall leave my prey there first before I go south. This shall be only for a short moment…" Marc then urged Bacon to march ahead as he ran to his small town.


Marc had felt it earlier when he appeared from the gate, the whole Wildlands was still unsettled. Other than the Tyrants or Beast Lords, the weaker species are still panicking as they have a deep generational trauma developed into their genes.


So they became a bit crazes during this season, Marc arrived and saw his Cockatrices, Boars and monkeys fighting off slightly feral monsters. There seemed to be no casualties as only about three percent of the panicked animals passed through his small town.


He let the three tied up women down as he arrived and called for the Elder Rooster. He knew that he cannot delay for tomorrow in meeting the humans outside, though he is a bit tired he can still go for another fight if needed be.


"Take them to the guest house, do not let them out without my consent and have the smaller packs of beast in town gather the prey here. Bring them to the butcher to be processed and store them in the pantry and warehouse." Marc only said thus briefly as he guided Bacon to run full speed southwards.




"It seems the Saint inside has indeed reduced the intensity of the Wave, this is the lowest ever recorded number of Beast coming down beyond the Fog." Pang Hu said as he watched over his Scorpion Lilies as they defended the Fort from the monsters that attacked.


"It has been awfully eventful this year hasn't it?" Axeface said as he laughed on the side as they stood at the Parapets.


"Who would have thought we will meet again so soon." Henry said as he watched over his team