
Drake'd down

"Michael, the False Familiar!?"

Michael crooks a brow up at the large man riding an even larger dragon, "That's what they call me, do you need something!? Cause' I'm kinda busy." he cockily says, gesturing at the corpses around him.

If it wasn't obvious, he was taunting them. If they fought intelligently against him, then he'd stand no chance. He couldn't fly yet, and they were hovering way out of his Blink Strike range, so he needed them to get into melee range before he could do anything to them... Plus, stalling them would allow him to regain more of his mana.

"YOU!" a man who seems to be an underling of the leader starts, but he stopped as the large man waves them off.

"I am Ralf Kaliker! Commander of the Twenty-Second Unit of Albion's Dragon Knights! I have read about you, False Familiar. So I ask, Why have you decided to attack this town!?"

Michael's brows almost reach his hairline as he hears this, this guy had read about him? Even then, what was written that'd make this guy ask such a question? "If you've read about then you'd know! But I doubt those 'Oh-So-Noble-Cunts' would write anything truthful, even if it killed them!" he loudly retorts, causing a few of the dragon knights to grit their teeth at this man insulting their lords.

"If it's the Reconquista leadership that you hold a grudge against, why not attack them instead of these innocents!" Ralf asks, not understanding Michael's motivations...

Michael snorts, "These people, innocent!? They burned an innocent person to death! If they're innocent then I'm a saint." he cockily spreads his arms, "Bow down and lick my ass, for the grace of Brimir!"

Ralf scowls, as do his men who were waiting on his command to attack, "You would butcher these innocent people for a demon!?"

Michael laughs, "Fuck yeah I would! If that girl is a demon, then hell might as well be heaven! Like it matters anyway, you guys are still stuck on sucking the dick of some dead Hitler-wannabe... Ah, right, by that I mean, Brimir can suck my fat cock!" he shouts, realising they wouldn't get his reference.

Of course, this seems to finally cause a few of the Dragon Knights to lose their tempers, ordering their dragons to attack him while beginning to charge up their own spells.

The Dragon Knights numbered around twenty-five, not a huge number, but since all of these guys were mages that had dragon mounts, they were the elite of the elite when it came to Albion's army.

One dragon flies down towards Michael while another circles around nearby, ready to attack when it spots an opportunity. Their bodies were quite large, their height almost reaching the tops of the nearby buildings, so if Michael went into the more constrictive sections of the town they'd be completely unable to reach him... This didn't mean that Michael intended to do this, however.

Michael waits for the dragon as it charges him, swooping down like a reptilian hawk with its mouth wide open, ready to snatch him up in a single bite. The mage atop the dragon was also casting a spell, but he wasn't observant now knowledgable enough to determine just what that was.

Just as the dragon's about to reach him though. Michael uses Blink Strike and appears behind the rider, surprising the man as he drives his blade through his chest, and into the neck of the dragon, nailing the now-corpse there.

The dragon isn't instantly killed however, instead, becoming enraged at the sudden death of its rider and begins to flail around in a vain attempt to dislodge him.

Michael holds onto the embedded swords as the dragon flies over a couple of buildings before eventually falling. The dragon turns mid-fall however in an attempt to squash him between it and the building below...

Michael pulls the weapon out though and uses Pounce to escape as the dragon hits the building, easily crushing it beneath its weight. The dragon seems somewhat stunned by its rough landing however, allowing Michael to leap from the nearby rooftop and onto its soft underbelly.

His blade enters it, causing the great beast to give a pained roar, but it's unable to pull itself out from the building's wreckage to remove him as its wings were caught under some heavy rubble. It couldn't escape without tearing its wings off, allowing Michael to slowly drive the blade across its belly, disembowelling it as it struggle to fight back in vain.

With it now bleeding out, Michael leaps to another rooftop, only to be blasted straight right off of it with some sort of wind spell. "Ack!" he groans, already feeling the bruises start to form as he spins through the air.

He careens straight towards another building, his body crashing through a wall and flipping a couple times before he rolls to a stop... "Urrrgh..." he mutters as he slowly sits up, wondering if he could claim damage against that mage for whiplash... Only to realise that a family of peasants were staring holes at him... "Er, hi?" he awkwardly says, glancing around to see if his swords had made it into the building with him.

The answer was yes, it had, and was now embedded into the floor between the legs of who he assumes to be the father in this regular family...

"Y-you're that fuckin' elf lover." he growls, prying the sword from the ground and marching over to Michael. Raising it high and shouting "DIE!" as he tries to behead him...

Michael just slowly rolls to the side, however, his sheer agility making the man look as if he was in slow motion. He stands and sends a kick into the man's stomach, literally almost splitting him in half with it as he catches his sword out of the air. "Thanks for the assist." Michael remarks to the man's broken body as he brushes dust and splinters from his hair, all while ignoring the family's screams at their father's abrupt death.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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