
Uchiha Obito in One Piece (Paused)

An ordinary person and Obito Uchiha fought for rebirth and one of them got everything that the other had. What will the new person eventually do in the world of secrets, treasures, beautiful girls, and pirates? English is not my first language, I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Enjoy reading =) Harem. Slow update.

A_Vylet · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Family reunion and dark king's approval

Event location, Heads of the World Government; World Nobles, Mary Geoise. Gorōsei, 5 elders.

Sengoku and Kizaru stood dissatisfied in front of the five most important beings in the world government. After the news of the death of one of the heavenly dragons, they did not express bitterness as if a fly had died, but only confirmed everything that had happened and called the wife of Saint Gebbrall.

Entering the woman obediently greeted everyone and stood in front of the giants, clearly fearful of the five elders.

"Why did you call me elders?"

The one who sat closest behind the chair spoke in a rough and loud voice.

"Your husband's death has been confirmed. The chip has been annulled, and your family, for lack of heirs, will be excluded from the list of saint families.

The woman turned pale and helding back her tears immediately ran away in fear.

Sengoku and Kizaru just stood by and ignored her feelings, they didn't care at all. By order of these pigs, their hands were stained up to the elbow in the blood of innocents. She got what she deserved was the thoughts of both of them. But they didn't show it on the outside.

They knew that CP0 would eliminate the remnants of the family in the coming years after the other saints plundered everything they had.

These descendants of 19 families got worse with every generation to the dismay of the whole world. The current descendants did not know about pain, hunger, or fear. They believed that it was natural to succumb to debauchery and dark desires.

They only knew the fear of the 5 elders, and even then only sometimes.

"Repeat what you told me Kizaru." Sengoku broke the silence.

Kizaru, realizing that there was nothing to be done, began to talk again while everyone in the room listened carefully to his battle, analyzing.

Everyone immediately found a disagreement in the death of ordinary employees, but the admiral himself killed them or the criminal did not matter for them. Their lives had no price from the beginning.

"Are you sure he hit your hand without using Haki?" asked the man with the sword, bending down.

"Yes. He also has all the abilities that I listed without exaggeration. I don't think it was a devil fruit. It was something else." Kizaru replied.

"Perhaps it was his eyes. You said they changed the pattern, didn't you? Pass through solid surfaces, and ignore any attacks. We don't know what else he has up his sleeve." Sengoku joined in, hoping that the information about this enemy would be enough for Kizaru to be punished lightly. Although he already knew that it was unlikely that he would be killed or removed from army.

"He also dodged my attacks at the speed of light, as if he saw the future three seconds earlier." - lazily reminded Kizaru.

"That dodge moment is pretty interesting too." said the old man with the bald head in a hoarse voice. "What's the point of dodging when he's invulnerable? So when he makes clones or touches someone, he can also be touched as i can understand, unless it was a trap to make us think this way and make mistakes. Too bad we can't check."

"I'm more concerned about what he said about his clan. We have not found from all the records over the past 900 years about the Uchiha clan as if it did not exist. Does this mean that they are so well hidden? If yes, and he was not lying, then it's scary to imagine what kind of influence they had on history from the shadows, just like the D family." The elder with the sword leaned back against the back of the sofa and put his foot on the table in front of him, relaxing.

Everyone immediately fell silent upon hearing the hated name, Sengoku and Kizaru, not understanding, remained silent.

After sitting in silence for five minutes, as if communicating by telepathy, everyone stood up at once.

"Kizaru, as an admiral, we are obliged to punish you for not obeying and for allowing the death of one of us. Unnecessarily do not leave the headquarters while waiting for punishment. As for Obito Uchiha, we've reached a verdict."

Straightening up, Sengoku listened carefully, narrowing his eyes.

"Set a bounty on the Ghost of the Uchiha 1,420,000,000 berry. Dead or Alive. His potential is too dangerous to possess such knowledge and his power is literally beyond our understanding. He showed his anti-government attitude by killing one of the saint dragons. If he is from a clan that has been hiding for so many centuries, we must find out by all means, since they are a direct threat to the government. Report any information to us immediately. If he is found on some of the unimportant islands, call the golden snail. Any information about him or his ability should be sent to CP0 where it will be analyzed and stored."

After bowing, Sengoku came out sweating.

If what he heard was true, then this person is one of the strongest in this world, and if he lied and his clan is still alive and was somewhere nearby, then there are still a whole bunch of such people.

Hiding from the government and royal families for so many centuries? It was something unheard of. And what if they get tired of the government in one day and the Marines? One was able to kill everyone under the protection of the Admiral and leave.

What happens if 20 attacks? fifty?

Shaking his head as he walked side by side with Kizaru, Sengoku felt a new twinge of pain when he remembered that they still needed to go to each of the saint families and tell everything in person to this pigs.




"Oh I'm dead, haha!" - waking up with a smile, Usop laughed when he saw the sky around him without the sun and only stones around.

Slowly, the realization came over Usop'n as he realized what had happened and he felt himself pass out from shock and fear.

"Oh, you're finally awake!" - Returning to the dimension with a large piece of the sea king, I found Usop in a strange state.

"Nooo!! you died too! Forgive me Obito, it's because of me that you went traveling and didn't see the world!!! Who would have thought that we would meet the Admiral! Luuffyyyy!!!" Usop sobbed again, yelling curses at the sky.

Looking at him without understanding, I waited until his shock passed, deciding to tell later that he had not died. While he was yelling, cursing the world, and crying that he wouldn't see Luffy, Nami, and the others, I started cooking the meat.

Finally, Usop suddenly stopped panicking and started staring at the piece of the Sea King after smelling the divine scent.

"Wait a minute, where did you get the meat from?" He sensed that something was wrong here.

"We are currently in my dimension. It's like a private world. I saved you from the Admiral's attack by sinking his ship along the way and ran away. - frying a huge piece of meat on a homemade fire, I explained.

I was expecting a reaction from Usop, but he just sat down with a sigh.

"Does that mean you have your own world? And you fought the Admiral and got out alive and saved me from death. Yeah, that's how it is."

Looking at him, I suddenly realized that Usop was finally broken.

Watching Usop eat meat with a blank look, I felt sorry for him.

Having finished eating, we immediately went on the road leading by the strange glass ball that Usop had in the direction of the archipelago. Having decided this time not to risk the seas, we climbed over the stones. All the while, Usop face was stretched as he saw that the world was limitless. Even after four days, he still could not recover from the shock.

"Oh, we're finally here." - looking out through the spatial hole created by my eyes, I finally saw the island in the distance.

Overjoyed, Usop revived and ran forward. Having caught up with him, I stopped when I had to leave. Grabbing his shoulder, I opened my eyes.

"Kamui." - saying out loud in front of Usop, I pulled us into a whirlwind.

Transferred to the ground, we immediately went inside the Sabaody archipelago. What was remarkable was that I did not immediately realize that this island was a massive mangrove forest in the middle of the ocean. No land, just a bunch of trees around. And judging by the presence of people at the top, someone lived there. Perfect for fighting my techs.

Finally, feeling movement ahead, I recognized the white clothes and, grabbing Usop by the collar, hid behind one of the trees.

"It's been here for a whole week, and we still haven't found straw hats ... Maybe the rear admirals made a mistake?"

"Don't complain, someone from above will hear and you definitely won't get a raise." someone hissed at the first Marine.

In silence, two Marines with weapons at the ready passed by.

"How did they know?" Usop sighed sadly.

"Who cares. Let's just find your friends." - to which Usop nodded and in a hurry we ran on.

Honestly, I could have gone far ahead with chakra, but I didn't want to leave Usop. However, I decided to hide in plain sight.

"Hey Usop, watch carefully and don't be scared. It's still me." I stopped and called him.

"What are you talking about?" Usop stopped looking at me.

"Henge no Jutsu" - having folded the seals, I exploded in smoke, which immediately dispersed. Stepping forward, I looked into Usop's eyes, who broke down again.

"Of course. You can do that too, I am not surprised." - ignoring how one person turned into another, he turned around and walked on with a dead look.

Surprised by his reaction, or rather its absence, I laughed in a strange new voice. Having created the appearance of an insignificant man who would not stand out from the crowd in casual clothes without weapons, I went after Usop.

Arriving, we immediately saw all the lawlessness on a silver platter. House of the slave trade, strip clubs, and everything else that was considered forbidden.

As we walked the streets, we heard the Straw Hat Pirates recruiting pirates with bounties of over 100 million into their crew. Laughing, I didn't tell Usop about the fakes.

In fact, we had just passed "Sanji", but naturally, Usop didn't even recognize the person. Usopp went to buy something and I spotted my target.

Entering the first bar I came across, I immediately saw a beauty sitting on a chair and drinking wine. Orange long hair, slim figure, beauty one hundred percent on a ten-point scale!!!

"Oh, hey chick, I see you are all alone! Come drink with us!" - a rough voice rang out and looking away, I almost laughed out loud. Deciding to watch the performance, I sat down on one of the empty chairs.

"I'm fine as it is. I'm waiting for someone." Nami replied without even turning around and took a sip from her glass.

"Stop fucking playing slut! I'm Mogiwara Luffy!" - he did not have time to finish as an explosion of laughter was heard from the side of the tables.

Unable to contain my laughter, I laughed out loud. The pirates around me immediately stepped aside and changed tables.

"Damn he laughed at that madman who fought in this war."

"He's definitely finished, Mugivara is the son of D. Dragon ..."

Wiping my tears, I began to calm down. When I read the manga, I was funny, but seeing how such a freak calls himself Mugiwara, I laughed again. His face when he said this was so serious that I laughed again. At some point my laugh was similiar to Juan Joya Borja and everyone else also was about to laugh not knowing why.


There was a sound of a shot and lowering my head a little to the left, dodging bullet, grinning, I saw how Nami was holding the hand of the fake Nami who pulled out a gun and shot me. I realized with surprise that bullet's where so slow here. Kunai's in Obito world were much faster.

Without a word, Luffy and the rest of the fakes attacked Nami and me at the same time, yelling something about disrespect.

"Demon - Rise!" came the sound of a click and an explosion in the air.

Vines emerged from the smoke and grabbed all the fakes, squeezing them until blue faces.

"Hey, Cute don't you want a drink with me?" Usop lifted his head and smiled all over his face, clicking on his hat.

"Kyaaa, Usoooop!!!" Nami was overjoyed and hugged him as soon as she saw him.

"Finally, I've been waiting for two years for this!"

"Yes, everyone will be here today! In fact, someone already arrived before us and you won't believe who arrived first!"


"Ha!? How did you know that??" Nami pulled away in shock as she looked at Usop.

"Heh" Usop's eyes glazed over into nothingness after letting out a sigh. - "It so happened that now I began to expect any unexpected thing contrary to logic. Nothing surprises me now. By the way, about this, have you seen a strange man here with dark hair and a blue shirt?"

Looking around, Nami immediately looked at the man who laughed at the fakes who were still breathing heavily as the carnivorous plant crushed them in preparation to devour them.

"Here you are!"

"Let's get to know each other later, find the others first, let it be a surprise," I told him standing up.

Nami looked at me in surprise, but decided not to get into it and went to the other side of Usop. While shopping, we bought a variety of things, but I felt uncomfortable when I was constantly watched by Nami, who did not even know my name. Usop kept giggling as he watched with amusement.

Finally, riding around the city on a bubble bike, we met a crying Chopper.

Chopper rushed towards us with tears.

"Naaami!! Usooop!" - rushing to hug everyone began to jump for happiness. Watching their little happiness, I couldn't help but smile sadly.

In this bloody world, it is quite rare that I will be able to see such peaceful scenes.

Finally, when we left, Chopper said that Robin had been kidnapped, but they only laughed at this and Nami explained. After all, Robin has been in hiding for 20 years, what are the chances that she will be accidentally caught? After talking about the fakes, only then did Chopper finally gain the enlightenment and heightened ego that he is now famous for.

Arriving at the ship, Nami jumped off and rushed to hug Rayleigh and the others who were standing on the deck discussing something.

Everyone was ignoring me since I hid my presence except for Rayleigh who frowned looking at me.

"I know everyone here, tell me who are you? I'm Rayleigh the owner of this bar upstairs. I also have the honor of repairing this ship and processing it for two years. He smiled and held out his hand to me.

"Nice to meet you, Dark King Rayleigh. My name is Obito." I just smiled and gently shook his hand.

Reilly's hand trembled.

Raising an eyebrow, I looked at him.

"Ha ha ha, now I understand. So you're hiding your true appearance." - the smile did not leave his face, but I felt how he strained his hand, releasing my hand.

"You know about me? Did Usop tell you?" - tilting my head, I asked, focusing. Being so close to him was too dangerous, I prepared to use chakra and make a distance through Shunshin in case there was a fight.

"How long have you known Usop?"

"It's been like two years now."

"Well, since you've stopped hiding, meet my friend! It's Obito! He helped me with training last 2 years! He is super strong!" - Usop smiled on his whole face, hugging me by the shoulder, coming up without noticing the seriousness between me and Reilly.

"Obito!? Obito Uchiha!?" - Robin jumped up from the hammock with apprehension instinctively.

Frowning, I canceled the technique, returning to my true form.

"Is that why you are so surprised?" - looking at the laughing Reilly and the tense Robin, I had even more questions.

"Are you the one who fought the Admiral a few days ago?" Robin asked again.

"Yes?" - I already have a suspicion about what is going on here.

In response, Robin went somewhere silently. After a moment of awkward silence, and with Reilly chuckling, she brought the flyer. Taking it, I rolled my eyes in shock.

"14 million wow, you're cool!" Usop lifted his thumb and glanced at me and immediately congratulated me.

"No wait..." Nami grabbed the paper and started reading it as everyone surrounded her.

"One zero, two zero, three, four, five… Haaaah!?" Everyone's eyes popped out.

"Ghost of the Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, 1 BILLION 420 MILLION BERRY!?" - out of fear, Chopper fell back, raising his hooves and twitching, lost consciousness.

Looking at Usop, I saw his contemptuous chuckle and glassy eyes.

"Who would have doubted ..." - he muttered.