
Turn Into Thousand Hands Buddha Into God Valley Battle

Luo Mu crossed into the world in one piece and cut off the devil fruit that Admiral Green Bull had during the Rocks D. Xebec Era, giving him the ability to control plants, Overspeed self-healing, etc. He also has the terrifying ability to absorb the life essence of the people strong and feedback it to himself. When the Battle of the God Valley broke out, the Rocks Pirates were in danger of being overthrown as Garp, Roger, Sengoku, and Zephyr joined forces to defeat Rocks while Luo Mu stood calmly on the top of the mountain watching the battle. ----- For advance chapters: Pat - Reon . Com/Lucifer123 Thank you for supporting!

Daoist1005 · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs


The seas have vanished, and the moon and stars are no longer visible. In an instant, the colossal lion opened its bloodied mouth and chewed off a cane then massive four hooves are employed in tandem, and obstructing trees were shattered with a few slaps.

The ground trembled in anticipation of it while the trees protruded from the ground like an arm's finger. Pierced the enormous lion's body instantly and proceeded to hack at the earth without stopping and between the two, there is no winner. They continue to shake in tandem but in the flash of an eye, the entire island was riddled with holes.


The seawater gushed out of the hole! It's more than ten feet tall!

"Crazy, crazy! These two are crazy!"

"Get on the boat first! This island is going to collapse!!"

"Damn it, I didn't expect that Luo Mu could fight Shi Ji to such a level. Being a captain is more than enough..."

"Newgate, hurry up and tell the truth! Is it Luo Mu who is fighting against you?"

"Gu la la la... You see for yourself!"

Fighting is no match for the two even though Newgate and the others continued to dodge and move toward the pirate ship in the distance.

"What about the passing pirates? Numerous casualties! However, whether it is Luo Mu or Shiki. That doesn't matter! They are only now seeing each other! Only this fight!"

Sakura Ten and Dead Tree's two supremely sharp blades are wrapped in black arms dominating Shiki's hands then continued to gulp Jinbe and sliced at Luo Mu's dark red iron Liu Ying arm.

Shiki was on guard this time then left some of his might to counteract Luo Mu's darkness while Luo Mu considered it and his arms once again encircled the dark red Liu Ying, who was dominant wherein there is no fear as he grab those two razor-sharp knives.



Luo Mu and Shiki had assaulted hundreds of times with electricity and flint they approach from both sides so the conflict was indistinct between offensive and defensive, like the enormous lions and the tree world.


"The one who fights against Newgate is you!"

Shiki jumped back and asked out loud but in fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

"so what!"

Luo Mu also stepped aside.


"Then see who's overlord is more overbearing!!"

Shiki jumped high!

Color overpowering coverage from an overlord then a bright flash of blue light flashed on the body same as with Sakura Ten, who has dead wood in his palm with blue electro-optics pouring on the surface!

Immediately, Milky arrows appear.

"Are you coming!"

Luo Mu's face was indifferent.

In a pair of star eyes, there is a flash of red light!

"This is the real battle!"

He has fallen in love with the feeling and several red electric beams flickered and flickered on the bronze-colored surface of Luo Mu.

Take a step forward, and the head of a colossal lion explodes in front of your eyes. The right fist is drawn back first, and then cannonballs are fired at Shiki, who has fallen from the skies!

"Who triumphs? Who is to blame? They are unaware of the situation. They just know that they don't stop!"

"Full blow!"


Hundreds of meters away aboard a pirate ship, Newgate and others stood solemnly, their gaze fixed on the island in the distance.


In the middle of the island, the night sky was filled with thunder. A big black-purple halo appeared in the sky and then crushed to the ground then the Earth shook fiercely, and the colossal lion and hundreds of trees were blasted to dust!

And right in the eye of the storm. Luo Mu extended his arms in support of Shiki, who had fallen. The overlord hues of red and blue are continuously clashing while the sky is darkening several cloudy clouds becoming thicker.

The hue of the overlord clashed and trembled as the two wrestled. The boulders all crumbled and turn into crushed sand grains. The big lion and millions of trees are no exception, as they are reduced into powder as a result of this never-ending compulsion, and the island, which has long been plagued with holes, has been cut off by more than ten meters!


Another explosion!

On the pirate ship in the distance.

The dozens of pirates who survived by chance were still in shock and stared blankly at the island where the apocalypse had come and shouted.

"Look!! Cloud....No! The sky is cracked!"

"It's not just the sky, look at this island again, it's more than ten meters lower than just now!"

"It's so scary! Who exactly won?"

"I don't know, the center of the island is still chaotic, and I can't see anything..."

Wang Zhi pinched his long beard while dignified eyes through the frantic energy storm.

"Win or lose."

The Silver Axe on the side nodded, and while the small garbage fish can't see through it, they are the only ones who can perceive it.

Although the momentum is strong right now, neither Luo Mu nor Shiki's breath was affected significantly. It should be undetectable.

Smart John took a drink of red wine and continued to throw out fresh observations.

"It doesn't matter who wins or loses."

"Luo Mu's captain didn't run away. He has such strength before he was 20 years old. Such a monster captain will not let go."

"I believe that both of them have an understanding of their respective strengths, and they should not fight again."

"Fight again."

"That is to make you die and I live..."

Newgate was not very interested in the three and his gaze was fixed on the center of the broken island.

"Luo Mu!"

"So this is your true strength!"

After fighting Luo Mu against the overlord. He was very curious about Luo Mu's true combat power while Newgate thought he had the answers even with Shiki that it should be pretty much the same.

The energy fluctuations on the island that had been gradually quiet began to be restless again!


Advance 30 chapters are now available on Pat - Reon. Please consider supporting it so that I can continue translating.

Pat - Reon . Com/Lucifer123