
Turn Into Thousand Hands Buddha Into God Valley Battle

Luo Mu crossed into the world in one piece and cut off the devil fruit that Admiral Green Bull had during the Rocks D. Xebec Era, giving him the ability to control plants, Overspeed self-healing, etc. He also has the terrifying ability to absorb the life essence of the people strong and feedback it to himself. When the Battle of the God Valley broke out, the Rocks Pirates were in danger of being overthrown as Garp, Roger, Sengoku, and Zephyr joined forces to defeat Rocks while Luo Mu stood calmly on the top of the mountain watching the battle. ----- For advance chapters: Pat - Reon . Com/Lucifer123 Thank you for supporting!

Daoist1005 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs



Shiki gasped.

Two sharp knives are stuck in the broken ground while holding Sakura Ten, dead wood then the tall and thin body looked slightly bent.

Chopping, Lion God Valley, Lion Mighty Earth, and the all-powerful ruler are all here right now even if he needs to slow down for a time, he can do so across from him. Luo Mu appeared to be considerably more at ease.

Mumu Guo's absorption of life essence provided him a distinct advantage in physical strength.

"Tick tock..."

Luo Mu's right arm was dripping blood but soon the wound was healing at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye.


"You do have the strength of a squad leader..."

Shiki said straightly but he wasn't finished yet while Luo Mu opened his mouth.

"what do you mean."

"Admit defeat?"

Shiki inhaled a puff of smoke from the cigar he was smoking. Exaggeratedly, the corners of the lips cracked together with Luo Mu's power was much beyond his expectations, relying on the body of the lion, Shiki, who disassembled himself head-on.

"Call on the world of trees to help you battle the lion Mighty Earth."

Then there's the dominant overbearing, who has only recently been able to equalize with himself.

Taisha's combat style is perhaps a little simpler, but the coating of odd energy on his body compensates for this. Shiki was filled with admiration for Luo Mu as a result of all of this. But it was a detail that no one else saw that astonished him the most! Physical fortitude!

So far, so good. Even if his intake is not excessive, he is fatigued. Let's take another look at Luo Mu! His physical power appears to be limitless!

After several consecutive waves of skill matchups, he was still full of energy and eager to try so there is no doubt that he will be able to fight for a few more days and nights, and the few sword qi injuries he received healed in minutes.


Even in the Rocks Pirates, known for their monsters, a monster that Shiki has never seen before!

"But admit defeat?"

"These two words could not have appeared in his Shiki's dictionary!"

"His strength is far from fully revealed!"


"Young people, don't be too arrogant."

"I mean."

"The warm-up is over."

Shiki laughed strangely and put away the two sharp blades of Sakura Ten and Dead Wood then Wu shouted.

"Dong Ziwei Imperial Palace!"

The messy ground trembled again not just the ground but this time, the sea trembled and the originally calm sea immediately became rough. It was overwhelming mud and furious waves rose into the sky.

"Fifty giant lions appeared!"

"Twenty lions!"

"The other thirty are sea lions!"


Shiki said softly.


The sky is changing which seems to be telling what kind of power this blow has.

"Why are you fighting again??"

"It's this trick!!"

"Luo Mu is finished. The earth master is okay, but this sea lion is indeed a nightmare for the capable and after being wrapped by the sea lion, it will be swallowed by the earth lion! There is a dead end!!"

"But.... can push Shiki to this point. Is this Luo Mu only under twenty years old??"

Wang Zhi on the pirate ship looked at the island.

The expression is similar to that of the other small pirates. Everyone was taken aback. Even Newgate's easy look had faded, and his face had become sad because he was aware of Shiki's strength and Wang Zhi and others had to peel off the skin even if they were immortal then frowned and just drop the boat.

Luo Mu was furious with him as he determined to save Luo Mu. However, as soon as Newgate tossed the boat into the water, he spotted another flash of dreadful energy on the island, which was encircled by hundreds of massive lions!



The island, which was already in disarray, shook eerily.

This time it's not a few hundred meters but the entire island not only islands, either. Within a kilometer of the island, the sea began to vibrate as well.


The gray-black sea water seemed to be boiling and lots of blisters bubbling constantly. There are no wind and waves and the boiling seawater roared, and dozens of huge waves spewed out in a row!

"what's the situation?!"

"Is it a sea king??"

"Damn it!! Drive the boat farther away!"

The pirate ship, which was hundreds of meters away from Newgate and others, was also affected and just in the middle of the huge shock. The shattered island is buried in unending dust and rubble.


There was a loud bang.

Everyone instantly returned to the past, only to find themselves lost in the dense dust and gravel and a massive hazy shadow appears out of nowhere! midair. A strong orange-yellow light is emitted by two massive diamond-shaped strange objects.


Accompanied by a shocking whisper.

The diffused dust and gravel began to rapidly gather towards the center of the island, and the edge of the island gradually became clear.


The shadow transformed into a meteor streaking through the sky. With only a few blinks of the eye, the black shadow sat over the island, covered in unending dust and stones!


Another whistle.

The dust and gravel that gathered into a sphere were immediately blown away by the shadows, and blasted towards the ground, creating another dust mist within a time limit.

"Who can tell me what's going on here!"

"How do I know? Damn dust!"


Several hundreds of meters distant, the pirates on the boat kept swearing, and they were fascinated by the shadow that was larger than fifty gigantic lions in their hearts!

Not even a single blink of everyone's expectation, shock, and interest. The dust mist gradually evaporated and the big shadow's actual identity has been revealed!


"It is a dragon entrenched in the sky above the island!"

"Long hook nose!"

A huge wooden dragon with spines all over its body, about a hundred meters long! The two rhombus-shaped objects emitting orange light are the two huge dragon eyes of the dragon!


The terrifying wooden dragon flicked its tail at will, and a monstrous water column with a height of dozens of meters erupted on the sea!

The might of the dragon.

Everyone's eyes slowly moved up from the dragon's tail, and finally raised their necks and completely retracted the dragon into their eyes.

"Look.... on the dragon's head.... is there a person standing?!"


"The person standing on the dragon's head is Luo Mu!!"


Advance 30 chapters are now available on Pat - Reon. Please consider supporting it so that I can continue translating.

Pat - Reon . Com/Lucifer123