
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · 東方
73 Chs

033 The Republic of Heroes and Heroes

Jian Yumei witnessed the power of the submachine gun, deeply impressed. He understood the necessity of mastering such a potent weapon. In the arena of men, one cannot vie for supremacy without it. He picked up another Bergmann submachine gun, carefully examining the firearm. Its entire body emitted a brilliant black luster, the texture of solid metal reassuring. The slender barrel, capable of unleashing such a deadly fire, struck Jian Yumei as truly extraordinary.

Jian Yumei loaded the magazine with bullets, firmly pushing it onto the gun. At that moment of attachment, he felt a sense of satisfaction washing over him. Jian Yumei realized he had a natural affinity for firearms. This was one of the few things he could immerse himself in without reservation. He raised the gun, the magazine already loaded, and pressed the butt against his chest. Taking aim, he pulled the trigger.

Bullets erupted, akin to little spirits, hurtling toward their targets. As they flew through the air, Jian Yumei watched the remaining bottles shatter one by one. He smiled, feeling as if he were maneuvering through a myriad of troops and horses.

Just then, an eagle soared overhead. Jian Yumei, on a whim, aimed the submachine gun skyward and unleashed a barrage of fire. The once-soaring eagle plummeted, crashing into the nearby mountain stream. Jian Yumei smiled faintly, while Wang Laishun and his master looked on in astonishment.

"Jian, you're a natural with firearms!" exclaimed Wang Laishun.

"He's more than just adept with firearms; he's truly remarkable!" remarked the master.

"Essentially, the most useful firearms for you are these two. That's what our boss said. Of course, there are many other firearms commonly used now, such as rifles and machine guns, which I can explain to you. In case of any special circumstances, you'll be able to handle them effortlessly," said Wang Laishun.

"Look, here's an illustrated manual!" Wang Laishun produced a booklet containing images of various firearms.

"This is the Mauser rifle. Similar rifles are widely replicated domestically, produced by various factories like Hanyang Arsenal. This rifle has its advantages. Its long range makes it very useful on the battlefield. Also, take a look at this machine gun, the Maxim machine gun. It has a range of 1000 meters and uses a 250-round canvas belt, making it incredibly powerful!" explained Wang Laishun.

"Wow, that's impressive!" Jian Yumei exclaimed.

"Today has been truly eye-opening! If we ever encounter danger in the future, we'll know how to use these things!" Lin Li remarked.

"Yes, after you've learned to use these two firearms I've brought, the rest are more or less the same. I'll go into detail about these guns later, so when you encounter them in reality, you'll know how to use them!" Wang Laishun said.

"All right, thank you so much, Brother Wang!" Jian Yumei said.

Then Wang Laishun meticulously explained the specific usage of various firearms to them. Jian Yumei and Lin Li listened attentively.

"If, at some point, you need to do something significant and there are many enemies, if you're on the offensive with limited manpower, you can get these guns in advance, place them in different positions, prepare the ammunition, and load more magazines. You can take turns shooting from different positions, making the enemy think you have many people! Then bring in more guns and keep using them to attack. This can create a surprise effect! If the enemy isn't an exceptionally elite force, they generally won't withstand such an attack!" Wang Laishun said.

"If we're on the defensive, we can also prepare these weapons in advance around the defensive perimeter, load the bullets into the magazines ahead of time, and then take turns changing positions. This can have a significant impact in a short amount of time, right?" Jian Yumei asked.

"Yes, using firearms involves some military knowledge, which you'll learn. Nowadays, it's a chaotic world, with bandits and soldiers everywhere. It's best for those who roam the rivers and lakes to know as much as possible. The stronger the equipment, the better!" Wang Laishun said.

"Yes, tell us more!" Jian Yumei said.

Wang Laishun continued to explain a lot of military knowledge and many precautions to them. Wang Laishun stayed for three days. During these three days, he explained a lot of firearms and military knowledge to Jian Yumei and Lin Li in detail. Jian Yumei felt that this Wang Laishun was extraordinary.

"Brother Wang, I think you're extraordinary. You must have fought in battles before!" Jian Yumei said.

"I participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan before. That was my first time as a soldier. I was in Liu Bocheng's army in Sichuan. We fought fiercely in Sichuan at that time. It's just a pity that my mentor, Liu Bocheng, was injured during the bloody battle of Fengdu. I escorted him to Chongqing for treatment and then to Shanghai! After sending away General Liu, I've been doing firearms business with friends in Shanghai all along! I didn't expect to meet your master by chance. He happened to need some firearms to teach you, and he mentioned in his letter that he wanted me to come and teach you!" Wang Laishun said.

"Wow, General Liu Bocheng, that's a renowned hero of Sichuan. You were under his command, so you must be remarkable too!" Jian Yumei said.

"General Liu is a military god. I've always followed his teachings. At that time, after he was injured, he was treated for his eye injury at a German doctor's clinic in Chongqing. The German doctor said that using anesthesia would damage the nerves. General Liu said no anesthesia was needed. He kept biting on a towel during the operation. After the surgery, the doctor asked him how he felt. He told the doctor how many knives he had felt, shocking the German doctor, who directly said, 'You are a military god, you are amazing!' I feel that being with General Liu, I've learned a lot from him. I also hope to be as amazing as he is!" Wang Laishun said.

"Yes, at that time, if it weren't for General Cai and you starting rebellions everywhere, maybe we would still be under Yuan Shikai's rule, and we would still have to worship the emperor!" Jian Yumei said.

"Yes, when Mr. Sun Yat-sen handed over the presidency to Yuan Shikai, he never imagined that Yuan Shikai would have ambitions to become emperor. Mr. Sun didn't care about power, thinking that whoever became president would be the same. He hoped that Yuan Shikai could be a good president and make China truly powerful. At that time, Mr. Sun had already begun to study plans like railway construction himself. Unexpectedly, Yuan Shikai had ambitions to become emperor, and he assassinated Mr. Song Jiaoren, who wanted to balance him, and started to want to be emperor. Unexpectedly, Mr. Sun started a rebellion resolutely, but Mr. Sun's troops were warlords' troops and not very strong. It failed very quickly

. Yuan Shikai thought he would become emperor, but he didn't expect his student, Mr. Cai, to escape from Beijing and start a rebellion in Yunnan, ruining his dream of being emperor. I followed General Liu in starting a rebellion in Sichuan. We were extremely dangerous at that time, but General Liu's bloody battle in Fengdu shocked the whole of China. With our efforts, Yuan Shikai finally lost popular support and died!" Wang Laishun said, his eyes shining with excitement, making Jian Yumei very envious.

"You are truly people who accomplish great things!" Jian Yumei said.

"You can do it too, Brother Jian! With your skills, you can join the army and serve the country!" Wang Laishun said.

"Me? Join the army and serve the country?" Jian Yumei asked Wang Laishun.