
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Eastern
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73 Chs

034 The ancient general in front of the bed at midnight

"Enlist for the country?" Jian Yumei pondered over these words, feeling a ripple in his heart.

"Yes, indeed. Currently, Mr. Sun has established the Whampoa Military Academy in the south, aiming to truly cultivate his own army. I believe there is hope for our nation. Once Mr. Sun has formed his own army, I believe the Republic will truly flourish! I plan to enlist in the south, aiming to join the Whampoa Military Academy! Hopefully, I can contribute something to our country!" Wang Laishun expressed.

Jian Yumei looked at Wang Laishun, recalling the firm gaze of Mr. Sun he had witnessed that day, remembering his words, "The revolution has not succeeded; comrades still need to strive!"

Jian Yumei sighed.

"Why the sigh, Brother Jian? I recall in the 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms,' Liu Bei, upon seeing the imperial enlistment of heroes on the yellow scroll, sighed before engaging in conversation with Zhang Fei! Haha!" Wang Laishun joked with Jian Yumei.

"Alas, when I met Mr. Sun that day, I was still young. At the time, I saw him appear quite lonely. I didn't expect him to be so resilient in his struggle against fate. Now, he is establishing a military academy in the south, preparing to truly create an ideal Republic. Unfortunately, I cannot go, for I feel there are other things I am more eager to pursue!" Jian Yumei expressed.

"Everyone has their own aspirations. I won't force you. It's wonderful that you've met Mr. Sun! Hopefully, one day, I'll see you in the revolutionary army!" Wang Laishun said.

"I think I will support you, just in my own way. I feel that's what I should do!" Jian Yumei said.

"Very well, I look forward to it!" Wang Laishun replied.

That night, Jian Yumei found it difficult to sleep, rising under the night sky, gazing at the myriad of stars, lost in thought.

At that moment, Lin Li emerged.

"Junior Brother, it's late, why aren't you sleeping? Did your conversation with Mr. Wang during the day bring something to mind?" Lin Li inquired.

"It's nothing, I've been thinking about many things. If my father hadn't passed away, I might truly have enlisted. I also desired to achieve great deeds and aid the country and the people, alongside Mr. Sun. However, after my father's death, my feelings changed significantly. I became engrossed in those mysterious realms. Moreover, I keep seeing a strange place, a person. I feel that person is waiting for me there. I've always had that feeling!" Jian Yumei expressed.

"Could that place be another ancient tomb? Who or what awaits you there? Is it another millennium-old princess like your father?" Lin Li mused.

Jian Yumei gazed at the starry sky, lost in thought. The night sky above them was resplendent, with many constellations spanning it, as if the secrets of the earthly realm corresponded to those of the stars.

"I don't know, Senior Sister. Look at the brilliance of the night sky tonight. I feel that the experiences of mortal life are a mystery, indiscernible to anyone. Joys and sorrows seem like a dream to me! I've had many dreams. Once, on the streets of Beijing, I saw countless students speaking fervently, hoping to save the country and its people through their actions. I longed to join them! For several days, I practiced speeches similar to theirs every night, memorizing their words. My thoughts were so simple then! Later, when I met Mr. Sun, I also wished to join him, to accomplish the great task of saving the country and its people. I even got injured for Mr. Sun! But now, upon hearing that Mr. Sun has established a military academy in the south, I cannot go! I don't know why!" Jian Yumei expressed.

"Perhaps you've grown up, you have your own desires! Maybe your destiny is a mystery, and you yearn to find yourself! It's as simple as that!" Lin Li said.

"Yes, perhaps so! But I still want to go south. If I could attend the Whampoa Military Academy, I would become a general. I would relish that feeling!" Jian Yumei said.

"Alas, everything is fate, and life follows its course, unchangeable. In any case, I'm here to accompany you for the rest of my life, whether you like it or not!" Lin Li spoke softly.

"Senior Sister!" Jian Yumei suddenly felt a surge of excitement.

"Yes!" Lin Li looked at him, "What's the matter, Junior Brother?"

"I, I, thank you!" Jian Yumei said.

"Alright, you should go back to sleep now. There are many things to do tomorrow!" Lin Li said.

"Alright, let's go back!" At this moment, Jian Yumei felt a chill in the air, in this night of Mount Hua. Tonight was destined to be extraordinary and restless!

They returned to the house along the path illuminated by starlight. When Jian Yumei escorted Lin Li to her room, he said, "Goodnight, Senior Sister!"

"Goodnight, Junior Brother!" Lin Li said, yet Jian Yumei clearly saw a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

Jian Yumei smiled, approaching Senior Sister gently. At this moment, he sensed her nervousness, her chest rising and falling, making it difficult for Jian Yumei to control himself.

He took Senior Sister's hand, feeling extremely nervous. By now, Lin Li's face had turned crimson.

They held hands for a long time. "Alright, Junior Brother, you should go back now. Farewell!" Lin Li said.

"Alright, Senior Sister!" Jian Yumei felt a sense of melancholy. At this moment, Lin Li hastily turned and returned to her room. Jian Yumei, filled with melancholy, watched her retreating figure before slowly returning to his own room.

That night, the moonlight spilled into Jian Yumei's room, casting a dreamy glow. He drifted off to sleep in a daze, but soon after, he suddenly saw a figure standing before him.

He was startled but couldn't move. He found himself immobilized.

Jian Yumei saw a person standing in front of him, dressed in ancient armor. The person stood there, exuding boundless majesty, their gaze sharp, lips pressed together, as if proclaiming their authority to all.

Jian Yumei also noticed their hand resting on a sword hilt, as if ready to draw the blade at any moment.

Jian Yumei was astonished, staring at the person, who returned his gaze.

Moonlight streamed in, illuminating the person's face. Jian Yumei even noticed a hint of loneliness in their expression.

That loneliness was profound, and Jian Yumei was bewildered, feeling drowsy.

In a haze, Jian Yumei saw the person standing there, motionless, for a long time. It seemed like they let out a sigh.

Jian Yumei felt a bit startled but was also very tired. In such a state

, he drifted off to sleep once more.

The next morning, Jian Yumei woke up, immediately recalling the dream from the night before!

He hurriedly looked around the room, but there was nothing. The sun was shining in, and the white moonlight from last night seemed like a memory.

Jian Yumei couldn't believe his eyes.

Had someone truly visited last night? Who was that person, and what was their purpose in coming here? Jian Yumei murmured to himself, although his master had mentioned that his martial arts were improving, and he could see more things in his meditation, suddenly encountering such an ancient figure directly in front of him, in the middle of the night, still left him shocked!

However, at that moment, he suddenly noticed something on the table in his room!

Jian Yumei got up and walked over. He saw a piece of jade, clearly not a modern artifact. The jade looked exquisite and translucent, undoubtedly an antique!

Jian Yumei was startled. He remembered the person he had seen last night!

Could it be that person who left it behind? Had someone truly visited last night?

Jian Yumei picked up the jade, feeling its warmth. It was truly an ancient piece of jade! He saw two seal characters engraved on the jade, clearly reading "Zi'er."

"Zi'er!" Jian Yumei murmured.