
Travelled through time (Reincarnation of the princess in modern world)

A princess whose whole life was surrounded around the idea of being a proper lady and a kind princess for the kingdom was suddenly given the opportunity to travel through the time to enter the modern world...but the modern world was a bit different from our world. Will she be able to live the life she desires and gain her freedom or will she lose her sanity and fall deeper into the abyss of loneliness and pain created by her own? "It doesn't matter what he did it's your duty to take everything he does and tolerate what he does!" "I do not wish to have the same relationship as yours and my fathers!"

Artemis4u · ファンタジー
9 Chs

answers (ch- 5)

"and why should I tell you?~ what is in it for me, princess?" Said Raphael teasing but still in serious way

Amaris kept fuming and glaring at him, trying her best not to kill him when suddenly Ruri popped in between to stop the growing tension in air

"Well..can you please tell us about it? It's really important for us...please? We will help you in future if you need any assistance!" Said Ruri making a pleading gesture

"Hm..I like the sound of it~" he looked at Amaris and said, "this is how you ask for it. Well since a cutie asked me so sweetly I am willing to tell it to you..but! Only if you tell me why you guys wanna know about it so badly"

"Well ...as you can see the painting hanging in the wall shows I have a royal 'twin' so I felt excited to know you also have a 'twin' cause I really wanna know about the truth behind all this that's why I wanna know where you found the painting of yours .." Amaris said this time in a serious tone, setting aside her bitterness for Raphael

"I guess since we both are on the same page....I can tell it to you. Yesterday I was helping sir Gabriel to move some boxes of books to the library when suddenly a guy bumped into me and made me lose my balance which made me drop all the books. While picking up the books a painting in small paper dropped out revealing my face...well! That's why I am here to know more about it" said Raphael moving from one aisle to different aisle

"Hm...that means we are close to the truth! All we have to do is find the book that it fell out of, right?!" Said Amaris enthusiastically

"Yes but there is a teeny tiny problem...we can't be sure if the book is here cause some of the books from the cartoon were supposed to be donated to an orphanage. Which means that the book we may searching for may not be here since those book has already been taken away...haha..." Raphael said awkwardly laughing ignoring Amaris galre

"What?! How is that a tiny problem?! You're saying what we may be looking for may not be here! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Amaris Bursted out with anger

"Calm down Mary...think positive. I mean we weren't even sure if there were any clue here but we still came so now there is a bit hope that there may be clue so why not try to think positive? And even if we don't find the book we will still find a way!" Said Ruri assuring her

"You're right...I am sorry I don't know what happened to me suddenly...I have been acting irrationally. Let's go find them!"

"Hm..found it!" Said Raphael swaying a book towards them

"Oh how ..when-"

"When you two were having your emotional moment there I was going through the register checking about the recent books that were registered and I found the book that we were looking for. Thankfully the title of the book was literally "royal families from past" so it was no bother" said Raphael and walked towards a seat

"Wait wait how did you get access to the register?!" Asked Ruri

"I just needed to use my charms and the lady became head over hills for me~ technically because I was the vice president of student council too" said Raphael flaunting his looks

Amaris walked over to the seat with Ruri and Opened the books saying, "don't bother Ruri...he is just gonna mess around. Let's get it done with as quickly as possible"

All of them sat and looked at the books from generation to generation when suddenly they landed on the history of kingdom Walferia and kingdom volvet. There was painting of both familiesn

Ruri begun to read the paragraph below, "This is the painting of the royal family of aligned kingdoms Walferia and volvet. Both kingdom were prosperous and to deepen the relationship between the kingdom, they arranged a marriage between their children. After their marriage the kingdom Flourished for a long period until..."

"Until?" Asked Amaris indicating ruri to read further. Raphael also listened to ruri with interest

"...the next page is torn so we don't know the details" said Ruri

"What?! Ugh...why do people tear the books?! They deserve life sentence in prison" said Amaris and stood up with frustration..

"Wait..." Realization sink into Amaris "you're saying we- I mean they married each other?! That's not possible ..."

"How is that not possible?" Asked Raphael

"Uhm... nothing " Amaris said changing the topic and lost in her thoughts

"I think we should tell him about it, Mary" said Ruri as she frowed realizing something

"No way...this does not concern him at all! And even if it did we can't risk it all and tell him" said Amaris opposing the idea as she looked at the confusion in Raphael face

"Tell me what?" Asked Raphael

Ruri ignored Raphael and focused on Amaris "Mary...in that picture it's not you...but my lady"

"Huh? What...?" Asked Amaris as she focused on the painting. She looked carefully for a while and noticed a mole in her neck that only another Amaris has..

"Oh..wow..but that still doesn't mean we should tell him about all of this"

"I think he might be able to help us, Mary! I don't think any of this is a coincidence at all ... Everything is a no coincidence here cause think about it. You enrolling in the same school as him where somehow out of everyone he was the one to find the painting and end up with us here and I don't think I need to mention the relationship between my lady and him which I suppose is the same as yours and your...fiance? To be honest I don't think the guy who bumped into him was innocent either.. I think he did it on purpose for him to lead the way to us" said Ruri as she walked towards a book aisle and took out a book to reveal a boy listening to their conversation

"... Ruri.." Amaris was about to say something when suddenly Raphael stood up a bit shocked

"You are the guy who bumped into me...why are you listening to our conversation?!" said Raphael and grabbed the boy from his collar

Amaris stood up shocked and speechless...

"Before you all say something I have to say...yes she is correct but I don't have any bad intention I can explain myself!" Said the boy with a squeaky voice

"Fine!" All three of them said in unison

"She is correct about her theories and I have the answer to your questions..."