
Travelled through time (Reincarnation of the princess in modern world)

A princess whose whole life was surrounded around the idea of being a proper lady and a kind princess for the kingdom was suddenly given the opportunity to travel through the time to enter the modern world...but the modern world was a bit different from our world. Will she be able to live the life she desires and gain her freedom or will she lose her sanity and fall deeper into the abyss of loneliness and pain created by her own? "It doesn't matter what he did it's your duty to take everything he does and tolerate what he does!" "I do not wish to have the same relationship as yours and my fathers!"

Artemis4u · Fantasy
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9 Chs

mysteries about past

"geez ...what's the fuss about, princess? It's like you saw a ghost" said Raphael with a surprised face at her screaming. Amaris was about to say something when suddenly she was interrupted by the teacher.

Soon everyone sat on their seat and focused on the teaching. Amaris was literally panicking from inside. Lots of questions were going through her head. She kept taking a glance over Raphael each and every few minutes.

Finally after a while the classes ended and it was time for lunch break. Amaris grabbed ruri quickly and took her to the school garden

"What's the hurry for,Mary" asked ruri as she tried to catch her breath from running all the way up here.

"Ruri! I just saw him...but how? And why?! He was the reason ...no..it can't happen!" Amaris was literally panicking. Ruri hugged Amaris to calm her down

"Mary...it's fine! It's fine...I am here ..we will figure it out, okay? He can't do anything to you as long as I am here...look in my eyes" Ruri held Amaris face and made her look at her eyes, " as long as I am here ...I will always protect you from every damage the world gives you,okay? So take a long breath and let it out"

Amaris did as Ruri said and managed to calm her down after a few long breaths. She calmed herself and said with determination, "you're right! I can't let such small thing affect me...I have promised myself this time to be brave and choose a better life for myself. I can't cower up like this...I will go talk to him!"

Ruri seemed surprised and said being concerned, "I know I told you to figure it out but not this fast...are you sure you're ready? I mean...there is no pressure on you to meet him but if you really wanna do it then you should do it. So, are you sure?"

Amaris nodded with a soft smile and said,"yes Ruri, I am sure I want to do this...I have ran away from my problem for long enough. This time I have the chance to do what I like and I am not gonna cower up...this might also help solve the mystery about whether our worlds are connected or not"

"Oh! Ya...I totally did not forget about that..hehe.." Ruri said looking away and saw Raphael flirting with other ladies. "Oh look! Speak of the devil" said ruri as she pointed towards Raphael

"Oh wow...he is .. flirting? That's new ...I will go talk to him" said Amaris as she walked towards Raphael with full speed.

"Aww...you ladies are such sweethearts~" said Raphael to the ladies when suddenly Amaris came and pulled Raphael out of the crowd and started taking him to somewhere quiet and where no one could see them except for Ruri

"Woah there~ princess, why are you so feisty today? Don't tell me you're jealous of me hanging out with other women. Aww don't be~ what can I do when I have got such beautiful charms...I have to spend it on such beautiful ladies otherwise the gods will punish me for not pleasing the ladies" just like that Raphael continued yapping about his looks and BLA BLA BLA

"Shut your mouth please...I don't need to hear all this and since when did you believe in god? Weren't you an atheist...?" Asked Amaris when they finally found a quiet place

"Hm... princess, are you sure you're okay?" Said Raphael and put his hands on Amaris to check her temperature.

Amaris slapped his hands away and said, "please refrain from touching me...also what are YOU doing here? Did you meet the spirit too?"

Raphael remained silent for a while and said,"Are you sure you're okay? Cause I am genuinely concerned...what spirit are you talking about? Even in the morning you were talking about being some princess and all"

"Wait ...you don't...you don't remember me?" Asked Amaris finally connecting some dots

"Of course I do! You're the daughter of lady carmilla and sir Antonio, one of the biggest people in business empire...and you're my childhood sweetheart who couldn't stop swooning over me when we were little kids" said Raphael

"...ah I see.. wait I was swooning over YOU?! Wow...she really has got the worst taste in guy" Amaris said as she blankly stared at the ground "but how did you hear about me calling myself princess? Because I am sure there were no one for miles and I was whispering on top of that"

"Hm...that accident must have really made you dumb dumb ...did you forget that I have the power to hear from miles away...also why did you bring me alone in here? I would have thought you wanted to take advantage of me but I don't think you're an exhibitionist to bring your maid to spy on us in the middle of having fun" said Raphael making a serious expression for the first time in here

"Huh?..how did you know? Or when did you found out?!" Asked Amaris being surprised

"Well... It would be hard not to notice her when you keep glancing at her mid Convo and how she kept mumbling to kill me if I harmed you" said Raphael "so what's the real problem here? Cause I know there is something up with you...you seem different than usual, princess"

"Hm..now that my work here is done I am leaving so just forget everything that ever happened and also erase me from your memory and never talk to me ever again" said Amaris and quickly walked away leaving Raphael to be confused on what just happened

Ruri came to her running and asked her, "what happened? Did he tell you what happened?..."

"Well ...he did tell me but he is not he same man I knew.. meaning he is not from where I came from but ...there still is some connection cause the fact he exist in this world where he has the exact features and name explains that it's not a coincidence...also I can't believe your lady used to swoon over a person like him ..." Said Amaris connecting the dots and also cringing at the thought of her liking that jerk

"Huh..? What...oh! No no you got it all wrong! It's true that my lady did like him but it was back when they were I think 9 or something...but something happened and the lady stopped talking with him and started despising his very existence " said Ruri remembering everything she knew but she had no clear idea of what had happened cause everytime she asked, her lady would either get angry or dismiss her

"I knew that there would be no universe where I would have any feelings for him...ugh, gives me the chills" said Amaris she began walking towards the class with Ruri

"Hm...Mary, you said this palace is in the same layout as your old one, didn't you? If so then why don't we go to library to find more about this academy?"

"You're...right! That could help us get to the bottom of this! You're so smart Ruri! We need to find the library soon" said Amaris and began to walk to find the library

"That's...just common sense but who am I to deny some complement also the library is in the other way" said Ruri and pulled Amaris

"Oh Ruri...you're a knight in shining armor at this point" said Amaris as she embarrassingly walked forward. After walking for a while they got lost.

"Hm..I could have sworn I saw it here few moments ago ..." Said Ruri pointing at the wall where she saw library door few moments ago

"That's weird... Nothing but a big wall is in here. Are you sure you saw it here?" Asked Amaris as she looked around to find no door

"...I don't know anymore" said Ruri being a bit dejected but suddenly Raphael popped out of nowhere

"What are you gals doing out here all alone?"

"Ah!! Wtf dude?!!..." Ruri exclaimed being surprised from the sudden appearance of Raphael

"Didn't I just told you to act like you don't know me before?..." Asked Amaris glaring at him

"Geez what a warm welcome for me... whatever I am just here for the library"

"Huh? But...there are no library here" said Ruri looking around being confused.

"What a cutie you are~ unlike miss 'glaring till he leaves me alone' here... anyways I should give you two a tour since you are new here..." Said Raphael and took out his ID and presses it on the wall making for a door to open up

"Wow...it's magical Like the tales of Alibaba and the thieves" exclaimed Ruri being surprised and amazed while Amaris just rolled her eyes at him.

"Well...why don't we start our tour from here? Come on in I will give you a tour of library and help you find the books you want" said Raphael as he opened the door and walked in

"Woah...it's really big..." Said Ruri being surprised at how big the library was meanwhile Amaris just stared at the library and moved in

"So what books are you two looking for? Some fantasy romance?" Asked Raphael as he looked through few books on the shelf

"Ah no! Actually we are looking for the history of this academy...and the royal family" said Ruri

"Hm ...I was also looking for that to...well there is an aisle dedicated to history of this academy come follow me" said Raphael as he walked forward into the book shelves. "Why are you guys so interested on it?"

"I could ask you the same" said Amaris being a bit suspicious of him

"Hm I was just looking for it for ...study purposes" said Raphael looking away. Amaris just stared at him being more suspicious when suddenly Ruri pulled Amaris sleeve as she looked at a direction with open wide eyes

"Hm? What's wrong? Why are- oh..." Said Amaris as she looked at a painting in the wall. It was of royal family...to be specific it was the picture of Ruri and her real birth mother and father. Beneath that painting was written Solphial family, ruler of Walferia kingdom.

"Wow...so you also have a twin royal sister..." Said Raphael surprised and enthusiastic

"What do you mean also?" Asked Amaris. To reply to Amaris's question he pulled out a painting from his picture where there was the painting of his royal family

"...where did you find it?" Asked Amaris but Raphael remained silent. After a long pause he said...