
Travelled through time (Reincarnation of the princess in modern world)

A princess whose whole life was surrounded around the idea of being a proper lady and a kind princess for the kingdom was suddenly given the opportunity to travel through the time to enter the modern world...but the modern world was a bit different from our world. Will she be able to live the life she desires and gain her freedom or will she lose her sanity and fall deeper into the abyss of loneliness and pain created by her own? "It doesn't matter what he did it's your duty to take everything he does and tolerate what he does!" "I do not wish to have the same relationship as yours and my fathers!"

Artemis4u · Fantasy
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10 Chs

vision of spirit (ch-6)

"...well why don't you first tell him about the whole thing. I think he of all people should know about this whole situation you are in..." Said that guy

"First of all you should introduce yourself, it's a common thing to do and second of all why should I? I don't believe in this 'fate' thing with him!" Amaris said in a rude way but when she realized it she quickly apologized, "please forgive my harsh words but this is all a bit strange"

"Not as strange as the whole situation..." Said Ruri as she looked at the whole situation.

"Ah yes...sorry for my manners! My name is Lucas Minthes and I am a ... sorcerer. Like miss Ruri said the whole situation is weird so you shouldn't be surprised because the upcoming time is gonna be more surprising. You may or may not believe in fate but trust me ...no matter how much deny each other's presence you are bound to be with each other."

"This is all confusing! I am still in the room, are you guys gonna tell me or not?!" Raphael said in frustration

"How can we trust you?!" Asked Ruri glaring at him

"She is right. We are not in the situation to believe a random stranger who comes and tell us how my fate is supposed to go." Said Amaris as she circled the guy

"I know you guys have a lots of questions going through your head-"

"It would be either naive or dumb of us to not question the situation we are trapped in" said Ruri

"Well...would you believe me if I told you I know the 'spirit' who gave you a second chance?" Said Lucas staring directly at Amaris eyes, watching her face change from confusion to shock

"How-?! Forget it...I won't ask how but tell me who is the 'spirit' and how you relate to him?" Said Amaris putting up her guard

"Well.. the 'spirit' who gave you a chance is actually my master." Said Lucas as he fixed himself in a position to use magic

"Wait- stop whatever you are doing!" Warned Raphael as he put himself in fighting position. Seeing him the other two also stood in an alert position

"Don't worry I am just trying to show you guys the spirit by using 'vision' ." Said Lucas trying to calm them, seeing how the situation got a bit better he used his magic called 'vision' and the walled turned into a scenery of a place. The only way to describe the place was a deep darkness, the place was covered by some big trunks and roots which could barely be noticed because of the darkness, far from the place there was a tiny spark. Lucas used his powers again to zoom towards it revealing it to be

"It's the spirit! But...why is it..trapped?" Asked Amaris with a concerned look

"Looks like you are willing to trust me now. We will talk about that after you tell Raphael about everything that is happening...from the start" said Lucas as he closed the 'vision'

"Fine...if that is what must be done to get my answers I'm willing to do so" said Amaris with a long sigh "you, you might need to sit down for this" said Amaris as she begun to tell her whole story from the day she was betrothed and the day she got her to today

Raphael was stunned for a while as he tried to absorbed everything. "You mean to say you were betrothed to me? What a life~" said Raphael after processing everything

Amaris threw a book at him angrily but Raphael dodges and says, "you know for someone who claimed that all the people who mistreats books must be punished you are doing the same wait!- oh...you wanna be punished~ is kitten whiskers waiting for daddy to punish her?~" with a smug face

Both Lucas and Ruri cringed right there, killing themselves in their mind while Amaris just shouted, "I am not a kitten and you're not my dad!"

"I..that's ...that's not I meant" Raphael said in a embarrassed tone seeing how she didn't understand what he meant

"Anyways back to the story...yes, my master, 'spirit' is trapped and I need your help." Said Lucas with a serious face

"But..why us? And how can we help that divine being?" Asked Amaris and the other two nodded their head

"Well ...you see it has been months since master has gone missing, at first I thought he was just busy being his usual self but...lately past few weeks I have been starting to get dream about master where he is trapped...so I used my vision to communicate with him only to find him trapped. Usually I would be able to locate him but he is in serious trouble this time..."

"That still doesn't answer our questions" said Ruri

"Yes well...to look for master's whereabouts I searched his office to find... pictures and notes about you three...and other two person. It all connects to you all so I thought maybe with all your help we could find him and in return he could answer all your doubts..." Said Lucas calculating the situation

"What? Is your master a pervert to collect picture of minors?!" Said Raphael jokingly

Lucas glared at Raphael and said, "if you dare insult my master again I'll make sure you won't have any voice to ever speak again"

"Just forget him Lucas...he is well...weak in the head but what you said does seem okay...if I can get the answer then maybe...maybe I can finally be free." Said Amaris

"If I can get answers then maybe...I will know what happened with my lady" said Ruri

"If I can get answers then maybe...I can satisfy my curiosity" said Raphael being unserious

"Yes...but now we have to meet with the other two who can help us along the way." Said Lucas as he used the library card and opened the door, indicating everyone to follow him.

As they all followed him ruri asked, "such a weird thing...even when we were all there no one else came"

"Oh cause I disabled for them to Enter...and I also sent the librarian away so we could have some privacy. No one but us and the other two can know about this" said Lucas as they managed to enter a classroom with a girl students in it. She was laying on the desk alone but when she heard others she quickly jolt up and looked the other way

"We must befriend her before telling her" said Lucas in a low tone

"But that's such a hassle! Don't get me wrong I would love to befriend others but...we may not have enough time" said Amaris

"No. We must take it slow with every step not everyone can be as accepting as you guys. She might freak out and all tell others which is the last thing anyone of us want." Said Lucas as he moved forward

Raphael overtook him as he whispered, "well~ I would love to be in the company of a pretty lady~"

"Ugh...there he goes again" said Amaris rolling her eyes at him

"Aww are you jealous?" Asked Lucas teasing her but she just dismissed him by saying "as if!"

They all moved towards her as the lady got nervous and stood still as if she committed a crime

"Do you guys want .. anything?" Asked the lady as she looked at everyone one by one

"Yes ..we were looking for a pretty lady and here you are~" said Raphael with a smug face

Amaris just elbowed him and said, "um ...we were hoping to be friends with you..can we?"

"Huh?...isn't it a better thing to introduce yourself first. Asking to be friends out of blue ..you all must be after something" said the lady being suspicious of them

"No no! We just...let us introduce ourselves. I am Lucas, the lady who asked you to be friends is Amaris, beside her is Ruri and the ... condescending player there is Raphael " said Lucas with a sigh as Raphael just glared at him

"I am nova lucieth and though I think you all are suspicious I don't mind being your friend..." Said the lady as she gave a relaxing sigh

"Nice to meet you nova! Why were you sitting alone ..?" Asked Ruri showing a bit sympathy

"Oh don't misunderstand! I just didn't wanted to be with the crowd so I just thought to stay here.." said nova hiding something

"I know we are not close but you can always count on us!" Said Ruri with a gleeful smile

"Ah no it's fine...if it doesn't trouble you guys can I ask a favor?"

Everyone turned their attention on nova thinking it's a great opportunity. They all said in unison, "sure!"

"Uhm...weird but.. anyway ignoring that I want you guys-"