
Traveling in anime worlds as Crimson Abyss

Summary: A young man happen to be step into portal that appear out of nowhere and meet God. The God is bored so he wanted to send someone to another world and recently he also happened to be watch some yuri anime and wanted to send a woman. But the young man is appear from the random portal that he set. So, the god changed his gender to a woman without letting him known. Now, the young man become the young girl that his favorite game character. As an apologies the god give her traveling system to anime worlds. Will she going to get all the anime girls as she please? [Note] - English is not my first language. - This novel is the first novel that I write. So, don’t be excepting to be amazingly good. I'm writing this for fun. - I will try my best to write it. So please have some mercy in comments. - I would be grateful if you guys give me some advices. - I will try to release at least 1 chapters/week. - Word counts are 1000 or more/chapter. - No NTR, No Rape even before MC met with her lovers. MC will get girls easily. Sometime there will be super fast affection. (Saeko will be fastest one to get) - R18 chapters will mark with ‘R’ you can skip them if you want as they will be the whole chapter. Tag: Gender bend, Yuri, Action, Adventure, Fan-fiction, Anime, harem, Futa(with magic), R-18, World Traveling, incest, [Worlds] - High school of the dead - Nier Automata - Cross Ange - (undecided yet)

Yuri_lover12 · アニメ·コミックス
68 Chs

Chapter 45 Python inside the Strange Temple and cute Lucia

In the heart of the enigmatic forest, the landscape echoed the familiar traits of a typical woodland, albeit draped in a unique darkness. The trees and leaves boasted a richer hue than the usual, while above, a somber sky stretched out, its veil of dense clouds seemingly suspended, as though held captive by an enchanting spell. Nevertheless, a delicate luminosity lingered in the depths of the forest, providing a soft radiance, though not in excess.


A gray wolf, its fur colored in shades of ash, with three eyes and two tails, leaped towards Lucia. Swiftly, Lucia delivered a powerful punch to the wolf's head, causing it to shatter into pieces, its body sent flying to a distant spot.

'How many times is it now?' Lucia pondered.

It had only been a few minutes since they entered the forest, and mutant animals relentlessly charged at them. These creatures possessed formidable strength, easily annihilating medium or small bipeds. In terms of brute force alone, they could even take down Goliath-type bipeds with just a few attacks.

This was precisely why machine life forms couldn't venture into the forest. Although powerful, these creatures posed no threat to Lucia and Esdeath. Lucia glanced at Esdeath, witnessing her effortlessly slicing through wolves with a sword made of ice.

Esdeath moved with lethal grace, the air thick with an otherworldly tension. The ground echoed with the crunch of fallen leaves and the distant howls of mutant animals. Her light-blue eyes gleamed with macabre delight as she engaged in a deadly dance, painting the air with arcs of ice energy. Mutant animals lunged at them, their grotesque forms no match for the undead queen. Esdeath reveled in the carnage, every strike accompanied by a maniacal gleam.

After Esdeath had dispatched all the wolves, she strolled over to one of the corpses and nonchalantly picked up the wolf's brain with her bare hands, a smile playing on her lips as though it were a mere ingredient for cooking.


'She's truly savoring this experience,' Lucia thought, shaking her head with a smile. 

(Esdeath POV)

It's been a while since I've seen blood and flesh, a nostalgic return to my homeworld. Fighting Machine life forms lacks the visceral satisfaction of battling foes with flesh. It's quite dull.

I glance at my wife, and her tender smile warms me. Lucia's smiles are like gentle, cold winds brushing against me in the heat of summer. Undoubtedly, my wife is stunningly beautiful, and I consider myself fortunate to have her in my life.

To savor the moment, I pick up the torn arm of the wolf and take a bite. The taste is a burst of freshness and flavor, with a crisp exterior giving way to a succulent, juicy core. Each bite dances between sweet and savory notes, the natural juices mingling with a rich sauce, creating a texture that is both crispy and tender.

Fresh meat is a welcome change. Unlike the human flesh from my world, this wolf's flesh is surprisingly good, ranging in quality from ordinary to high-end food. However, my preference still leans towards the dishes cooked by my sisters or Lucia.

After a few more bites, I toss the remainder to the ground and turn to my wife, who has approached me. 

"What does it taste like?" Lucia inquired with a smile, seemingly amused by my actions. She began to delicately clean my bloody lips with a handkerchief pulled from the folds of a golden ripple.

"It's quite tasty, but it doesn't compare to your cooking or that of my sisters," I replied with a smile.

Lucia's joy was evident as she heard my response, and she pecked my lips. After a few more kisses, we found ourselves in an intense kissing session for a while. My body warmed with desire, but Lucia and I both knew it wasn't suitable to go further here—not due to danger, but the inconvenience of the surroundings. 

Animals could appear at any moment, and we might not have the opportunity to complete our intimate moment. We reluctantly parted ways after a few more rounds of kissing.

"Shall we continue?" Lucia asked, and I nodded. Together, we ventured deeper into the forest, and the corpses behind us seemed to vanish into thin air, as if Lucia had stowed them away in her inventory, ready to be sold or cooked later.


(General POV)

Lucia and Esdeath continued their journey toward the center of the forest. Along the way, they encountered giant ants, wild boars, and occasionally, large deer. Ordinarily, deer are non-aggressive creatures, quick to flee from humans or hunters at the slightest sound. However, the deer in this forest differed significantly from their normal counterparts.

Here, the deer didn't scatter but instead charged towards Lucia and Esdeath. Moreover, they exhibited unusual body features not commonly found in regular deer. Their legs' muscles were notably stronger, raising questions about whether these adaptations were a response to the world's influence on self-defense or perhaps the presence of maso energies flowing through the realm.

Of course, such dangers posed no threat to Lucia and Esdeath as they skillfully navigated their way through the deeper reaches of the forest. Lucia, in particular, took pleasure in collecting the meats of the creatures they encountered for later cooking. After a while, they neared the central part of the forest and stumbled upon a large, ancient building.

The structure bore a striking resemblance to Japan's Shinto architecture, reminiscent of a shrine weathered by the passage of a thousand years. Surrounded by towering cedar and cypress trees, the shrine boasted a vermilion torii gate marking its entrance, while moss-covered lanterns lined a stone path smoothed by centuries of pilgrims.

This shrine, a testament to Shinto simplicity, blended seamlessly with nature. Carvings of mythical creatures and sacred symbols adorned the weathered wooden structure, softened by the gentle caress of time.

As sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting golden hues on the well-worn stone path, the shrine stood as a silent witness to a millennium of history. 

"Why is there a shrine here?" Lucia mused to herself.

Continuing, Lucia added, "No, it must have been hundreds or even thousands of years ago. There might not have been a forest here during that time."

"Yes, it's quite a discovery. Let's take a look. We might find some ritual or something similar to what Saya mentioned," Esdeath said with excitement, intrigued by the possibility of a ritual that could drain the planet's life force.

"Well, that was done by aliens, not humans. There might not be anything like that here," Lucia remarked.

She continued, "Also, it was just a guess. There might not be any ritual at all; it could be some other equipment or method for draining life force."

"Umu, that's true," Esdeath conceded.

"Regardless, we're going to explore here anyway. Let's go," Lucia declared, and Esdeath followed, nodding in agreement.

Lucia and Esdeath strolled along the moss-covered lanterns lining the stone path after passing through the torii gate. After a few more seconds of walking, they arrived at the shrine and observed that, despite the passage of many years, the gate and the structure remained surprisingly intact.

Typically, buildings would crumble at the touch of time, especially over thousands of years, particularly those constructed from wood. However, the shrine, built predominantly with wood, showed no signs of crumbling. 

While there were cracks and some areas that had broken down, they hadn't deteriorated to the point of disintegration. Additionally, it was peculiar that no mutant animals seemed to have caused damage. There were no traces of wild mutant animals affecting the structure.

Moreover, given the potentially harsh weather conditions—rain and other environmental factors—the building should have suffered significant damage. Despite this, the shrine remained surprisingly well-preserved. 

"Well, let's check the inside then," Lucia suggested.

"Will the ritual appear?" Esdeath asked with a giggle.

Lucia shook her head, smiling. She didn't understand why Esdeath was so interested in witnessing a ritual. After all, their supernatural powers far surpassed anything ritualistic.

When Lucia attempted to open the front door of the shrine, she found pitch blackness inside. Nothing was visible. At first, they attributed it to the gloomy sky preventing them from seeing within. However, Lucia noticed that the darkness seemed to be moving, as if some creature lurked inside.

Suddenly, two giant green eyes with black vertical slits opened from the depths of the shrine, fixing their gaze on Lucia and Esdeath. Massive killing intent emanated from the creature towards them. Acting swiftly, both Lucia and Esdeath dodged, causing the floor to crack as a giant snake head emerged at the spot they had just avoided.

"What the... Why can't I detect that there was a snake here?" Lucia exclaimed in disbelief.

"I can't sense it either," Esdeath added, looking puzzled.

Despite Lucia and Esdeath's enhanced senses, capable of detecting enemies within an 800-meter radius, they couldn't sense the presence of the snake. Even Esdeath, being a zombie queen with the ability to detect living beings due to her undead traits, was unable to sense the snake. It was as if the snake was already dead.

"Lucy, is the snake undead?" Esdeath inquired.

"Wait a second. I will ask Rin," Lucia replied.

'Hey, Rin, why can't I detect the snake?'

[I can't check the enemy's details. I don't have that function.]

'I will just buy an analysis skill.'

[You have bought an A-rank inspect skill!]


[Name: Raven

Race: Giant Python

Title: Guardian of the East

Details: A python tasked with protecting the eastern part of the Dark Forest by the #####. It eliminates all intruders within its designated area with lethal efficiency. Possesses formidable defensive capabilities.] 


'Wait a second! Who ordered this thing? Is there another being on this planet?!'

Lucia was shocked by the information she had just received. The giant snake attacked Lucia while she paused for a moment, but Lucia quickly recovered from her daze. She dodged the snake's head and delivered a powerful punch to its face.


The impact was formidable, generating shockwaves as the snake was sent flying to a considerable distance. Lucia, having reached level 80 with a massive increase in strength, combined with her EX-rank Divine Metal Arms, the snake couldn't withstand the force and was blown away. Unfortunately, the EX-rank Divine Metal Arms were not designed for offense; otherwise, the snake would have been shattered into pieces.

The giant black snake recovered almost immediately after being blown away, fueled by rage as it swiftly rushed back toward the intruders in its territory. Esdeath harnessed her ice abilities, causing the surroundings to freeze and transform into a winter landscape. The giant snake, caught in the icy grip, became encased in a block of ice, halting just before reaching Lucia and Esdeath.

Despite being frozen and temporarily stopped, Lucia and Esdeath knew that the creature before them wasn't easily defeated. As expected, the ice block began to crack and crumble, the giant snake breaking free and intensifying its fury.

'It must be more than level 80 or at least equal to my level,' Lucia thought.

Lucia acknowledged that she was already strong enough to fight and survive, but she also realized she had a long way to go to reach the pinnacle of strength. In the DxD world standard, she possessed high-class physical strength, competing even with ultimate-class beings. Her skills and Equipment surpassed these levels, allowing her to engage in battles with gods and super devils, as EX-rank skills and equipment became EX-rank for nothing.

Currently, Lucia faced the giant snake relying solely on her physical strength, refraining from utilizing her skills. The snake lashed out at Esdeath with its tail, but Esdeath swiftly dodged, conjuring ice pillars from the ground to stab the snake. Despite the formidable defense of the snake, the ice pillars failed to inflict damage and were promptly destroyed.

Despite the challenging fight against the giant snake, both beauties displayed unwavering determination, their smiles revealing a sense of excitement rather than discomfort.

They were savoring the battle with the giant black snake. The surroundings had become a chaotic mess, with the shrine demolished in the wake of the fierce confrontation between the snake and the two girls. 

The forest had transformed into a snowy landscape, with ice coating everything. However, it was essential to note that not the entire forest had turned into a snowy terrain—only a 900-meter radius around the battle area was affected.

The fight continued, and it was evident that the giant snake would eventually succumb. The two girls hadn't unleashed their full powers yet, relying on a combination of ice magic and physical attacks.

After an intense half-hour battle, Esdeath decided to employ her 'Claws of Ice Devil' equipment. With these formidable claws, she effortlessly peeled through the snake's flesh like butter. The snake let out a furious scream, and its attacks became even more aggressive.

Trees were cut down, the ground cracked, and numerous pits and sword traces marred the landscape. Lucia and Esdeath were now engaging the snake with utmost seriousness, rendering its attempts at retaliation futile. The snake's body bore numerous wounds, displaying cuts and claw marks as blood seeped from the injuries.

In a desperate attempt to strike back, the giant snake aimed to bite Esdeath as she descended from the sky after scratching its neck. However, before it could reach Esdeath, Lucia swiftly severed the snake's head. As the two touched down on the ground, the snake's head also fell with a 'tud' sound.

"It's truly enjoyable to fight with this snake. The smell is quite pleasant too," Esdeath remarked, relishing the sight of the giant snake's lifeless corpse amidst the gory aftermath.

Lucia remained silent, unsure of what to say, and simply scratched her nose with a weary smile. Although the blood smell didn't bother her, she didn't find it enjoyable. It seemed that the scent was only appealing to Esdeath, being the zombie queen she was.

"Well, as long as she likes it," Lucia mused to herself.

"Let's take it back home. Sisters will enjoy this meat. I heard snake meat is good for beauty," Esdeath suggested.

'I don't think so… Is it true, Rin?'

[I haven't sensed any magical power in the corpse. It might not be true. But do they really need it for beauty? Don't they already have that kind of skill?] 

'Well, yeah. They already have the 'Eternal Youth' skill.'

"Es, can this meat really enhance beauty?"

"I heard about it like that before. I don't remember where though."

"I see… I will try some then."

"Don't you dislike the snake meat though?" Esdeath asked Lucia. 

"Ahem… just for research purposes…"



Esdeath burst into laughter, and Lucia blushed. The girls were well aware that Lucia disliked snake meat and had no intention of eating it. Lucia had shared her past with her wives, expressing her aversion to eating snakes despite having tried various monster meats in the tutorial world. She found snakes creepy and simply didn't want to consume them.

"Why are you laughing at!"

"Sorry, you just look so cute when you're embarrassed," Esdeath replied, wrapping her arms around Lucia.

"Don't call me cute! You are cute! Your whole family is cute!"

Lucia protested loudly. As someone who was male before, she didn't want her wives to call her cute because it was embarrassing for her. Despite her attempts to maintain a more masculine image, there were moments when she couldn't help but act more feminine, especially around her wives.


In a room, numerous beautiful android girls were diligently working on individual computers at their desks. Seated at the head of the room, a blonde-haired android occupied a prominent desk and chair. They were operator units and White.

Currently, their focus was on locating the base of the Machine Network server. White understood that without dismantling the entire machine network and eliminating every machine life form, the war would persist indefinitely.

Much like YoRHa soldiers, machine life forms possessed the ability to revive repeatedly, contingent upon the existence of their machine network server. To address this, they deployed satellites to space, conducting a thorough search from above, while also dispatching YoRHa soldiers to various locations in a simultaneous effort.

Previously, they had conducted searches on the machine networks, but during that time, White didn't prioritize the complete destruction of machine life forms. She was concerned that doing so might lead to a loss of purpose for the androids after the battle concluded. However, the current situation marked a departure from that approach.

After meeting their beloved creator and god, Lucia, the androids could now follow Lucia's lead. This change in perspective motivated White to commit to the total destruction of all machine life forms. Lucia, her wife, had expressed the desire to safeguard the androids from destruction, hacking by viruses, or becoming experimental tools at the hands of machine life forms.

White dispatched at least 10 or more android units for scouting while she observed everything from the network. If needed, she could seek assistance from Saeko, Rika, Shizuka, Saya, Yuriko, Rose, Anemone, Lily, and Esdeath, all of whom had offered their help. As sisters, they were ready to support each other.

White smiled at the thought of this collaborative effort. A2 and her team were also actively involved in the search for machine servers. Fortunately, A2 was no longer harboring any resentment, and their communication had become comfortable. Lily, who wasn't initially a combat android, now eagerly joined battles after becoming Lucia's wife. Before, Lily's combat abilities were close to zero.

In this manner, the days passed with White monitoring the ongoing battles and gathering information.
