
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · アニメ·コミックス
184 Chs



Unlike Daisy, who is just drifting through life, Angela's parents have a plan for her future. The reason for her attending this remote church school is mainly due to the favorable relationship between the school and Yale University.

These prestigious universities were all related to the church in the early days. Getting good grades or a solid recommendation in a church school will be of great help in getting into top-notch institutions.

Now, it seems that there are some variables in this equation.

"Why are they closing the school?" Daisy has no love for singing hymns, but this place is her only place to stay now. Now that she has not made any future plans, it is still important to her.

Angela thought for a moment. "I heard it's some company that wants to buy all the land in Hell's Kitchen, demolish it, and rebuild this area."

Daisy took out her notebook, connected to the internet, and quickly searched for answers. Soon, she found out the answer, "Union Allied Construction is preparing to acquire several properties nearby."

She was puzzled. Hasn't Union Allied Construction started planning in Hell's Kitchen too early?

Behind Union Allied Construction is Kingpin, who is far from the peak of his life at this time. It was beyond his capacity to single-handedly take over Hell's Kitchen alone, so he collaborated with several parties to create Union Allied Construction as a front.

But Daisy clearly remembers that they should have started acquiring land after the Avengers fought against the Chitauri. That's still several years away!

Over the next few days, she returned to school, where anxiety prevailed. Teachers were no longer teaching seriously, and students were each going their own way.

The only ones happy were a few members of the school board. Kingpin didn't want to provoke a seemingly run-down but well-connected group like the church school, so the compensation for demolition and relocation was generous.

Daisy saw with her own eyes Kingpin's assistant, James Wesley, a well-dressed man responsible for managing the criminal empire on Kingpin's behalf, appearing at the school. The school board members served this guy who to them was like a God of Wealth very humbly, fearing any slight negligence.

The negotiation between the two parties progressed rapidly.

Regardless of personal dissatisfaction, the closure of the school had become a fact. The two paths before Daisy were clear: one was to fend for herself, and the other was to find another school to complete high school and then go to college.

Daisy was confident; with her abilities, the experience of two lives, and her perspective from the future, making money wouldn't be difficult.

However, the choice of future camp was a problem.

The option of joining the criminal underworld was immediately ruled out. As a struggling author, she was fundamentally a law-abiding citizen in her previous life. She had no interest in trafficking drugs, organs, or weapons.

Establishing a vibrant social organization ~gang~ as a woman is ten times harder than for men. Without relying on men, the moment a new, inexperienced person enters the scene, she would be the first to be challenged. It's okay to show off once or twice, but it would become annoying if it happened every day.

She hadn't heard of any woman making a prominent name in the underworld. This path was not suitable for her.

Running a legitimate business requires compliance with many rules. Once it develops to a certain extent, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra would undoubtedly start paying attention.

The former is preferable, but the latter is troublesome.

In movies, Hydra has always been lurking within S.H.I.E.L.D., as if both sides have the same strength.

Actually, it's not the case. The Hydra organization is very large, with its structure roughly divided into four parts.

The first is multinational corporations that use legal activities to conceal illegal ones. Examples include the Typhon Group, which has 250,000 employees and is entirely controlled by Hydra. Their business scope includes food, medicine, military weapons, aerospace materials, and various other areas.

The second group comprises government agencies from various countries, such as the Ministry of Finance, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States National Security Agency (NSA), Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), etc. Some of these departments' important figures or their leaders are directly Hydra.

The third category consists of international criminal organizations, an example of which is one is A.I.M (Advanced Idea Mechanics), which had dealings with Iron Man.

The fourth category is intelligence agencies, with S.H.I.E.L.D. being just one of them. In the big Hydra organization, S.H.I.E.L.D. is considered a "relatively important asset."

Hydra has assets worth trillions of dollars that can be mobilized at any time, and highly trained soldiers are stationed in bases globally, numbering at least 100,000.

Faced with such a huge organization, Daisy really didn't think she had what it took to fight against it.

She can only focus on the immediate concern—a painful problem that was exposed, she's out of money!

It was hard to find a fat sheep like last time, so she needed to find some money to spend.

Angela suggested working at a convenience store together, but Daisy rejected the idea without hesitation. Are you kidding me, was working as a sales clerk? If Stark was willing to clean toilets, she might consider being a sales clerk!

What to do? She rented a car and spent a day driving around Manhattan. Corporations like Stark Industries, Osborn Enterprises, and the Rand Corporation are inaccessible, and she doesn't want to work in small places.

Passing by the renowned Central Park, she was about to go in for a stroll, but a group of police officers was securing the area. She watched from a distance, overhearing discussions in the crowd. It seems there was a gang shootout with dozens of bodies being removed from the scene. It had nothing to do with her, so she turned back directly.

Opening the car door, she saw a man covered in blood lying in the back seat. Her enhanced senses allowed her to hear his extremely faint breathing.

She hurriedly stepped out, intending to call the police in the distance.

"Huh?" Absently using her vibration frequency sense, she made an unexpected discovery. This person has a very tenacious vitality.

The Central Park shooting incident also sparked some speculation.

The other party was still a little conscious, but when he saw her approaching, he fainted without any reason.

"Wake up, wake up! Just fainting at the sight of me, what kind of joke is this?" Daisy closed the car door and turned the man over with some effort. He's heavy, even for her enhanced strength. In common terms, he's a big guy.

The man looks to be in his thirties, dressed casually in a shirt and jeans, without any weapons. However, there were three horrifying bloodstains on his chest and abdomen.

One of them, slightly above the heart, indicated that though he didn't die on the spot, his life was about to come to an end.

Daisy retrieves his ID from his pocket and glances at it.

"Frank Castle? This guy..." Daisy hurriedly stops herself from speaking. It really is him—the future Punisher. Many people jokingly call him Uncle Punisher.

The Central Park shooting incident led to the tragic death of the once-happy Castle family. In retaliation, Frank went on a rampage against the criminal underworld, vowing to uncover the true mastermind behind the event.


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