
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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186 Chs

Car Wash


Daisy didn't expect that when she came out for a stroll, she would run into this incident. Who treated this guy after he was heavily injured in the plot? After thinking for a while, she realized that she couldn't remember this information.

Before she could figure out the abnormality, Frank beside her started to breathe more and more weakly. Even though she had never studied medicine, Daisy knew his life was on the countdown.

Looking around, there was no one from heaven coming to save Frank.

"It shouldn't be me treating you, right? It's too strange... Well, consider yourself lucky!" After hesitating for a moment, seeing Frank on the verge of passing out, she quickly reached out to his chest and activated her vibration ability.

With a very slight force, she inputted a trace of energy into his heart, helping it restart.

"Ah—" Frank reflexively sat up suddenly, but his body was too weak. His movement was too large, sitting up at 45 degrees angle, and then lying back down again.

Blood was gushing out as if it were free of charge.

Daisy was speechless. This guy's reflexes were too quick, and her method of treatment was also a bit overbearing...

Watching Frank faint again, she was at a loss.

Calling an ambulance was obviously not the best option. The people targeting Frank were powerful, and he might not be saved in time, and she might get involved in it.

She had no choice but to take matters into her own hands.

The former street writer only had theoretical knowledge accumulated from reading novels. However, the original Daisy had some basic first-aid experience after fighting with her white classmates with wit and courage...

Combining both sides, theory and practice, it was perfect!

She glanced at the faint bloodstains extending from the park to her car, as if he was afraid that the enemy wouldn't know that the target was in her car,

Daisy quickly drove away from the central park, turned into a secluded alley, bought some gauze, alcohol, needles, and thread on the way, then checked the basic treatment steps on her laptop, and began on-the-spot treatment.

Alcohol disinfection, followed by removing the bullets with a shockwave, stitching up the wounds—her speed was not inferior to the most skilled surgeon.

The speed was fast, but the skill was somewhat lacking. In the end, she wrapped Frank up like a rice dumpling with gauze.

"Brother, are you feeling better? Is there somewhere you want to go? I'll take you there." Her way of waking people up was a series of hard slaps.

After five or six slaps, the other person finally woke up with great difficulty.

He stared at her with dull eyes, realizing that he didn't know her.

"I just happened to pass by, and you seem to be in trouble. I can't bring you home in this condition; you'll scare my roommate to death... Do you have somewhere you can go? Shall I take you there?" Daisy pointed at herself and said.

Frank's eyes were dull and lifeless as if he had no attachment to life.

Daisy waited for several seconds and realized he wasn't responding.

She had to search around for a deserted house, opened the door lock with a shockwave, supported the future Uncle Punisher, and stumbled inside.

The interior was very old-fashioned, and she had no idea whether the previous owner had moved away or died. She placed Frank on the bed, but he still didn't say a word.

"We don't know each other. I can help you to this point. Take care of yourself after this." Daisy said, opening the door to leave. She took a step out, then hesitated.

She rummaged through Frank's wallet, finding that he probably served in the military for a long time and had no concept of money; there wasn't even a dollar in his wallet.

"...I'm not rich either, but here's two hundred for you. Don't complain it's too little," Daisy feared that he might starve himself to death, so she reluctantly took two hundred from her savings and stuffed it into his wallet.

The indoor surfaces were covered in a lot of dust, theoretically, the original owner wouldn't return anytime soon.

Ordinary people with a cold or fever needed someone to take care of them, but Frank didn't need that. With a tough physique developed through battles on the battlefield, he could recover on his own. He was a pure military king; he didn't need others to worry about him.

Returning to her rental house, she opened her computer to investigate. The internet only recorded a firefight in Central Park, with some witnesses seeing bodies. However, the details about the parties involved, casualties, and other specifics were unknown.

Thinking about the tragic fate of the Punisher family being killed, Daisy sighed for a moment. After practicing her abilities for a while, she lay on the bed. Touching her wallet, which now only had five hundred dollars left, she felt so poor that she couldn't sleep.

Thinking about how the senior time travelers earned their first bucket of gold, she felt like she had forgotten something. In the end, she fell asleep in a daze.


The next day, Daisy quickly brushed her teeth, washed her face, ate bread, and gestured with a fork in the air.

She really couldn't think of any money-making business. There were some software ideas in her mind, but they all required investment, at least in terms of human resources. She didn't want to lock herself in a room for six months coding; that wasn't her ninja way...

As for other options, she had no clue.

Writing? Harry Potter doesn't exist in this world, but she feels that even if she directly copied the original text, it might not be successful, not to mention she can't remember the original text.

Drawing comics of Superman or Wonder Woman? She lacks the skill for drawing.

Walking out of the room and opening the car door, the smell of blood in the car almost knocked her out.

She forgot last night; she should have washed the car. After all, it's a rental... Now that a whole night has passed, the smell is unbearable.

The car must be returned, but not in this condition.

A car dull of blood – how could she explain that?

Daisy scratched her head, thinking for a moment, then decided to go and wash the car.

A regular car wash place wouldn't do; she had to go to those car wash places with connections to the underworld.

Searching her memory, she drove to a place called "Velez Car Rental."

This was the territory of the Russian mafia, responsible for painting, modification, and car washing.

Daisy covered her face; the chances of a conflict were as high as eighty percent. Honestly, she wasn't worried; there was even a bit of excitement.

But thinking about weapons made her a bit troubled. She only had the tasers left by her predecessor. She couldn't just buy a pistol just to wash the car, right? That would be too much...

Deciding to improvise, she drove through the twists and turns of the Hell's Kitchen and eventually entered the Russian territory.

It was an underground parking lot, and since it was daytime, there weren't many people.

Two people were having a conversation in the middle of the space. One of them Daisy had seen before – James Wesley, representing the interests of Kingpin in purchasing land. He still wore a sharp suit and glasses, presenting a stark contrast to the several burly men scattered around.

On the other side, a thin man was standing. The two were arguing quietly. Upon hearing the sound of the car engine, they both turned to look, feeling puzzled.

The thin man signaled one of his subordinates to come over and take a look.

A burly man walked up to the car and rudely asked, "What are you doing?"

Daisy was a bit speechless. Obviously, her timing was not great. She could only say in a hoarse voice, "Car wash!"


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