
New Moon 2

Skylar brought a change of clothes for the party to change into. Instead of jeans and a t-shirt, she now stood in a burgundy knee-length dress. She leaned against Carlisle next to the piano and waited for Bella to arrive.

She had gotten a little annoyed at Alice when she yelled at her and Carlisle that it was time for the party. She was curled up in his arms and just drifting off into sleep when Alice pounded against the door.

Skylar looked around the room at the vampires. Rosalie was in the corner with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Then when Emmett brought his hand around her waist her scowl softened.

Jasper and Esme were over by the staircase whispering to each other. Alice had disappeared to drag Bella away from Edward. She looked up to see Alice dragging Bella down the stairs with Edward following close behind.

Esme perked up, "Sorry about all this, we tried to reign Alice in,"

"Obviously it was impossible," Skylar smirked and Alice shot the girl an annoyed look. Bella jumped when a sudden flash went off. She looked at Alice who was holding a camera.

"I found it in your bag, hope you don't mind,"

Before Bella could say anything Alice moved on to Carlisle and Skylar. She held the camera up, "Smile!"

Skylar straightened her posture and wrapped her arm around Carlisle. She smiled as the flash went off. She then looked up at Carlisle who grinned down at her, "Cute!"

Skylar giggled and buried her head into Carlisle's chest as he pulled her closer. Alice grabbed a small box off the table and handed it to Bella, "Open Rosalie's first,"

"It's just a necklace," Rosalie shrugged, "Alice helped me pick it out,"

Bella thanked her and moved on to Emmett's present. Skylar's eyebrows furrowed when she watched Bella shake the empty box. "Already installed it in your truck. Finally found a decent sound system for that piece of-"

"Hey don't hate the truck," Bella stopped him.

Esme then stepped forward and handed Bella an envelop, "Something from Carlisle and I. You've been looking a little pale lately,"

Everything then seemed to move in slow motion. Skylar watched Bella slit her finger on the paper. She stepped away from Carlisle as Jasper lunged at Bella. Edward pushed Bella into a glass table and Skylar stepped in front of Jasper narrowing her eyes and holding up her hands.

The vampire stiffened from the pain Skylar brought, which brought enough time for Carlisle and Emmett to reach for Jasper and stop him. Alice rushed to her mate, "Jazz, it's alright. It's just a little...blood,"

"Get Jasper out of here," Carlisle instructed as he flashed over to Bella. He examined the cut on Bella's arm, "I'll have to stitch this up in my office,"


"Skylar go wait in my room. I'll come get you when I'm done. Edward, go talk to Jasper, I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you," Skylar looked down at the floor before turning around and heading to Carlisle's room. She looked back at Bella then turned around to storm off.

She threw herself onto the bed, she was slightly startled. She felt sad, she hated it when people pushed her away, it reminded her too much of her past. Suddenly a memory entered her mind.

10-year-old Skylar or Eleven as she was known then sat in a white room in front of a table. She had a brain monitor on her head that had some wires running down into the other room where Dr Morganstar was viewing her behind a glass window.

This was the old Skylar, the one who had never stepped foot outside. This Skylar had buzz-cut hair and wore a hospital gown.

In front of her was a cat in a cage. It wasn't a very happy cat either because it was hissing and snarling at the girl. Skylar jumped when it tried to scratch at her.

On the other side of the window, Dr Morganstar watched the girls brain activity on the paper. The lines were spiking more and more as Skylar got scared. The doctor leaned to the microphone, "Eleven stay calm, I need you to focus,"

Skylar looked at the doctor with tears in her eyes but nodded. The cat continued to snarl and hiss for about 10 minutes more. By this time Skylar had, had enough so she ripped the monitor off her head and glared at the men behind the window.

She focused her mind and made the glass shatter. Dr Morganstar looked at her with no expression he only nodded his head to two men.

The two men moved into the room and grabbed the girl by her arms, picking her feet off the ground. Skylar knew he was going to push her away for not doing as he asked.

They left the room and moved down the hall where there was a little room that Dr Morganstar would put her in. Skylar screamed and tried to pull her body away from the two men but it was no use.

"Papa!!" she screamed as the doctor watched the men walk away.

"Papa! NO! Help Me!" she cried.

They arrived at the door and opened it, throwing the girl into the small dark room. Skylar turned around to run out but the door slammed in her face. She was now left in darkness.

Skylar screamed and banged the door with her fist but no one let her out. Eventually, she got tired and backed into the corner of the room and cried. She was alone in the darkness because she had failed. He had pushed her away and was now punishing her.

As she sat in the corner the dark, cold room was filled with the sound of a 10-year-old's cries for help.

Skylar opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling. Skylar never thought Carlisle would push her away. She felt bad for hurting Jasper but she had no choice. But she knew everything was going to change now. Carlisle was going to be more protective and she had to be ready for it.

I didn't take long for Carlisle to arrive back in the room. He was silent and had a gloomy look on his face. He didn't look at Skylar, instead, he turned around and headed out the door.

Skylar jumped off the bed and went after him. She followed him through the house, "Carlisle you don't have to worry it's going to be okay,"

He stopped for a moment. His golden eyes met hers as he searched for something to say, "Carlisle?"

"Go home Skye, I'll talk to you later," he went to kiss her forehead but she manoeuvred away. Carlisle was startled by her actions, "No, you're overthinking this just like I thought you would,"

"You need to go home Skylar," he said.

Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Edward and Emmett that were watching the two mates. "NO! Don't shut me out! Everyone shuts me out!" the coffee table began to shake. Carlisle so desperately wanted to avoid this.

"I'm not I just want you to go home where you're safe," Carlisle said calmly trying to soothe her anger.

"You're pushing me away just like everybody else because you're afraid! You are afraid of me, of what I'll do to you so you push me away," she yelled. Carlisle never believed his mate could get to this stage where she was turning against him.

The four vampires that were standing watching Skylar yell at Carlisle stood in shock. Carlisle stared into his mate's golden-orange eyes. He wanted her to understand that he just wanted her to be safe. She had a lot of anger that was fueling a lot of power just like Natalia said. When she was angry she was at her most dangerous.

Suddenly, the large vase that stood in the corner of the room smashed into small pieces. Everyone jumped except Skylar, her eyes burnt Carlisle. Now he was looking at a different Skylar, probably that one that could pull the life out of someone.

Skylar blinked before sighing and turning to the front door. Carlisle snapped out of his trance and went to grab her hand. She turned to him, pulling her hand away, "Please Skye...don't do this. I'm not pushing you away,"

"You're trapping me, you're pushing me away, you're controlling me! You are just like Papa!" she shouted before walking out to her car and driving away.

The five vampires stood there in shock, but Carlisle mostly. He felt she had just ripped out his heart and put it in broken. He wasn't angry at her, he was just worried about her. Everything Natalia said not to let happen just happened.

Alice walked up to him, he only smiled sadly before walking away.


The Cullen's didn't show up the next day at school.

Or the day after that.

Carlisle hadn't texted Skylar. He hadn't shown up in her room. This only made her worse as she began to get lost in her own twisted thoughts. She had panic attacks more often that meant she had to increase her medication.

Bella told her Edward was doing the same.

Skylar was still angry but not as bad as she was. She was tempted to show up at the Cullen's and see Carlisle but she knew if she did she would probably destroy their whole house. She made sure that she never forgot about her anger. The power she was feeling with her anger was addicting.

Skylar went home after school, she didn't want to talk to any of her friends. She wanted Carlisle but at the same time, she didn't. But as the days went on it became clear that he didn't want her anymore.

She thought he had changed his mind when she saw him standing in her room that afternoon. Skylar was alone in the house at that time, everyone else was out.

"What do you want?" Skylar pushed past him and put her bag in the corner. She felt his feelings, they were broken and sad.

"I'm so sorry Skylar," he pleaded. Carlisle wasn't prepared for what he was about to do. He didn't want to leave her and didn't want her to be human. If she was a vampire then he would be worried about her getting hurt all the time.

"For what?" she turned to him and crossed her arms.

"My family and I are leaving Forks,"

"What do you mean you're leaving Forks?"

Carlisle stared at her with pleading eyes. It wasn't until she read his mind that she understood.

"Oh," her heart withered in her chest. Her eyes searched him to find any clue he was lying, but he wasn't. "Is this because I yelled at you because I'm sorry about that. I don't know what happened. Wait, is this about what happened with Jasper?"

"It wasn't my choice. The secret could get out and Edward doesn't want Bella to get hurt. They voted against me. If I could I would stay with you Skylar, I am on your side but I can't leave them," Carlisle walked over to grab Skylar's hands.

She stared down at their hands but then pulled them away, "Then why don't you? You old can make your own choices!" she sounded so selfish but she didn't care. She needed him, she was falling down a hole in which she can't get out of.

"They're my family Skylar," he said softly.

"I guess I've fallen for a lie, you were never on my side," she muttered.

"I am and I promise you I will come back eventually, hopefully," He sighed.

Skylar nodded, her lump in her throat grew and her heart died some more. She was scared that if she said another word she would burst into tears. He will never see her cry. "Go then,"

"Skye-" he stepped towards her.

"Just go, Carlisle. Before I bring the whole house to rumble and you with it," Her eyes were now glowing golden-orange, "Please,"

He looked to the ground then up at his mate. He could see she was putting all her energy into controlling herself. The vampire walked forward and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "I'll be back Skye I promise,"

She scoffed and looked at the ground. Her eyes looked at the carpet and when she looked up again he was gone. Skylar narrowed her eyes and fell to the ground, screaming sending out a wave of energy.

An ocean of tears trickled down her face and onto the floor. She pulled her knees into her as banged the floor with her fist. She hated love, she hated sadness, she hated loss, she hated people.

But most of all she hated him.



The girl squeezed her eyes shut as her shoulder was nudged, "Skye, wake up?"

She groaned and pulled her eyes open. Natalia sat in front of her with a worried expression. She noticed she was still on the floor, her mirror was shattered and her fist was bruised from punching the floor.

"Why are you crying? What happened?"

She sat up and looked at her window, "They left. The Cullens are gone,"

Natalia sighed, she knew thought Rosalie and Alice were lying when they came up to at work that afternoon. But now that she sees the state that Skylar was in she knew it was true.

"Have you heard from Bella?" Natalia finally said.

"No, why?" She stood up.

"Charlie called me and asked if she was with you. She hasn't come home probably because of-"

"Don't say their names," Skylar snapped.

Skylar thought for a moment. Would Bella really leave Charlie to go with the...the vampires? She could bring herself to say their name. Skylar thought back to what Carlisle said about not wanting their secret getting out so Bella would not have gone.


"I'm going to go help look," she reached for her jacket "don't worry about me I'm fine,"

She ran out of the room before Natalia could say anything else. Skylar grabbed her car keys and left the house to get in her car.

It didn't take long for her to get to Bella's house. People were scattered around the front yard. Police cars were also lined up the street with their light illuminating area.

"Chief Swann?"

"Skylar!" Charlie turned to her, "do you think you could find her?"

Charlie was well aware of Natalia's agency and knew Skylar would be the best when it comes to tracking people. However, he didn't know about her powers or her record as an assassin and she wanted to keep it that way.

"No, but I can-"

"Charlie they've got her!"

Skylar turned to the woods. Jacob Black stood next to his father and pointed to the woods. Bella was unconscious. She was laying in a pair of unfamiliar arms, she looked dead.

"What happened?" Jacob appeared next to Skylar, "Is it because the Cullens left?"

Skylar scowled at their name, she was furious. They had caused this, "Probably. Who was that carrying Bella?"

Jacob followed Skylar's gaze, his face turned sour like Skye's, "Sam Uley,"
