
New Moon 1

Skylar curled up to Carlisle's side and pulled the blanket up to cover her more. Even though it was the beginning of September she was already cold.

Over the summer, she enjoyed how cold Carlisle's body was but now as the days were getting colder she hated it. Carlisle laughed when she first started pulling out blankets but then realized how easily cold she got and brought a whole lot of blankets.

Skylar turned 18 over the summer. Alice planned to throw a massive party for Skye when she found out Skylar had never had a birthday party before. When Skylar found out from Rose about Alice's plans she told Alice she didn't want anything too big. Alice did as Skye wished and threw a small party which Skylar still enjoyed.

Bella walked into the living room and sat on the chair across from Skylar and Carlisle. Skylar smiled at her friend, "Bella, are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?"

Bella rolled eyes, "Don't remind me,"

Skylar laughed but realized she was serious, "Bells, you're going to be 18. It's not bad that you're ageing,"

Bella scoffed, she had been set on turning into a vampire since the fiasco with James. She said it was because she wanted to be able to protect Edward as he protects her. Skylar just thought she was selfish.

Edward walked in and sat next to Bella. Skylar raised her eyebrow then looked at Carlisle. He got the hint and stood up with Skylar. "See ya guys,"

Skylar followed him out of the room and into his office. Skylar headed towards his chair and sat down. "I cannot believe she's moaning about her birthday,"

Carlisle laughed and leaned on his desk, "She doesn't want to wait any longer,"

Skylar was annoyed at her friend's wishes, "Yeah but how would Charlie feel if she just dropped dead with no explanation. She acts like she doesn't even care,"

Carlisle grabbed her hands, "Edward won't change her for a long time. Charlie will have time with Bella,"

Skylar had thought about being a vampire. If it meant staying with Carlisle for eternity then she would have a problem with it. She wasn't worried how Natalia would react, she was worried if Dr Morganstar would find and use her vampire abilities to his pleasing.

"I need to get going," Skylar sighed and leaned up to peck Carlisle on the lips, "I'll see you tomorrow,"


"Happy Birthday Bella!"

Skylar walked ahead of the rest of her friends so they didn't hear. Bella made it very clear that she didn't want anyone else to know it was her birthday other than the Cullens and Skye.

Bella gave Skylar a disapproving look before she looked back at Jessica, "Uh the R&J essay is due,"

"Wherefore out thou Bella," Mike joked around and Skylar cringed at his fake Italian accent.

"Oh right," Bella sighed in relief, before holding up a camera, "I want to take pictures of you guys. My mum wants me to put together a scrapbook for my senior year,"

"Oh sure," Skylar said and pulled Angela and Jessica closer.

"Uh, I take them, I'm not in them," Angela tried to back out but Skylar pulled her back.

"Just smile Angela, it's just one picture," Skylar gave a wide smile as the flash went off.

"you'll photoshop it so my nose won't look so huge right?" Skylar scrunched up her nose at Jessica's vanity. Why did she care so much?

"Oh good, Cullen's here," Mike stopped the group's chatter and looked up to see Edward walking towards them, "we'll see you later Bella,"

Skylar smiled at the two mates before walking into school. She spotted Alice and Jasper by their lockers, "I'll meet you guys in class,"

The group looked over to the Cullens and gave Skye a tight smile. Skylar sighed as she watched her 'friends' walked into class. She walked over to the lockers and leaned over Alice's shoulder.

"Hi, guys,"

"Hello Skye," Alice said and Jasper smiled, "you excited for the party tonight?"

"If it's anything like my birthday party then yes I am," Skylar grinned.

Her smile faded a bit when she saw Bella and Edward walking towards them. She wasn't sure why Bella wanted to be a vampire so soon. Maybe it was different for Skylar because she could protect Carlisle if something happened.

Skyla watched Alice pull a neatly wrapped present out of her locker. She hid the present behind her back and hugged Bella with on arm, "Happy Birthday,"

"Shhh," Bella hissed as she hugged her back. Alice pulled away and revealed the present she was hiding behind her back. Bella gave Alice an annoyed look, "I thought I told guys no presents,"

"I listened," Skylar spoke up.

Alice ignored Skylar, "I've already seen you open it and guess what, you love it. you're gonna wear it tonight, our house,"

Bella's face changed, "Come on, please? It'll be fun,"

Jasper and Skylar shared a look before turning to Bella and narrowing their eyes to control her emotions and thoughts. Bella sighed, "All right fine,"

Skylar smiled and turned to walk with Jasper and Alice, "Jasper, Skylar, no fair with the mood control thing,"

"Actually I was mind control," Skylar corrected.

Bella rolled her eyes, "Whatever, just no fair,"

The blonde vampire smiled, "Sorry Bella, happy...nevermind,"

Skylar laughed and walk off with the two vampires to their class.


Skylar made sure she arrived at the Cullen house an hour early. She wanted to help Alice with whatever else she needed help with. But also just to spend some time with Carlisle.

Skylar walked up the stairs to the porch and let herself into the main room. She looked around noticing no one was in the room. "Hello?"

When no one answered she sighed and headed towards the stairs. She hoped someone was up there, she didn't like being by herself.

She walked to the end of the hallway towards Alice and Jasper's room and knocked on the door then pushed it open, no one was there. She proceeded down the hall to Emmett and Rosalie's room, she did the same and got the same answer. Nothing.

All the rooms were empty so she figured the family was out hunting. She began to head down the stairs but stopped when she saw a painting on the wall. Skylar had seen it before but never really stopped to look at it.

Three men stood at a balcony. The man in the middle had long black and pale skin. His skin was almost white and his eyes were a dark red. Skylar thought he almost resembled a rat, probably was one too just by the looks of him. He must have been the leader of the men, she could tell by the way he stood slightly in front of the other men.

The man on his left had blonde hair that just stopped at his chin. His face was twisted into a scowl as he stared down from the balcony. Finally, her eyes landed on the man on the right his hair was longer than all of them. Skylar noticed how tired and miserable he looked.

Before she turned away she noticed the man standing on the right of the painting. Her eyes widened when she realized it was Carlisle. He looked so different and he stood by the other vampires.

He must have been important because he was the only other vampire up there. He was dressed I old clothes, from which era Skylar wasn't sure. His hands were crossed in front of him and he a very emotionless look on his face.

"The Volturi Kings. Aro, Caius and Marcus," Carlisle suddenly appeared behind her, "They're a very old and powerful family. Basically vampire royalty,"

Skylar frowned and looked up at Carlisle in the painting, "What did you do for them?"

"Nothing really. I went to live with them while I studied in Italy. They're reserved and have no respect for human life," Carlisle explained.

She nodded and turned away from the painting to look at Carlisle. He smiled down at her and wrapped his arms around her waist, "What are you doing here so early?"

"I came to help Alice with last-minute preparations but now I just want to be with you," Carlisle laughed and pulled her closer.

"Follow me then," he pulled himself from her and grabbed her hand as they walked down the stairs. The two walked past Carlisle's office down another hallway. They stopped at a room Skylar had never noticed before and entered it. As they walked in Skylar realized it was Carlisle's room.

It was nothing too fancy. There was a couch and some bookshelves in the corner. She raised her eyebrow when she saw the bed, "Vampire's don't sleep,"

"It's for you, I brought it after Phoenix," The vampire said and sat down on the bed. Skylar smiled and decided to sit down next to him.

She laid her head on his chest and sighed happily. Carlisle put his arm her and smiled as well. Skylar closed her eyes, she loved being in his arms. That's all she ever wanted to do.
