
New Moon 3

Skylar forced herself to go to school the next day despite Natalia's protests. When she first woke up, she didn't want to go. She just wanted to feel sorry for herself but she knew she couldn't do that.

Her mind went to him and how he would react to her decisions. Every thought about him made her want to scream but she couldn't. She wasn't going to rely on someone to make her happy so she got up. She didn't do it for him, she did it for her.

Skylar sat in Natalia's car as she drove her to school. She listened to Natalia chat away trying to take her mind off the vampires. Skylar wasn't really listening, she only focused on getting through the day ahead.

Angela noticed something wrong as soon as she got out of the car. Usually, Skye would be joking and laughing with her friends. But today, her eyes were emotionless and she looked like she was going to beat someone up.

Something died in Skylar last night. What happiness and love she had for the vampire's was gone and she didn't know if she'd ever get it back. She felt like a machine like she did back at The Lab. She had no heart, no mind, no soul, she was just a machine.

Bella wasn't at school which wasn't a surprise for Skylar. With what emotions she had left - which was only anger, she texted Bella. Bella didn't answer.

Classes were a blur and soon Skylar found herself at lunch. She tossed her food around her plate with her fork. She didn't want to eat.

Skylar felt her throat swell up and tears stung her eyes. She wasn't going to cry, she wasn't weak.

She took a sip of her drink and stood up, "I'm going to class, see you guys later,"


Bella texted Skylar during her last class of the day. She didn't say much, just to come over.

"Natalia?" She said as she got into the car, "Can you run me to Bella's house?"

Natalia sat in silence looking at Skylar's face. It had changed so much, her eyes were almost black, her hair was darker and her skin was almost as pale as the vampires. She looked like she could beat someone up and she could.

"Yeah, do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, she can drive me back," she smiled sadly.

The ride to Bella's house was quiet. Natalia didn't want to bring up the Cullen's but being an empath she could feel all of Skylar's anger.

Skylar found Bella sitting on the couch when she entered the house. She was staring down at a coffee table, lost in her thoughts. Skylar noticed that Bella was a lot worse than her. There was a difference between the two girls Skylar wasn't sad she was angry while Bella was just depressed. "Bells?"

Her head shot up locking eyes with Skylar, "Hey thanks for coming,"

Skylar sat down next to Bella and pulled some of the blanket over her. Skylar wrapped her arm around her friend and comforted her.

Bella began to sniffle, tears starting to well up in Skylar's eyes. She fought them back, not wanting to cry in front of Bella.

"How did you get up today?" Bella asked.

"I didn't want to at first. Then I realized I didn't need to rely on him for happiness, so I got up. Edward wouldn't want you to do this," she said coldly.

"Edward told me about you yelling at Carlisle," Skylar snapped her head down to Bella who looked a bit nervous after what she said.

"I didn't mean for it to happen but he wasn't going to tell me anything. He ignored me for days and Edward with you. He made me feel like he didn't want me. Then he shows up and tells me he's leaving. God, if he had stayed any longer than he did he would've been dead," Skylar said with a dark expression.

Bella listened, to her friend. It seemed at though she didn't love Carlisle anymore. She sounded so angry with the vampires, "Do you still love him?"

Skylar didn't know what to say, "I don't feel anything. I don't feel sad, happy, guilty or love. I just feel anger and nothingness. I feel so numb which is probably a good thing anyway,"

Bella was shocked at her friend's response. She expected her to be sad, but angry and numb? What really shocked her was that she basically said she didn't love Carlisle anymore. She knew Skylar could be cold-hearted because of the environment she was brought up in and the things she used to do. But the Skylar that Bella was talking to now was a different Skylar. She knew the Skylar that laughed, that loved Carlisle and was happy but that she was obviously gone. It looked like that Skylar was never coming back.

The two sat on the couch for hours. Skylar almost drifted off a few times but woke up every time Bella started crying.

SHe didn't leave until Charlie got home. Bella was sleeping by the time he did, so she would just have to walk home. Skylar said goodbye to Charlie before she began her short walk to her house. At least Bella didn't live too far away from her.

It was just starting to get dark. The sun was beginning to fade into the night sky. There were many houses done Bella's street, but a lot fewer cars than Skylar expected making it eerie.

Skylar shoved her hands into her pockets and focused on getting home. She walked quicker with every step because of how cold it was getting.

She got chills up and down her spine as she walked. She turned to face the woods and narrowed her eyes. The bushes rustled causing Skylar to take her hand out of her pocket, letting her powers go. She waited for something or someone to jump out at her.

She stood there for a while, searching for the reason she got chills. When she didn't see anything she shook her head and continued walking again.

Skylar walked up the porch steps and entered the house. Natalia was waiting for her, standing by the stairs like a lost sheep.


Skylar was just about to head upstairs to her room when Natalia grabbed her by her wrist. "Can I talk to you?"

Skylar sighed and stepped down the stairs, "What is it?"

"I know you're sad that they left. But I also know that you're angry, I can feel it. Alice and Rosalie came to me before they left and told me that they were leaving and that you lashed out at Carlisle. I thought I said you can't afford anything to come between you?" Natalia lectured her on her actions.

"I know... I know you said to be careful. I was fine until he told me to go home and didn't give me any explanation. He wasn't going to say anything to me and it made me mad. He was just going to shut me out and leave me in darkness. Then he didn't text or call or show up for days and then I find out he's leaving. I think I have plenty to be angry about,"

"You needed to control your emotions then and you need to control them now. I will not watch my daughter slip away from me. Carlisle loved you and he still does but what you did to him was awful. You need to call him or apologise or just do something to fix yourself. But you're going down a path I can't follow and I can stand here and watch," Natalia wasn't shouting but there was a lot of emotion in her voice.

Skylar stood there in shock, she couldn't move or talk. Natalia had called her, her daughter and showed that she really did care. Skylar wanted to be better, she hated this feeling that she had.

"I'm not asking you to be absolutely perfect. But please for the sake of everyone in this town control your emotions. And stop thinking that Carlisle hurt you because he didn't. He couldn't just leave his family behind and stay with you," Natalia explained as she let Skylar's wrist go.

Skylar gave her a sad smile and walked up the stairs. She entered her room and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked just as broken as the mirror. The departing of the Cullens held her anger to her so to get rid of it she had to move on. She wanted to change, she didn't want to look like this piece of mess. So she decided to change that.

Skylar took some scissors and raised them up to her hair. She moved the scissors and cut her hair until it was just above her shoulders. Short enough that she can't tie it up. She looked at herself in the mirror, she quite liked her shorter hair.

She looked at the scissors in her hand and sighed. She wanted Carlisle so bad to be with her, it hurt her heart. She watched herself drop the scissors out of her hand for no reason. Her eyes started dropping as her vision went black and she dropped to the floor.


Carlisle sat in the living room their cousins the Denali's. It had been only been a day and he already missed Skylar so much. He didn't really expect anything else though.

Being away from her was like his whole world had crumbled. He missed her smile, her laugh, her uniqueness. He missed everything, all he wanted to do was go back to Forks and hold her. But he couldn't, he couldn't leave his family.

Edward came into the room with a bag, he was going to leave to where no one knows. He sat down in the chair across from Carlisle and sighed. "I know you miss her but-"

"Don't Edward," Carlisle stopped him, "You wanted us to move and now you're leaving us,"

"We had to, our secret it wasn't safe," Edward replied.

"Who did you think was going to find out? Because Skylar would have never said anything and now she's alone," Carlisle was so over Edward at this point.

"She'll get through it, she can protect herself," Edward tried to soothe the tension.

"I know she can, but what if that doctor comes for her. She'll freak out and either destroy Forks or go with him. Then I would've truly lost her," Carlisle snapped back.

Just as Edward went to speak up Alice rushed in followed by the rest of the Cullens. She looked at Carlisle with a worried and heartbroken expression. Carlisle looked at her, he had asked Alice to watch Skylar's decisions. "What is it, Alice?"

"I can't see Skylar's future anymore,"

Carlisle's whole world stopped. He sat there with no emtion on his face. Rosalie could see he wasn't going to say anything so she did "Alice what happened? What did you see?"

Alice didn't say anything for a bit she only looked at Carlisle. He wanted to know but at the same time he didn't. "I saw...she was standing in front of a mirror. She j-just dropped to the floor, unconscious,"

The vampires all looked to the ground, there was a chance that Skylar was dead. Carlisle especially felt awful, "I shouldn't have left her and we can't go back yet," he said as he stood up from the chair and leaving the room.

Rosalie shot Edward a disapproving look, "You just took everything away from him. We left because of you and your stupid human,"

Edward didn't even say anything, he only looked down at the ground. Finally, after a minute or two he got up and walked out the front door with no explanation. He was gone.

The rest of the vampires stood there in shock and sorry. Skylar could be dead, sick, poisoned or in major trouble. But they couldn't go back yet they only just left so they just hoped that Skylar was alright.
