
Together Till The End

"It's an earthquake!!" It was chaos. A bloody chaos. "I really hope there's not a next time" "I-I can't believe this. Any of this. This is not real. THIS CAN'T BE REAL!!" "WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!! DO YOU REALIZE THAT!?!!" "RUN!!!" "I got it!! I think I got it!!!" "Please.... I need to know what happened" "We're in this together. You're not alone. We'll be together okay? Through Everything."

bangtan_bts_7 · 音楽·バンド
4 Chs

A Trip

"OH MY GOD!! ARE YOU DEAD OR WHAT!!?! I'VE BEEN TRYING TO WAKE YOU UP FOR 15 MINUTES NOW!!"  Miyeon mercilessly screams in my ears making me jerk up.

"Oh God can you not scream?? I can't feel my ears now" I whine, with my still closed, not wanting to get out of my heavenly warm blanket.

"Get up you sloth, we have to leave in exactly 35 minutes!!"

"WHAT- you should've woken me up at 4:00!!" I say, pushing Miyeon on the bed and running to take a quick bath almost tripping over my own feet.


Coming back quickly, I get my hair dried, did my make-up and we went on our way.









"WE ARE HERE!!"  They both scream, taking off my blindfold,  which they insisted for me to have on, as an evening sky comes in my view. Looking around, I realize that we were on a small hill. The weather was beautiful. Tiny snowflakes swirling out of the sky like feathers, with the air as fresh as the sea breeze. The weather was cold, but not chilli. I could see a lake infront of me with the sun dipping down the horizon, the last gasp of beauty, before the death of the day. I was in awe.

"Hei Ryung-ah come on in!!"  Haru calls me from behind. Turning around, I realize that they actually bought a plastic tent. They had also adjusted a blanket in there, making it look like the coziest thing on the whole world. I immediately get in, as we all layed down and admired the nature. It was a comforting silence for a while.

"We should come here in summer too and enjoy the lake y'know"  Haru suggested as she slowly gets into a sitting position.

"I was thinking the same. This is wonderful. Thanks you two." I said with a big smile, feeling ever so grateful.

"Don't mention yet. WHO'S HUNGRY??" Miyeon asks, excitement dripping from her every word.

"Wait- you brought food!! Oh Gosh you're both the best. When did you guys even plan all of this??"  I say, very well knowing how I was starting to get hungry.

"Well, we ordered the food when you were sleeping, we had put the tent and the blanket when you were taking a bath" Miyeon explained as I felt like I wanted to hug the living shit out of them.





And so I did.





It was now 10:00 pm, and we were on our way back after we ate spicey chicken wings with burgers, enjoyed a little more while chatting and joking with eachother. Vibing with "freinds" by V and Chimchim, I was driving us back to my house, since they decided to sleep over. They had totally turned my day upside down and I don't know what I would do without them.

Reaching my apartment, we take out the things from the car, and enter, to be greeted by a horrifying mess as I see three heads sitting on MY sofa, while watching a movie. Immediately going towards the three boys, I pull their ears making them stand up.

"Now now, who told you guys that you culd come in my apartment when I'm not at home and cause a havoc??"

"I'm sorry!! I just wanted to visit you since it's been a while and took those two tooooo!!" He explained, as his words come out in a weird tune, making me realize that I was still holding his disgusting ear. Letting it go, I watch as I see him rubbing his ear, while his two friends try to control thier laughs.

"I don't mind you coming here!! What I mind is this mess and you-" I say pointing at him, "-are going to clean all of this of this."

"Come on, I visited my noona after a long time, and you make me clean your apartment?? How cruel"  He whines, making it hard for me to stay with my words. Yes he was my little brother, Jeong-hoon, and his two friends, Ji-hoon and Hyun-woo.

"Nope, your friends are going to join you." I declare as I hear the three of them whine, and Miyeon and Haru laughing while coming down in their pajamas.

"Come on, the faster, the better. Do it while I'm making noodles or you'll get none."  I laugh as I see them running to pick up the thrown pillows and head to the kitchen to make all of us some noodles. We did ate a while ago, but hey, who can refuse food?





We were now all laying down on the carpet, where they had arranged some mattress that I always have for sleep overs, while a movie was playing. Most of them were already on their way to dreamland as I get up and turn off the tv and the light and get back to my place, heading to sleep.

To be continued.....

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