
To Kill a Monarch

A story about a princess seeking vengeance and a Grand Prince with an ample curse. 《MATURE CONTENT》 Princess Cordelia had only one GOAL, one MISSION, one PLAN and one INTENT. And that is to kill the Monarch that destroyed her home; her father's kingdom. "...I will stop at nothing until he is six feet underground", she vowed. She travelled down from the north to the south of the Continent on a vengeful quest to kill the Grand Prince of Melan, through blistering colds and scorching deserts. Seeking different ways to enter the Ivory Palace and have her revenge. But her destiny was already interwoven with the Monarch she vowed to kill. Grand Prince Sylvester, the ruling Monarch of Melan was told about a prophesy of a woman who will put an end to his curse. He waited day and night for to show up and she did, little did he know that she was on a vengeful mission to kill him. What would possibly go wrong? Will Cordelia complete her quest and kill the man she most despised in the whole world? Or will she be his salvation? ... Excerpt "Why did you stop shooting?", he asked, his gruff voice hardened. His green eyes shot down a glare at her. She lowered the gun in her already aching hands. It had been three days marathon of gun shooting. "There are no more targets", she replied in her most rudest tone. Returning the glare back to him even though her svelte body was so weak and she looked weary. Hatred was visible all over her facial features.Her hatred for him ran deeper than a well. "Oh, is that so? There is one more", he told her before going to stand in front of her, stretching his arms sideways like the Messiah. Exposing his wide chest. "What are you doing", she asked, her eyes narrowing at his actions, "Fulfilling your mission! Isn't that what you've always wanted to do? Kill me!" Cover source is from Pinterest.

P_Treasure · ファンタジー
20 Chs

I have found her

His scent of ocean musk invaded her senses.

"If you know just how much I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't like my name", Cordelia seethed. She gripped the fabric of her gown so tightly that her veins were threatening to pop out of her skin. Cordelia chuckled to herself as her thoughts went back to the scene that happened during the dance.

To women, he was a man of their dreams. To her, he was also the man of her dreams but her dreams were mostly concerned about death. Most of the times, she have imagined how his dead body would look like as a smile would grace her face.

Cordelia turned and looked back at the Ivory Palace. She stared at it for a long time while devising ways to get inside.

Cordelia took a deep breath and exhaled. During the dance, she figured something out. Even though they did not talk much,she sensed that the Grand Prince was interested in her. Why wouldn't he when she dressed up just for him to notice her.

"Now I'm getting somewhere", Cordelia rejoiced. Her plan did work. Not only did he noticed her, he danced with her and her alone. Cordelia went back to the entrance of the ballroom and stood there to watch what was going on. All the women in the ballroom stood like trees while having disappointed looks on their faces. Cordelia stepped in closer to have a closer look. Her eyes darting around to catch the glimpse of the Grand Prince. But he was nowhere to be found. Perhaps, he did want to dance with any other woman apart from her.

Cordelia heaved a deep sigh, 'Let's forget about tonight, Cordelia', she said within herself, 'I have a good feeling that I'll be summoned by the Grand Prince himself. Soon. I have to be patient',

Cordelia went to the carriage that brought her. She saw the coachman sitting on the coach box, waiting for her.

"Please, take me back to Jael's house", she said to him before she opened the door and entered the carriage. The carriage started to move and Cordelia shut her eyes for a brief moment.

'...the Grand Prince is clearly looking for a wife...', she pondered on what Jael said. Judging from the way the Grand Prince danced with her. It would be an incredible coincidence if she happened to be the wife he was looking for. Cordelia smiled to herself at that thought. That would be much more easier to have her way to him. She could get close to him enough and fulfill her mission. Cordelia realized that it would be pointless if she killed him without him knowing about his sins first.

She had to let him know that what he did was a very evil thing. She had to let him know that his wages of his sin is death.

When the carriage stopped moving, the coachman came down and opened the carriage door for her.

"Milady, we are in front of Jael's house", he announced.

Cordelia came out and thanked the coachman for the ride. She opened the door of the pub house and entered.

"You are back early, Did you not have the Grand Prince's attention? You bragged that he would dance with you twice", Jael spoke in one breath. She came out from behind the counter to meet Cordelia. She was eager to hear the gist.

" I had his attention...but he only danced with me", Cordelia replied as she sauntered to the counter where a jug of water was before pouring the contents into a cup.

"Wow, that was new. There is no way the Grand Prince only danced with you and neglect other women",

"I told you that I will grab His Royal Highness' attention "

"If you do, why did you come back early?", Jael asked.

"I don't want to stay outside late and I have to come back and gist you", Cordelia said an excuse and sat on a chair.

"I don't believe you. You should come back tomorrow. That way, I will know that you had the Grand Prince wrapped to your finger to the point he would reluctant to let you go", Jael arched a brow at her, " You are going to pay for the dress".


In the Ivory Palace...

Sylvester sprawled on an armchair close to his the tall window in his chamber while sipping a glass of sweet wine when he heard the doors of his bedroom open. He didn't bother to look at the intruder.

"I heard you call off the ball early. Why? I was about to have some fun with the women", a blonde haired man with dark eyes said in a complaining tone as he watched his brother gazing up to the night sky.

"If you want the women, host your own party, Ethan", Sylvester spoke dryly, still looking the sky.

"Why did you call off the ball?", Ethan asked as he went to stand adjacent to his brother while looking at him curiously.

"I have found her", Sylvester answered.


"The woman from the prophecy", Sylvester finally looked at his brother.

Ethan's brows raised, "Where is she?", there was a hint of excitement in his voice. His eyes darting around the room.

"She is not here, she left", he answered.

"Why did you let her leave? Did you not long for this woman to the point you hosted balls every year for her to show up?", Ethan did not understand the point of his brother letting this woman go if he desperately waited for her.

"I want you to look for her", he said and rose up lazily to take a sheet that laid on his table, "This is how she looked like. Her name is Cordelia", he gave the sheet of her picture he had drawn earlier to Ethan, "She was a little uncomfortable with me when we danced. I have to let her go",

"You should have her here in the Palace-", Ethan tried to say.

"I don't want to take her freedom away from her", Sylvester interrupted him.

'What a gentleman', Ethan scoffed at Sylvester 's lame excuse in his mind

Ethan looked at the drawing of the woman," She look beautiful", he said.

"I want you to bring her here tomorrow", Sylvester sat back on his armchair.