
To Become A God/Kami ni naru tame ni

About a character who would stop at no means to reach his goals even if at the end he loses not just his humanity but all those who would have protected him if need be but if your the strongest you don't need protection.

Akomi · ファンタジー
2 Chs


[Announcer] Now welcome the nobleman himself, Jiro, with dark brown hair, and of light complexion who weighs 120 pounds and stands at 5ft 5inch Jiro is 16, going up against him is Mitsutsuki. Now, mitsutsuki with bluish-black hair has a light complexion stands at 5ft 8inch and weighs 128 pounds, and is also 16 years old prepare, now let the battle begin. ||Mitsutsuki and Jiro enter the arena and prepare to go head to head, Jiro takes his stance and mitsutsuki takes his|| [Jiro] are you ready to fight commoner. [Mitsutsuki] oh boy, here we go {he exclaims under his breath} [announcer] now let the fight begi...[Mitsutsuki] I forfeit || As mitsutsuki states, this everyone is immediately shocked as they thought they would see another battle with a noble|| [announcer] Mitsutsuki has forfeit so, therefore, the winner of this battle is um...um... Jiro. {cheers for Jiro}|| Nozomi looks on wondering what went wrong along with many others although a few were delighted that a noble won and started making up their reasons as to why Mitsutsuki forfeited the match but the real reason is that he just was not feeling it|| [Jiro] who would have thought you look scared to even be out here,||he says as mitsutsuki looks on with a blank look on his face wondering what Jiro is talking about|| [Mitsutsuki] huh sorry I guess I just wasn't feeling it today, good match {everyone} what match?

||Jiro somewhat, infuriated prepares to charge forward summoning a simple sword from Arma regni an infinite realm with an equally infinite amount of weapons|| [Jiro] do you think you can escape this fight,|| he says furiously|| [Mitsutsuki] Huh calm down idiot|| as he gives him a look that says you're going to die and almost immediately Jiro stops with a feeling he has never felt before one that says I am worse than any monster you could fight out there although Jiro has never fought any monster he imagines fighting Mitsutsuki would be worse.|| [Jiro] What the hell is this feeling it's like my whole body is numb is my heart racing why, why is it racing so fast?[Mitsutsuki] do you feel that that's the feeling of fear knowing you could die at any moment your body gets numb from the shock of this new feeling, now are you sure you want to continue||he says under his breath|| [Jiro] I...I...I give up yo.u.you're lucky.||Jiro says and then immediately exit the arena while onlookers are stunned as they don't know why Jiro just suddenly left although there are a few who realize what happened|| [annoucer] well there goes Jiro not sure what happened.

[Rai] hmm I told you guys not to count him out.[student]What he lost weren't you watching the match,[student 2] exactly|| the students said, unaware of the terror Jiro felt while there so, although he technically won, he still lost to those who knew what had happened.[Announcer] Ladies and the third match before the break, first up is Rai he stands at 5ft 9inch is 16 years old and weighs in at 132 pounds he may have a muscular but thin built but, he is no laughing matter, he's more muscular than our first two contestants, Rai also has bright yellow hair and of light complexion. And going against him is Akio who is 5ft 3inch and weighs in at 125 pounds and he is 15 years old also of light complexion. Now let's begin and....fight ||Akio charges straight ahead beginning the fight with a punch aimed at Rai's chest and then a quick jab and off Akio goes with left and rights and finally, he gets an opening and quickly goes for an uppercut and misses but Akio is relentless trying to land a single hit as the crowd cheerfully watches him dominate|| [student] dude he's winning the other guy is getting destroyed[student2] yeah I feel kinda bad for him he can't even fight back.

|| And just like that as Akio finally lands a hit Rai almost immediately attacks with a left kick which connects Akio feeling the after-effects of this simply kick looks to regroup but, Rai begins to attack throwing, one punch after the next each landing as Akio looks to put some space between the two he quickly realizes that Rai is not only the better fighter of the two but the faster as well so all he can do now is wait for defeat as Rai goes in for the final hit which he charges up for covering himself with {tenuibus armis}

somewhat of a thin armor however tho, it may appear thin if the user has enough power it can withstand even a nuclear blast from a close distance,|| [Rai] you're finished || as he summons a spear from the realm of {Arma regni}|| [Rai] now {Cannon spear} an attack which blows Akio away with impressive force sending flying into one of the steel corners putting a dent in it, also leaving Akio with a broken rib. And just like that the battle ended with the winner being Rai who at the beginning was being pressured with a barrage of attacks from Akio.||

|| [Announcer] ladies and gentlemen the winner with all odds against him Rai!. Now the next match will take place after a one-hour break allowing you to explore the school and get familiar with it. [Nozomi] Oniichan Mitsutsuki [Mitsutsuki] oh hey Nozomi you okay,[Nozomi] yep and you|| she says with a sad look on her face after worrying about him after the match Mitsutsuki quickly realizes this and hugs her |[Mitsutsuki] there you okay now plus don't you have a match after the break you shouldn't be worrying about me||which she responds with||[Nozomi] mmhmm but I couldn't help it things could have gotten pretty bad out there you know you should be more careful.[Mitsutsuki] Well they are training us to send us out to the battlefield where anyone can die at any moment that's why we got get stronger as the threat level of the monsters seem to go up every year,[Wellyou are right but I don't want to go out there alone so I need you to be careful you hear me|| she says stoically||[Mitsutsuki] heh okay I promise I won't get seriously hurt until we make it out there so promise me you won't get hurt no matter what okay.[Nozomi]{nods to say okay and seal their promise}. [Suki] hey guys, mitsutsuki I saw your match why did ya forfeit,[Rai] hello everyone my name is rai nice to meet you.[Mitsutsuki]why the hell is weirdos just coming up to us although this guy seems strong I wonder if I could beat him, but this girl why does she keep coming up to us||he says in his mind||[Mitsutsuki] Right nice to meet you too. { not that anyone asked *in his mind}.

[Nozomi] Oh hello there my name is Nozomi and this is my older brother mitsutsuki nice to meet you as well,[Suki] hi my name is suki nice to meet you and I must say your match was quite intriguing to watch.[Rai] Oh thanks for the compliment it was nothing special tho mitsutsuki's here was probably better to be honest,[Mitsutsuki] oh your just being modest [Rai] no not at all, anyway we should probably check out the school right before the second half of the combat test[Suki]Yeah he's right so let's go[Mitsutsuki]did they just invite themselves|| he says annoyed t what just happened|| [Nozomi] let's go oniichan[Mitsutsuki] hey Nozomi wait up||And so they travel the school looking at the different rooms and exploring the grounds and then they hear the bell signaling they should hurry back to the stadium so they do||[Mitsutsuki] great we made it in time[Rai] yeah||he exclaims while trying to catch his breath|| [Suki] great although we didn't finish exploring|| she says gaspingly|| [Nozomi] yeah it really is a shame anyway I think I'm up next so wish me luck.[Suki wait really good luck hopefully they put you against one of the nobles.[Rai] Yeah that would be bad and good luck.[Mitsutsuki] well get going idiot you said your match was next and be careful ||he says as she runs excitedly away to where she should wait for her match to begin.||[Announcer] now ladies and gentlemen welcome back and to kickstart the second half of the combat exam is Yui versus Nozomi!!.