
To Become A God/Kami ni naru tame ni

About a character who would stop at no means to reach his goals even if at the end he loses not just his humanity but all those who would have protected him if need be but if your the strongest you don't need protection.

Akomi · Fantasy
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2 Chs

To Start A New

"It started raining" let's go Nozomi|| Nozomi a 14-year-old girl with sleek silver hair wearing a red plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a blue skirt|| said Mitsutsuki||Mitsutsuki a 16 boy with bluish-black hair wearing a dressing shirt with a black overcoat and wearing dark black jeans while holding an umbrella standing in a graveyard infront of a ramen shop next to the rail ways which are higher up than it but not above it waitng for them next to a black car two men wearing black suits the one on the left being bald the one on the right having a rough head of hair both of them having a dark skin tone infront of them a woman with light complexion and black hair who seems to be taller or as tall as mitsutsuki.||ok "she replied while leaving we came to visit our mother and father and our grandparent's grave, when I and my sister were young someone broke in and our parents tried to stop them but in the end couldn't the robber stabbed my father and mother with a katana my granddad had in the living room I don't really remember everything but from what I asked the cops the robber was going to kill me and my sister too if they didn't show up as he didn't seem to want anything I always wonder if my dad was in anything shady but then I remember that this was my dad one of the kindest persons I know, not some criminal at night and a nice guy at day type dude however it has crossed my mind I am raising my sister and last month something strange happen to our planet as scientists explained that something that could never in a trillion years be predicted happen a mystical event happened over night, and suddenly people got powers and with these powers it seems mystical threats would soon follow so the different governments from around the world came up with a plan that would utilize these different abilities and put each countries military in charge of this plan but not soon after they have to speed up this process as the enemy was already here and within a few days cities were going up in flames with a few even buried under and water and others just vanished, however, the government or what left of them grouped up with scientist to create new weapons to hold off these monsters while the military got its new recruits.

||Fast forward a bit, that's where we were found homeless in a small village, fast forward some more and, you arrive at present-day where we're about to attend the military, high-class school in Japan where only those with a good grip on their abilities get to go. The school has three sections from what the person said to me first to the right is the main school building, second to the left is the dorm area and third in the middle is the school grounds and entertainment area||. To "me it's stupid but, my sister wanted to understand and control her power and find out ways to manipulate it so she could defend herself, which isn't a bad thing, so here we go entering our new school.

" I wonder what it will be like I may enjoy myself here!" thought Mitsutsuki while trying to keep his composure in front of his sister and the people who came to carry to there school and new home hopefully were safe here,[teacher] "come with me you too allow me to show you where you're going to stay unfortunately you won't be staying together as the boys will stay in their dorms, and the girls shall do the same but, you guys will be able to spend a lot of time together during school hours here "oh we're here this is your stop, mister Shiroshī [mitsutsuki] well later Nozomi behave and try to get along with some of the girls ok [Nozomi] ok oniichan {a few minutes later} [teacher] and here you go miss Shiroshī, "oh thank you for showing me the way I would never have found it by myself and onniichan wouldn't be much help either" said [nozomi] oh and what's your name by the way if you you don't mind me asking miss, oh my bad for not introducing myself at first my name is miss shuna it was a pleasure meeting you.

{The next day} [Nozomi] hey oniichan! she said ecstatically [Mitsutsuki] oh hey nozomi let's get going, he said as they walked steadily to the main school building, where orientation will begin shortly.{walking sounds and chatter in the bakground} [random student] Hey who are those two do you know them? "aren't those the two that arrived late yesterday," said one student "yeah, I think so any let's go or, we'll be late," said another student" yeah, you're right, "said another who joined in on the conversation. Everyone, please gather around 5 minutes until orientation for our new school begins {announced over the schools (PA) system} [mitsutsuki] hey nozomi you hear that let's go, pick up the pace or we'll be late idiot. [Nozomi] right I know jeez you didn't have to call me an idiot you know, let's, goooo! {as she runs away}. [misutsuki] "That idiot always causing a scene," he said{smiling} they finally made it ||infront of them a large door they push and enter|| [Nozomi] you see oniichan there was nothing to worry about, so lighten up will ya. [Mitsutsuki] let's just go take a seat.

{Teacher}Students please take a number and go to your designated seat if you will.[Nozomi] oh look I got 469 nice.[mitsutsuki] well you sure sound happy I hope you know what it means plus Hurry and move so I can get mine. "Alright here is your number sir," thanks it's 470 huh anyways let's go nozomi [Nozomi] right [Mitsutsuki]these should be our seats yep they are] [A student] hey hurry up and give me my number woman do you know who I am{i wonder what's going on back there} [teacher] here you are sir, next [student] oh me thank you. ||as she walks down towards mitsutsuki and nozomi|| Oh hello what's your names mine is "Suki"|| Suki a 15-year-old girl with brown hair wearing one of the school uniforms which has one green stripe on the jacket and a black skirt|| [Mitsutsuki] {in his mind} I knew she would start talking the moment she came here she just looks like one of those people,[Nozomi] Oh hello that's a beautiful name mine is Nozomi, and this is my brother Mitsutsuki it's a pleasure to meet you [Mitsutsuki] {in his mind} Nozomi you idiot don't make conversation,[Mitsutsuki] hey nice to meet you,[Suki] likewise hopefully we'll be in the same class and not in the same class as those pricks.[Mitsutsuki] {In his mind} I knew it as soon as I saw her she looked like one of those people with no filters and concern for who hears them, damn it Nozomi.

[Lt Akira]|| a woman that looks to be 25 but is actually 29 pushing 30 years old with orange-colored hair while wearing one of the new military uniforms which is dark in color and has three red stripes on the arm of the sleeve of the jacket, her rank on the upper arm of the jackets right above the biceps on her right arm only and wearing a tall but not too tall tactical skirt she looks to stand at 5ft 10inch.|| Ok everyone listen up! I will like to officially welcome you all to Kaisei military school and I hope your first stat here was enjoyable because as of this moment your military school life begins and you won't be treated like princesses do you hear me! {Everyone} Yes, mam! [Lt Akira] Ok excellent seems I don't need to tell you all the basics now let's get into first I will explain the rules first: No one is allowed to leave school grounds without permission no matter the reason is that understood, good next: the boys and girls will be separated I don't think you need a reason for that. next||and she went on to give the rules|| [Lt Akira] ok now to the action first the way you will be placed in your classes will be to have battles the first one combating the other will be told and explain to you as you go along now you may leave good luck to all of you. || She says as they walk to a stadium like a place where they see an arena with steel walls painted blue and concrete-like floor bu harder and yet has bounced to it thanks to pressure plates and springs beneath.||

{Announcer}First up for the entrance battles is Botan, Botan stands at 5ft 6inch and weighs 129 pounds with a muscular built and brown-orange hair with a light-dark complexion, versus Itsuki who weighs 125 pounds and stands at 5ft 9inch with black hair and a light complexion both wearing the school's combat attire which is a dark blue track shirt with dark blue pants and this what each contestant will be wearing during this event, let me explain the rules no use of abilities, no use of outside weapons other than the ones given to you for use, or if you can summon one that is also fine now start.{crowd}yayy get him Itsuki [student 1] hey why is everyone chairing for that one guy.[another student] Dude you don't know he's a son of one of the eight noble families.[student 1]wait really which one of the lines is he from, I bet he must be strong I mean he is a member of the noble family after all[student 2] he is from the Aoki family I think he is the third son of Touma Aoki their second family head.[student 1] oh [Itsuki] This is it || Itsuki throws a quick jab next a left kick|| {Announcer} wait did he just propel himself in the air well I guess you can't expect anything less from a noble [Itsuki]{in his mind} now to finish it with an ax kick,{Announcer} wait is he going for a kick in mid-air! no way! and that's it!. the winner is Itsuki. {everyone}Yessss! let's gooo! Itsuki Itsuki Itsuki.|| a few matches happened after that not worth mentioning however time has run out and the main group will have to wait a day or two for their matches||.{second day} [Announcer] First up for the second day is Mitsutsuki versus Jiro [student 3] wait another member of the noble is starting wow I would hate to be that other guy.[unknown] well don't count him out yet he may have potential.