
Tiger Avatar In MCU

A story of a boy waking up in a different world and learning to become a man.

Rwn4 · 映画
13 Chs

The Beginning

Kieran woke up quickly, not something he would usually do as he would normally lay in bed for at least 20 minutes before even considering moving. But this time something was wrong the 17 year old could feel it as he stood and looked around he was confused to see he was in a forest. Saying he was shocked would be an understatement as he was just in his bed.

He took a step forward only now releasing he was wearing shoes again he was surprised given the fact he slept only in his boxers and now he's wearing his clothes.

"For comfort" a deep voice that seemed to echo around him boomed.

As Kieran spun and took multiple steps back he saw a… a tiger! He froze and slowly took steps back and kept in eye contact with the gigantic thing.

"W-what? Did..did you just speak" Kieran said with a slightly higher pitch voice than normal.

"Your clothes and shoes" the voice rumbled "you humans need those to be in these sort of conditions" the the bus sized tiger said gesturing with its paw to the forest while simply laying there.

"Oh, uh thanks but uh-" he cleared his dry throat "how did i get here?" Kieran said while gesturing to the forest around him.

"I brought you here" the tiger stated its mesmerising orange eyes focused on the human.

"Oh care to elaborate on why and how" Kieran said with a nervous laugh at the end still 15 steps away.

"I was bored" the tiger rumbled as it started to lick its paw "and well the how is I am a god"

"Oh…. Uh okay, sure let's uh go with that" kieran muttered to himself "So are you going to like eat me or something, cats do some weird stuff when bored uh like I once saw my nans cat start torturing some random mouse in her gard-" his nervous rambling was stopped suddenly when the tiger growled.

Shit it's going to eat me kieran thought to himself in a panic.

"No! I don't eat humans nowadays I have no need for sustenance anymore, why I brought you here was to send you to another universe to watch you and be entertained" as the tiger finished speaking a strange energy started to build on its forehead.

"Oh so an isekai thing! Okay brilliant" Kieran was excited to say the least he could wish to be as strong as goku and immortal then live in some random world with no real threats to him "well how many wishes do i get? Or is it a spinning wheel" he said clearly happy.

"None" the tiger lazily stretched as it said this.

"Wh-what?" Kieran felt like he was punched in the gut of course he got a shitty isekai god that didn't give 5 wishes "uh what about a system?"

"Nope" the tiger started to somehow look amused watching Kieran's dreams be kicked in the face.

"Ah so uh your just sending me to a world with nothing? You just wanna watch me like live a normal life? Just watch a sitcom-" Kieran was once again interrupted.

"I never said I'd give you nothing you impatient fool" the tiger looked slightly peeved now after having to interrupt the human once again.

"Oh right, you know what just let me know everything, I uh won't speak" Kieran took a dramatic step back and gestured to the tiger to take the stage.

"Thank you" the tiger rumbled clearly sarcastic "well I will send you to the world of Marvel and you will be my avatar-" the tiger was interrupted by Kieran.

"Wait what! I'll just be a knock off black panther! That's bullshit" Kieran has just realised in his head that he was possibly a bit of an idiot for interrupting the tiger when the tiger roared.

"Stupid Humans! Always so disrespectful! Fine you don't want to hear me speak that is fantastic!" The tigers odd energy had built to a climax revealing a third eye upon its forehead before it slammed it paw against the ground the blast of wind blowing Kieran against a tree knocking him out on impact making his world go dark.