
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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57 Chs

Chapter 36

"What happened next?"

  "I shot the father and son to death. The woman I called aunt went crazy. When the police arrived, she screamed and told everything."

  "It was my evil uncle who set the fire. A Claren Chemical Company paid him to hire him to intimidate my parents."

  "Why?" Jack asked in confusion. He thought it was just an ordinary robbery of family property, so why did another chemical company appear?

  "It is said that because of the pollution problem in the nearby river, my father hired an investigator from the Ministry of Environmental Protection to investigate, which alerted the chemical company and adopted such dirty methods."

  "Zoe's parents came after that He moved to Texas and became my guardian because our mothers are biological sisters."

  Jack suddenly realized that there was still such a relationship between Zoe and Hannah.

  "Zoe's father used a lot of connections to launch a lawsuit against the chemical company, but it ended up being settled."

  "He said that the parent company of Claren Chemical Company is very powerful, and there are members of Congress who are involved, and I know that he I've tried my best."

  "Even Zoe's family will be threatened if we continue to entangle ourselves. It is said that the investigator from the Department of Environmental Protection died unexpectedly not long after, so I entrusted Uncle Anderson to sell my parents' farm and follow them to Los Angeles. Life."

  "From that day on, I set my goal to be the FBI and vowed to dig out the man behind the scenes and be responsible for the death of my parents."

  Jack blinked, always feeling that this plot seemed familiar. Could this be the case? Behind this chemical company is a beautiful presidential couple who also runs a killer business?

  Of course, this is just a joke. Although the background of the American TV series is highly overlapped with his previous life, at least the recent presidents are names he has never heard of.

  "So what's the name of that parent company?"

  "Kleiner Industries, behind it was the Kleiner Foundation, and Claren Chemical Company was shut down not long after."

  Hannah seemed to feel that something was being done to her . I felt a little uncomfortable with my diaphragm, so I adjusted my posture.

  Jack suddenly realized that this was not the company of villains in the American TV series "Jack Reacher". This show was covered in mystery, but in fact it was quite popular with fists and fists. It was one of his favorite old-school style American TV series back then.

  Well, the heroine's sacrificial appearance in the play was also one of the reasons that attracted him. Unfortunately, it was a bit small, and it was much worse than Hannah's cost that was weighing him down at the moment.

  "Then I guess what you want is not just to find the real murderer, but to avenge your parents with your own hands. Zoe, does she know what you think?" This should be the style of a red neck, right?

  "She asked me to confess all this to you and listen to your thoughts. She feels that your views on some things are more mature than hers."

  Why do I feel like I am being relied on by these two sisters.

  "No one should dominate your thoughts on this kind of matter. If you think avenging your parents will make you feel better, then go ahead and do it. I will accompany you."

  Anyway, he now has system skills . When the time comes, there will be the big guy Jack Reacher charging into the battle. Even if he does nothing, the real culprit behind the scenes will eventually be killed. At most, Hannah can do it herself.

  With a "pop" sound, Hannah happily gave Jack another mouthful, then straightened up and pressed down like a prank, almost causing little Jack to lose his strength.

  "Stop, no, don't move, Hannah, you will regret it if you do this again!"

  A look of dissatisfaction appeared on Hannah's round face: "Am I not as good-looking as Zoe, or am I not as good-looking as her? Why can you accept it? But she always rejects me?"    

  Why did I refuse? Is it wrong to respect you? Of course, Jack knew that now was not the time to be reasonable, and he had to find a way to coax this girl first, otherwise something would really happen later.

  "You already know about my relationship with Zoe, so you should..."

  Hannah leaned down again, with a half-smile on her face: "Not only do I know that you will go to Zoe after every shooting, but also I know that you have been looking for Maureen, and we obviously live in the same house."

  What kind of weird Shura field is this? No harem article at point X would dare to write like this.

  "Now that you know everything, why are you still..."

  "But Daddy also has many lovers, like Aunt Daisy and Aunt Chrissy. Mommy said that as long as the people Daddy loves most are her and me, it will be fine."

  How is this? Abnormal education. Does your family believe in Mormonism? Jack had a lot of bad things to say.

  "Zoe is going to marry Maureen soon. I know what they are planning, but no matter how many lovers you have, I hope I can be your only wife."

  "Isn't it a little early to say this now? "Jack forced a dry smile.

  "But I can't live without you anymore. I won't find another man in this country who can treat me better than you. I want you to cook for me and take care of me for the rest of your life."

  "I want to be like Louis. "Like Ryan, and you are my Superman. That day at the Bronson Tower, I thought I was really dead, and you appeared in front of me like Superman. From that moment on,"

  Hannah did not continue, but They press their cheeks tightly against each other.

  Jack's restless heart calmed down inexplicably, and he didn't speak anymore. Instead, he stretched out his arms to hug Hannah and patted her back gently, as if coaxing a frightened little girl.

  After a long time, he turned over and picked her up, coaxing softly: "I promise, I will always be by your side until you get tired of me, my girl."

  Hannah finally showed a satisfied smile and whispered back He said: "Me too."

  Returning to the bed in his loft, Jack gave a bitter smile. Now three boats were broken, but luckily they didn't capsize. It seems that the problem with the central air conditioner will have to be corrected in the future. When he met people like Zoe and Hannah The girl is just lucky. If she meets a yandere or something like that, she may not be able to bear it in the future.

  I vaguely remember that John, who was also a warm-hearted uncle, seemed to meet a yandere who had both high IQ and emotional intelligence, and almost tormented him to death.

  Opening the "Friends of Dual-Use Talents" on the bedside, Jack quickly immersed himself in the ocean of knowledge. The sacred book was indeed a sacred book, ranging from military knowledge to agriculture, civil construction, and even household appliances and machinery maintenance. There is even an introduction to seal cutting and photography.

  As the saying goes, if he has many skills, he should show off all these skills. When he becomes a police detective or even an FBI agent in the future, he will not have to worry about receiving more and more complex cases in the world of American TV series. At this time, the growth of skills and the income of system gold coins are in a mutually reinforcing relationship.