
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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57 Chs

Chapter 35 Listening to Hannah tell the story of the past.

Sure enough, after less than an hour of sparring with Hannah, a notification sound came from the system in my mind. When I turned on the system, I found that my original fighting skills had been upgraded from proficient to proficient.

  Jack was very happy to have earned another 5 gold coins. This way of improving system skills through his own efforts gave him a greater sense of accomplishment than spending hard-earned gold coins.

  Seeing him standing there suddenly in a daze, Hannah secretly rejoiced. She wavered her arms and silently kicked Jack, hitting the outer side of Jack's middle thigh.

  This is one of the pain points of the human body and will not cause any permanent damage, but the severe pain produced can actually make an adult fall to the ground in an instant.

  When Jack reacted, it was already too late. Fortunately, he was no longer what he used to be. He gritted his teeth and swallowed the side kick. With the bonus of 20 points of physical fitness, he was able to block the sudden severe pain. Holding Hannah's ankle firmly.

  Hannah didn't panic. There was a way to deal with this posture. The moment she took the initiative to fall to the ground on her back, her right leg, which was pulled by Jack, pulled her body towards him, shortening the distance between them. At the same time, he used the force of his left foot to push towards his lower abdomen.

  As usual, even if Jack was able to react, he could only fall to the ground because his body could not keep up. Then the two continued to compete on the ground. Moves similar to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are also found in Krav Maga.

  Although the girl and Hannah were twisting around on the ground and subduing each other through physical entanglement, it looked very sexy, but in fact it was deadly.

  Due to his status as a sparring partner and from a male perspective, he could only lock joints and crack wrists, but Hannah had nothing to worry about.

  In the past, due to psychological problems, she could only study with female coaches, and her sparring partners could not accept male opponents. When she reached a certain level, her skills hit a bottleneck.

  Later, he finally had Jack as his opponent. During the ground skills competition, he didn't care about giving him benefits at all. He did everything possible including blocking and chokeholds, and deadly scissor kicks. He didn't consider his future sexual well-being at all.

  However, today was different from the past. Jack stretched out his right hand like lightning and grabbed her left ankle. Then he stretched out his right foot and kicked her legs at the crooks, twisting her whole body into a ball.

  "Admit defeat?" Jack grabbed Hannah's slender ankles with one hand, suppressed her, and began to laugh evilly. After being ravaged for three months, he finally succeeded in killing her today.

  "Never!" Hannah struggled desperately, still trying to fight back.

  Looking at the peach butt swaying left and right in front of him, and the tight yoga pants clearly outlining the lines of the toe bones, Jack let go of his hand with some annoyance. Although he usually eats a lot of tofu, it is not appropriate to deliberately wipe the oil during training.

  Hannah fell to the ground gasping for air, and Jack lay down next to her to rest. The room became quiet for a while.

  I don't know how long it took, but Hannah suddenly turned over and fell on top of Jack, startling him and thinking she was going to continue practicing.

  Unexpectedly, the girl kissed him directly. Jack's eyes widened. This was the first time that she took the initiative to kiss him. Before, she had always vowed to abide by the rule that colleagues could not fall in love.

  "I have submitted my resignation to Zoe and will report to Quantico next month."

  Feeling the beautiful touch of the girl's plump figure and the hot breath on the tip of his nose, Jack didn't know what to say for a moment.

  "Is it so fast? Shouldn't you pass the interview first, and then have a series of physical tests and so on?"

  Jack was a little reluctant for a moment. If there was something between adults between him, Zoe and Maureen, Sex attracts people, but the relationship with Hannah is much more pure.

  "Zoe has some friends in the FBI. They directly agreed to the special admission after seeing my LAPD file. After completing five months of training, I will belong to the Los Angeles office."

  Jack secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "So five months Will I be able to see you again in a few months?"

  Hannah nodded: "At that time, I need you to accompany me to do something. This matter is related to my childhood experience. This is why I am determined to join the FBI. s reason."    

  Jack's heart tightened. Is this girl finally willing to open the scar in front of him and show him the wound in her heart?

  "I think you also know that sometimes I am not a conformist person, right?" Unexpectedly, the lynching he and Tim carried out on the serial killer turned out to be a mistake, which made Hannah finally make up her mind.

  "You know I'm a Texas girl, right? My father's name is Brent Stephens and my mother's name is Jennifer Carlisle. Before I was fifteen, we lived together on a small farm in West Texas, near New Mexico."

  Her tone began to choke, and tears fell on Jack's face like broken pearls.

  "I used to have a happy family, until one day, someone maliciously set our stable on fire. There were several mares waiting to give birth, and a purebred pony given to me by my father in order to release the horses. "He rushed into the stable, and then Mommy went in."

  "I will never forget that night. When the police and fire engines arrived, they only found two bodies tightly hugged together."

  Watching Hannah change With a blank look in her eyes, Jack was silent and just stretched out his hand to help her wipe away the tears.

  "Later, my father's demon brother came from Georgia with his whole family and said he would become my guardian."

  Jack's heart seemed to be suddenly plucked, thinking of Hannah's feelings about Angus Lucius, that An unusual resentment.

  "At that time, I naively regarded them as my relatives, until one day, I discovered that they..."

  "Them?" Jack couldn't believe his ears.

  "Yes, him and his son."

  Jack felt his brain began to be congested, and an uncontrollable anger welled up in his heart. When the matter had nothing to do with him, he might be able to laugh at the hypocrisy of this so-called developed country in a condescending manner. Ugliness beneath the veil.

  And now, when something so disgusting happens to someone he cares about, he just wants to use the most brutal methods on him.

  "So, is this the source of your psychological barriers to the opposite sex?"

  Jack could clearly hear his teeth crunching as he spoke.

  Hannah couldn't help but be stunned when she saw his expression, and then smiled, immediately losing control of him.

  "Yes, but it's not what you think."

  "I mean, my dislike of the opposite sex, uh, except for you, is indeed for this reason, but they didn't touch me."

  Hannah lowered her head He tucks a strand of bangs hanging down and gives Jack a comforting kiss.

  "Under my pillow is a 10th birthday gift from my father, a Smith & Wesson M36 revolver for women."