
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 37 Unexpected Gain

 Early the next morning, Jack received a text message from the bank, reminding him that the $5,000 bail he had previously paid for had been returned. Only then did he suddenly think of the poor father and son.

  It seemed that he never thought about it again after paying the bail. It seemed that the guy named Daniel Lawson had been quite honest since then. Jack also remembered that his son seemed to be named Jacob.

  After saving Superintendent Gray because of the shootout with the drug dealer in the parking lot that followed, he never thought of contacting the other party because he was always worried about the sequelae of the shooting. He didn't expect that his case would be solved so quickly.

  So Jack called the other party and learned that because of his good record in the past, he happened to meet a kind-hearted judge, and Angela said some good words when she testified in court, Lawson was only sentenced to After one month of community service, he is now free from the lawsuit.

  After thinking about it, Jack planned to drive to visit the father and son. After all, he helped people to the end and had done good things in the past. He might as well pay more attention to this guy and don't look back and do something stupid again.

  On the way, he bought a bunch of milk, cereal and other foods. Thinking of the very old children's bicycle he saw at the door, Jack simply spent another 100 dollars to buy a brand new children's bicycle and drove to the white building again. In front of the two-story building.

  This is a mid-range community located on Genesee Street. Jack noticed that although the surrounding residents were mostly blue-collar workers, there were not many African Americans staying. The streets were a little older, but they were very neat and clean.

  Seeing Jack in casual clothes, Daniel Lawson still looked a little nervous. His son Jacob was also timidly holding on to his father's pants, as if he was remembering that nightmare morning again.

  Jack smiled and put down the big bag in his hand: "It's okay. I'm relieved to know that you didn't go to jail. I also brought a gift for little Jacob, which is in the trunk of the car."

  Lawson With a grateful face and constant thanks, Jack felt sad for no reason when he saw this man who had been crushed by life early. Once upon a time, his father, who died young in his previous life, was so similar to him.

  He took out a blue stroller from the trunk, unpacked it, and pushed it in front of little Jacob. Seeing the child happily riding the stroller around the yard, the two men showed happy smiles at the same time.

  "So, what are your plans for the future?" Jack asked.

  Lawson's face now looks less sad, and his eyes seem to have more hope: "I am going to sell my current house and move to Salt Lake City. My father runs an auto repair shop there, and he is willing to accept me and my family." Son."

  Jack asked casually: "Have you found a buyer?"

  Lawson shook his head: "The economy is very sluggish now, and this is not a particularly good neighborhood. The bank gave me three months. If I continue If you can't repay the loan in time, the house will be taken away."

  Jack was a little hesitant. No matter what his future with Hannah was, it would not be a problem to always stay in her house, especially if he really became a friend of her in the future. Couples, that's not really a freeloader.

  Although he really doesn't have much money on hand now, and he was very resistant to loans for consumption in the past, but there is a certain stubbornness in the Seris people's bones that makes him not mind making some early investments in real estate.

  Besides, now that he is also an official LAPD police officer, banks are more willing to give better loan conditions to police officers.

  In fact, he has not given up looking for suitable rental opportunities during this period. The agent has also introduced some, but he has never been able to catch his eye. Now this house actually makes Jack very interested.

  He politely asked Lawson if he could show him around the house. The latter's expression was filled with surprise and disbelief, and he quickly showed Jack around inside and out.

  The house is not big, with a total of 4 rooms on the upper and lower floors, plus a living room and two bathrooms, about 200 square meters in total. There is a small basement that can be used as a storage room or transformed into a gun storage room in the future. A room next to the living room was transformed into a closed kitchen, which can basically meet Jack's needs.

  The most important thing is that this house has a large backyard, which is where little Jacob rides his car in circles. It is a full seventy or eighty square meters, which gives him a lot of ideas.    

  "Then are you willing to resell this property to me?" Now that he was interested, Jack no longer hesitated. As a time traveler with a system, he still had confidence.

  "Are you kidding?"

  Lawson looked delighted. It was impossible for him to repay his mortgage for the time being. If the bank really took over the house and auctioned it off at a low price, he might even be asked to recover the remaining balance. As far as he is now The economic situation has simply made things worse.

  Jack smiled and shook his head: "Don't be too happy first. You need to find a real estate agent to make a quote first. I will see if the price is suitable. Then I will ask a friend to help evaluate it. After all, I don't know much about this aspect." ."

  Lawson was so happy that he nodded repeatedly and immediately started to contact the real estate agent on his mobile phone.

  Jack also took out his mobile phone to contact John. After all, among the people he knew, John was the only one who was familiar with this industry, so he was the best person to contact.

  After making an appointment with John to come over to help him look at the house after get off work in the evening, Jack ran to the bank in the afternoon to apply for an advance approval letter for a formal loan.

  He roughly checked the entire process on the Internet. The process was quite complicated, but fortunately there was a transfer and escrow company, and everything could be done with just a few bucks.

  "I have checked the structure of the house and the water and electricity lines, and there are no problems. This house was built less than ten years ago and there are very few areas that need repair. The other party's price of US$45W is also very reasonable. In terms of the surrounding land prices, you got a bargain. ."

  John finished the inspection and congratulated with a smile.

  Jack was determined, but he had some sympathy for Lawson. In this damn country, an originally happy middle-class family had almost no chance of making a comeback just because of some changes.

  But that's all I can do. I hope that the father and son can start a new life in Salt Lake City with my little help.

  "So you're going to move out soon?" Hannah, who was sweating with sweat on her face, suddenly had a resentful expression when she saw Jack coming in at night. He had just finished exercising.

  Jack smiled and touched her head, deliberately messing up her blond hair. This expression was really not suitable for her sweetheart attributes.

  "I always have a home of my own."

  Seeing that she still looked unhappy, he deliberately teased her.

  "If I need a hostess in the future, I don't know if someone is interested."

  Hannah's face suddenly turned red and she hugged his arm tightly. Smelling the scent of toilet water caused by sweat on her body, Jack couldn't help but think of one thing.

  It's not that he dislikes Hannah's body odor. He used to crawl around during training and got used to it over time. In fact, at certain times, the smell full of female hormones is quite alluring.

  (End of chapter)