
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · ファンタジー
620 Chs

Worst ending

Zhang Yi knew in his heart that Tianhai City must completely solve the problem of corpse tide, so that they can live peacefully in the future.

However, something suddenly occurred to him.

That was when Bian Junwu was leaving, he invited him to go to the Jiangnan region.

Zhang Yi suddenly woke up at this moment, and only then did he understand what Bian Junwu had not finished saying.

This is a way out for him.

If it turns out that the corpse tide in Tianhai City cannot be properly handled, then the final resort should be to completely wipe out the entire city.

I'm afraid that by then, Zhang Yi will have no other choice but to leave here.

He couldn't help but think: Although the shelter was originally said to be able to prevent H attacks, if the goal of Jiangnan Region was to wipe out the entire Tianhai City, the level used would be completely different.

I can't take such a risk!

It would be best to deal with the zombie problem right now.

The truth is easy to say, but how to deal with it?

Zhang Yi had no clue in his heart.

Everyone's faces were filled with nervous expressions, fearing that the thing they least expected to happen would happen.

Everyone sat on the sofa in the living room. Zhang Yi crossed his arms and thought hard about where he should break the situation.

Everyone also started brainstorming and spoke freely.

Zhou Keer frowned slightly and said worriedly:

"Now we all know that zombies and rats are concentrated underground. Their numbers are so alarming that they may have occupied the entire Tianhai City subway system."

"With our current manpower, it is unrealistic to face the tide of zombies and rats. Unless we find the Corpse King and carry out beheading operations."

As Zhou Keer spoke, she gently put her hand on Zhang Yi's shoulder and leaned against him.

When she is nervous, she likes to get some comfort from Zhang Yi.

"We can't do anything about these things. We can only hope that Jiangnan Region will provide help. So Zhang Yi, you don't have to worry too much. After all, our capabilities are limited."

What Zhou Keer said is right.

It is impossible for the five major forces to mobilize on a large scale in the extremely cold environment to conduct investigations outside.

Whether Zhang Yi or others, they are all just temporary teams built in the end of the world.

No one has experience in dealing with such a bad situation.

Zhang Yi raised his head and said leisurely:

"All fear comes from the unknown. Our biggest trouble is that we know too little about the corpses."

"What on earth is the Corpse King? Is it a zombie that mutates to produce intelligence, or is it some strange person?"

I don't even know what the Corpse King is, let alone a beheading operation.

Fatty Xu interjected at this time: "We can only judge now that the outbreak of the zombie crisis has nothing to do with the other four forces. After all, the losses they suffered were quite tragic."

Yang Xinxin immediately retorted: "We can't say it so absolutely. Even though they have suffered a lot, we can't conclude that this matter really has nothing to do with them."

"For example, Xishan Base, they conducted a large number of human experiments at the beginning. Other companies in Baobuqi also had similar behavior, which is why the zombie wave appeared."

After the end of the world, the major forces in Tianhai City were frantically improving their armed forces, and almost all available methods were used.

The artificial man project at Xishan Base and the military stimulants at Yangsheng Base are clear examples.

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

But they are basically speculations with no evidence.

They have too little information.

The sudden appearance of the zombie tide was like a brand new force, catching them off guard.

Zhang Yi propped up his chin with both hands. He was puzzled by the sudden wave of corpses.

Who is the Corpse King who controls everything behind the scenes?

If it was an alien who wanted to control the zombie tide to eliminate the other major forces in Tianhai City, become the king of Tianhai City, and even expand to the surrounding areas, then with human intelligence, it should have broken through the defenses of these major forces long ago.

However, the zombies Zhang Yi and others encountered did not have high IQs. They seemed to be four or five-year-old children who were constantly learning.

But if the Corpse King is the mutated corpse that gave birth to wisdom, why does it launch continuous attacks against the five major forces?

It was as if it had known for a long time that there were five powerful human organizations in five distant corners of Tianhai City.

This contradictory logic depicts something special in Zhang Yi's mind.

It looks like something being manipulated by humans, but it also doesn't look like something done by humans with normal IQs.


Is he a mentally retarded person?

Zhang Yi himself was amused by his own thoughts.

"Let's wait and see first! At least we have to see how good the people sent by Jiangnan Region are."

"They have richer team combat experience, powerful aliens, and advanced technology in the Jiangnan region. They should be able to achieve some results."

"If they can't solve the problem by then, we will take action again."

Zhang Yi made a temporary plan.

With his double-door ability, if he goes underground to fight, he can at least guarantee a worry-free escape.

However, Bian Junwu did not invite him to join, and he was too happy to speak.


Headquarters of the Snow Worship Cult, St. John's Cathedral.

Zheng Yixian returned here. He opened the door and walked in. Yuan Kongye stood in front of the crucifix and prayed devoutly as always.

Yuan Kongye stood three meters behind her.

Yuan Kongye slowly opened his closed eyes, then turned around to face Zheng Yixian.

Her white and slender hands were folded in front of her.

There was a rare softness in her eyes as she looked at Zheng Yixian.

"What did you see when you went there this time?"

Zheng Yixian's expression was serious.

"Jiangnan Region sent a group of very scary people!"

He told Yuan Kongye what he saw and heard today.

When Yuan Kongye heard about the strength of the investigation team, especially the ability of the border troops to kill thousands of zombies with one strike, a look of emotion appeared on his frosty face that had not melted for thousands of years.

"Jiangnan Region..."

She murmured.

"Will they affect us?"

Yuan Kongye asked.

Zheng Yixian was not sure. He said: "The current situation in Tianhai City has a great impact on the surrounding areas. If the Jiangnan Region sends troops to intervene, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to develop in the future."

"Moreover, Bian Junwu gave us a warning. That is, if the corpse tide problem cannot be solved, Jiangnan Region may use final measures."

Yuan Kongye's eyes swayed.

"The last resort..."

Zheng Yixian said firmly: "We can't just sit back and watch this situation happen!"

Yuan Kongye nodded.

"I'm afraid we are not the only ones who think so about this issue. Zhang Yi, Xiao Honglian, Wei Dinghai and Xing Tian don't want to see that kind of result!"

Just as Yuan Kongye said.

After Bian Junwu warned them, everyone was very worried.

Because of this, they will also choose to do their best to help Bian Junwu to solve the current zombie problem.

Because by fully assisting Bian Junwu and others, they are actually helping themselves.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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