
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


Bian Junwu's face didn't have much expression.

He just said in his usual calm and indifferent tone:

"We need your cooperation in the next operation to face the zombie tide in Tianhai City."

"So it's crucial that we understand each other's abilities. This also wants you to know that my abilities cannot be used without limit, as that will hasten my death."

Zhang Yi nodded.

He also understood that Bian Junwu had not said a word.

As the captain of the Jiangnan Region dispatch team, he was not worried about Zhang Yi using his powers to deal with him.

First of all, Zhang Yi did not dare to be an enemy of Jiangnan Region.

Secondly, in his current state, he is no longer afraid of death.

Bian Junwu said while putting on the toad glasses.

"Now I am almost a blind man, relying on this auxiliary visual device to see things. Now I see you as a blurry figure emitting red light."

Zhang Yi nodded.

Bian Junwu put his hands on the table and once again mentioned the topic he had mentioned before.

"Are you interested in trying your luck in the Jiangnan region? Your abilities are very promising, and you may be able to advance to the Ypsilon level in the future."

"The small Tianhai City will only limit your future."

Zhang Yi was not very interested in Bian Junwu's wooing.

He smiled and replied: "I don't have any ambitions, and I don't want to become famous and do something in my career."

"I just want to live well with the people around me in the end of the world, and then wait for the world to restart."

He thought to himself: When I went to the Jiangnan Region, I was just like you. I went out to run missions every day and had to fight to the death. I won't make trouble for myself!

"Don't refuse in a hurry."

Bian Junwu said.

"The living environment in Blizzard City is much happier than here."

"In Blizzard City, people can live as they did before the end of the world."

"There is a city, there are streets, there is a bustling night market. There are also comfortable apartments!"

"You can't experience these things in Tianhai City anyway."

A scene emerged in Zhang Yi's mind.

A prosperous city shrouded in steel and cement walls, with vendors and stalls connected on the streets, and many people happily shopping.

Parents hold their children's hands, couples talk and laugh, and even the snow falling from the sky becomes a Christmas decoration.

For a moment, Zhang Yi really looked forward to seeing such a scene again.

But he smiled at Bian Junwu and looked out the window at the dead snowfield.

Then he asked: "Would it be comfortable to have the shelter I live in now?"

Zhang Yi wouldn't believe Bian Junwu's tricks of coaxing children.

The end of the world is coming, if Blizzard City, the center of the Jiangnan region, really accommodates many people.

Then it would be impossible to maintain a higher standard of living environment.

Several major bases also have comfortable living environments, but they are only for a small number of people to enjoy.

Seeing that Zhang Yi was unmoved, Bian Junwu said again:

"Tianhai City is not a safe zone. It is right on the edge of the East China Sea. If the ice and snow melt in the future, I am afraid it will be flooded immediately."

"Besides, there may be enemies coming from the other side of the sea."

"Only the Central Plains is the safest. Have you ever considered this?"

The two points mentioned by Bian Junwu made Zhang Yi frown slightly and fell into silence for a while.

Yes, he may not care about human factors, but he cannot ignore nature.

The Ice Age was caused by cosmic fluctuations.

Maybe one day Blue Star will return to normal temperatures, then the coastal Tianhai City will definitely be flooded by sea water.

But let's talk about this kind of thing later.

Always looking forward and backward, who could have thought of what would happen so long ago?

If you really want to say it, the last Ice Age lasted tens of millions of years!

Zhang Yi frowned and replied: "Who can say for sure what will happen in the future? Let's talk about it then!"

When Bian Junwu saw Zhang Yi's mood, he just raised the corner of his mouth slightly and did not continue the topic.

Solving the zombie crisis in Tianhai City is a big deal right now.

He only needs to plant a seed in Zhang Yi's heart, and when the time is right in the future, he may be able to let Zhang Yi go to Jiangnan Region.

After all, he was already dying.

It was finally easy to find a good prospect at the Delta level. It would be great if we could fill the vacancy in the investigation team after his death.

Then, the two chatted about the zombie tide.

Zhang Yi had no reservations in front of Bian Junwu.

He told all the information about zombies and rats.

Again, they are here to help them solve the problem. If the zombie tide is eliminated as soon as possible, Zhang Yi will be the beneficiary.

Bian Junwu finished a glass of hot water and stood up slowly.

"What needs to be said has been said, so we won't bother you anymore. I will contact you if necessary."

After saying that, he turned around and walked outside the house.

Zhang Yi stood up and followed him, "Why don't we have a meal together? We're all here."

He was really worried about these people asking to live here.

However, it can be seen from their attitudes that although they are envious of Zhang Yi's shelter, they are not overly coveted.

Obviously their living environment in Blizzard City is also very good.

After all, they are all quite high-level ability users.

"There's no need to eat. We brought our own military rations. And we still have things to do next."

Bian Junwu rejected Zhang Yi's kindness.

The two people came to the living room, which was very quiet.

The people in the investigation team had little communication with the indigenous people in the sanctuary, and the atmosphere was even a bit stiff.

Seeing the two people walking out of the hut, both groups of people seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Bian Junwu said to his team members:

"Enough rest, it's time for us to set off!"

Several team members put down the tea in their hands and stood up without hesitation.

"Thank you for the hospitality!"

Several people thanked Zhang Yi and Zhou Keer.

When Wu Di walked to Zhang Yi, his eyes showed obvious fighting spirit.

"Zhang Yi, if we have a chance next time, how about we compare notes?"

Bian Junwu's regard for Zhang Yi aroused Wu Di's attention.

And according to what Bian Junwu expressed, Zhang Yi is likely to become a member of their team in the future.

Wu Di naturally wanted to test Zhang Yi's level.

Zhang Yi smiled faintly and did not answer.

Bian Junwu shouted to him:

"What time is it now? Don't be ridiculous!"

Wu Di smiled and scratched his head, then walked out immediately.

Zhang Yi and others watched them leave.

Bian Junwu and others got into the car. When the car left the shelter, everyone in the shelter started talking about it.

"These people have so much murderous intent!"

"Yeah, you can feel it from a distance. It's completely different from the people I met before."

Zhang Yi took a deep breath and murmured to himself: "Fortunately they are not enemies. Otherwise, we would be in big trouble."

Among these seven people, it goes without saying that Bian Junwu's strength is unparalleled in the entire Tianhai City with his terrifying superpowers.

Even Zhang Yi will be killed instantly if he encounters him without preparation.

However, if he is prepared, the Dimension Gate's current defense will definitely be able to block Bian Junwu's attack - judging from the power of his attack today.

Everyone has seen the strength of the others. Kong Sheng, who does not have a high status in the team, easily killed Chen Jingguan, the second-in-command at Chaoyu Base.

No one can imagine how terrifying the strength of such a team is.

However, Zhang Yi believed that it would not be difficult for the seven of them to destroy a base.

Because there is a behemoth standing behind them - the Jiangnan Region!

At this moment, Yang Xinxin's cold voice reached Zhang Yi's ears.

"But with only seven people coming, it may not be that easy to solve the problem of the zombie tide."

"This is not good news."

When everyone heard Yang Xinxin's words, they couldn't help but look at this talented girl with a superior IQ.

Zhang Yi looked down at her and asked seriously:

"Xinxin, what do you think?"

Yang Xinxin controlled the wheelchair and came to everyone.

Her cold eyes shone with wisdom.

"The Jiangnan Region sent them here, not necessarily expecting them to be able to deal with the huge tide of corpses at once."

"Maybe they are just the vanguard. Once the source of the corpse tide is found out, there may be a large-scale troops stationed in Tianhai City."

"At that time, the entire pattern of Tianhai City will be rewritten. We will inevitably be affected."

Zhang Yi nodded.

"This is indeed very possible."

Fatty Xu said worriedly: "When the time comes, we won't be kicked out of the shelter, right?"

Zhang Yi's team dominates Tianhai City, occupying two territories in Xishan District and Lujiang District.

But that is also because his opponents are not strong. At most, they are only a small force stationed in Tianhai City.

However, the strength of Jiangnan Region is not of the same magnitude at all.

In addition to weapons, they also have many deadly weapons, which can destroy shelters.

Moreover, in terms of soldiers and aliens, Jiangnan Region far surpasses the major forces in Tianhai City.

Zhang Yi frowned.

"Probably not!"

His tone was a little uncertain.

However, with the strength of their team, even if Jiangnan Region sends people to Tianhai City, they should be more polite to them.

In the apocalypse, it is not always necessary to fight and kill. Sometimes, you have to pay attention to human relations.

But Yang Xinxin said: "If that's the case, it's not actually the worst ending. The worst thing is that the investigation team found that the scale of the zombie tide is too large, and they need to pay a huge price if they want to completely clean up the zombie tide."

"At that time, the problem will be troublesome!"

Everyone couldn't help but "thump" in their hearts.

No one knows how many zombies there are underground in Tianhai City.

If all the dead became zombies, it would be a scale of tens of millions!

It is almost self-evident how Jiangnan Region will deal with Tianhai City.

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, "In that case, we must spare no effort to solve the problem of corpse tide with them!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MrQianniancreators' thoughts