
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Investigation team dispatched

The investigation team left Zhang Yi's house and rushed to investigate the information about the corpse group.

They were driving a black RV with a huge space inside.

Seven people live in it, and the problems of eating, drinking, and defecation can be solved.

This car was specially built for them by engineers from the Jiangnan Region to facilitate their long-term missions outside.

In addition to its huge space, its sturdiness is comparable to that of a tank, and it is made of aviation materials.

Before coming, they already had a lot of information about Tianhai City.

The intelligence network in Jiangnan Region is beyond what Zhang Yi and the others could have imagined.

Take the simplest example, satellite navigation system.

Zhang Yi and the others have basically lost this function.

But the Jiangnan Region has military satellites that can grasp everything happening on land from distant space.

In other words, everything Zhang Yi and the others did was clearly seen by the Nebula System.

Bian Junwu and the others have a lot of information, and now they need to go to various areas for on-site inspections.

The first stop is the Ciqu subway line blocked by Zhang Yibing.

When everyone came to the entrance of the subway line, they could see a long hill rising on the ground from a distance, going straight, like a long snake.

Meng Siyu said: "It seems that a large amount of sea water was irrigated and then frozen and expanded, so the ground was cracked."

Bian Junwu walked to the subway line and saw the solid ice below through the cracks.

He couldn't help but squat down and put his right hand on top of the ice, as if he wanted to feel the giant dragon that was freezing the entire subway line!

Bian Junwu closed his eyes and imagined in his mind the scene of Zhang Yi pouring a large amount of sea water from another space.

Thinking this, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"It's really amazing! This guy is a genius."

Wu Di folded his arms and heard Bian Junwu's praise, and said disapprovingly:

"Boss, is it necessary to praise him? In my opinion, this is just a very common method."

"If my power is space, I also know that I have to use something to block this subway."

"But in fact, what he did was just drinking poison to quench his thirst, temporarily solving the problems around him. But it did not completely quell the zombie unrest. What's the use?"

Vice-captain Baili Changqing laughed and said:

"Wu Di, your temper is still as proud as your name! Of course the captain has a reason for saying this. You have to learn to discover other people's strengths and don't always look down on others."

Wu Di raised his eyebrows and said disapprovingly:

"It's not that I look down on him. It's just that in this underground passage, if I were here, I could wipe out all the zombies single-handedly!"

Bian Junwu put away his right hand and stood up.

Listening to Wu Di's arrogant speech, he said lightly: "Oh, you are so confident?"

  "Of course!"

Wu Di said confidently.

His best ability is to deal with such situations.

Group fighting is his strength.

Bian Junwu asked back: "But do you know the strength of the Corpse King?"

Wu Di was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I've never seen that thing, how do I know?"

From the information they collected, they only knew that there was a powerful bronze armored corpse.

As for the Corpse King, even Zhang Yi, who went deep into the subway tunnel, had never seen him.

Let alone understand its strength.

Bian Junwu said calmly: "But Zhang Yi and the others eliminated the zombies on the entire subway line with zero casualties."

"Don't be blindly obsessed with abilities. The most important thing is how to use your abilities."

"Zhang Yi's ability is not purely in combat. The most amazing thing is that he can do this with his mind."

Bian Junwu raised his head and looked at the earth in the distance.

There is a long raised earth dragon there. Walking along this subway line, you will arrive at Songzhuang, the transfer station in Tianhai City.

Further north, we are almost to Tianfeng District, which is the territory of the Snow Worship Sect.

Wu Di still had a bit of dissatisfaction on his face, and he murmured: "So what if he has a brain? If we need new teammates, they must be strong martial artists. We don't lack those who can carry bags."

Looking at the childish Wu Di, Bian Junwu just smiled and did not blame him.

Wu Di has always had this kind of character, and everyone has long been used to it.

Especially after Bian Junwu's physical condition appeared, his behavior became more and more abnormal.

Everyone understood the reason why Wu Di did this, but it was hard to explain.

"Let's go, let's go see what a zombie siege looks like!"

After Bian Junwu said that, he took the lead and walked onto the snow RV.

The driver was deputy captain Baili Changqing. He was about the same age as Bian Junwu, over forty.

But he doesn't have the greasiness of a middle-aged man. Instead, he has sinews all over his body, and he is as majestic as a brown bear.

"Captain, where are we going?"

"Let's go to Yangsheng Base first!"

Bian Junwu said.


Baili Changqing made a good positioning, then started the car, turned the steering wheel and drove towards Yangsheng Base.


At this time, the three major bases are also busy.

Because according to Bian Junwu's instructions, they were required to temporarily abandon all ground buildings and move all non-combatants into underground shelters.

This can ensure that casualties are reduced, and it is possible that the zombies who have lost their targets will no longer attack due to the reduced number of people.

After the leaders of each family returned, although they felt a little reluctant to give up, they could only follow the instructions honestly.

No one dares to go against the border troops who represent the will of Jiangnan Region at this time.

But it's easier said than done.

Each company has important factories on the surface, and many living materials are piled directly in warehouses, dormitories and workshops.

There are at least several thousand people from all parties, and it is very troublesome to deal with them.

At the Yangsheng base, Xiao Honglian had no choice but to stop for a moment, directing the combatants to defend the surroundings while arranging the orderly evacuation of the non-combatants.

Bian Junwu's vehicle arrived not far from Yangsheng Base and found a commanding height to stop.

This place is nearly five kilometers away from Yangsheng Base, and you can overlook the entire surrounding area of Yangsheng Base.

Bian Junwu sat by the window, reached out and pressed the button on the edge of his sunglasses to activate the telescope mode and observe here.

They are waiting for the zombies to arrive.

Although in the information about Tianhai City, they had heard about zombie tides and rats attacking human bases.

But in this case, you have to take a look in person to get the information you want.

This is also the reason why Bian Junwu did not ask people from several major forces to act with them.

Time passed slowly, and the sky darkened in just an instant.

Before everyone had time to notice, they were already out of sight.

Lights lit up around Yangsheng Base.

Compared with zombies that can track the breath of living people, humans need light to fight.

In the investigation team's car, biological and medical expert Meng Siyu was heating food for everyone in a microwave oven.

There is a lot of space food stored in the car, which can be eaten by heating it a little, which is very convenient.

While everyone was eating, they used night vision binoculars to enjoy the zombie siege.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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