
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · 映画
140 Chs



And that was Pietro crashing into a wall for the 30th time since we started this training.

"Oh…. I think I broke a tooth." Came Pietro's pained groan. 

I had expected something like this but there was nothing I can do about it. A speedster's ability was something that most times than not defied all physical laws. It wasn't something simple calculations could get correct all the time. 

Phasing for example, is vibrating your molecules to a different dimensional frequency that allows you pass freely through any obstacles in their origin material world. The higher the vibrational frequency, the harder it is to phase through the object. 

The prime example for this would be adamantium. 

Someone like Kitty Pryde will find it hard, or maybe even outright impossible, to vibrate through the metal. 

"Rest for now. It's obvious we are not making any headway with this." 

[If the theory and believed notions are considered true, then it's entirely possible that speed isn't the problem] 

I already considered that option, meaning that I'll have to leave Pietro to figure it out on his own. Maybe this will help him further down the line in reaching higher speeds. 

"Well, thanks for pointing that out." He grunted sarcastically. 

"Had enough of watching?" I suddenly said out loud which confused Pietro, that was until Laura stepped out of her hiding spot where she had hid herself silently for the last ten minutes watching Pietro run into brick walls while I watched the amusing scene. 

"That's the new girl?" He whispered to me as we both stared at Laura who just remained standing in her initial position resulting in an awkward staring competition. 

I walked towards her and bent down to her level, "You want to have a go?" I gestured at the training ground but she kept staring at me. "Me?" To that she nodded. 

Well, it's not like I have that much to do anyway. 

"Sure, let's go." I don't know why she wanted to fight me but it means nothing to me if I just humor her for a minute or two. 

We stood across each other in an open space with Pietro and Sam watching from the sidelines. 

"Ready when you are."

She responded with two pairs of two adamantium claws that extended from her knuckles, her eyes strained on me without so much as a single twitch. 

"Fair." Sam whistled as he saw her display while Pietro just stared with interest since he was curious about her abilities. 

She rushes at and slashed down with her left claws which I easily dodged my taking a slow step back, resulting in her twisting to cover the distance and continue the stroke with her right claws, but this time instead of taking a step back I just caught her tiny arms, stopping her attack dead in its track. 

She growled and aimed her free hand to skewer mine holding her right hand which prompted me to free it only for my proximity sensors to blare in alarm, enabling me to narrowly dodge the leg swipe she sent my way. 

On each of her legs were a single claw each. She looked between frustrated and angry as she saw how I kept dodging, weaving and parrying her attacks which in turn made them ferocious as she slowly aimed to kill. 

"Fight back!" Huh? 

This was the first time I heard her speak which took me by surprise because unlike my more imaginative thoughts her voice was tiny, just like that of a young child. 

"Do you really want me to fight back?" I asked her and she unsurprisingly nodded. 

"That's not going to end well for her." Sam idly commented with pity in his voice with Pietro wincing in agreement.

She most likely heard what they said as her expression grew fiercer only for it to morph into full blown confusion when she found out that she couldn't move a muscle. 

[Metallic properties in subject Laura only extends to her claws, hence only partial control is acquired.] 

That was me using only the magnetic manipulation aspect on her just to send a message. The most likely reason why she wanted to fight me was because her animalistic sense, something she got from Logan before it was dampened because of his adamantium fusion, probably picked up that I was the strongest person around, conversely the highest threat in her territory. 

Well, I wouldn't know the exact reason because I don't speak animal. 

"Is that enough?" I calmly strode to her front and asked with a small smile marring my face. 

She struggled for a bit but dropped her head in defeat when she realized trying to was useless as none of her limbs budged an inch. "Hmm."

"Right." I released her from my hold and stroked her head much to her indignation. Killer or not, she still feels like a little girl. 

Natasha's voice came through the commas at that moment. "Vision, Cap and Tony want you at the loft. It's a meeting with the President and a few others." 

"Well, little one, I'll see you when I get back, okay?" Even after trying numerous times to hit my hands away with an irritated growl, I didn't feel anything from her other than embarrassment. 

Leaving the trip alone, I contemplated whether to go as OG Vision or new and improved Vision. 

'New and improved it is.'

I met the both of them talking to each other on a balcony so they also noticed me as I approached. 

Tony being a classic, started with a light banter. "New look? I'll give you 9 points out of 10." 

I replied just as quick and smooth. "At least I changed. You never do." I then turned to Steve who was trying to blend with the atmosphere. "What's the schedule?"

He frowned slightly at that as he answered. "Sokovia. But it's likely just a ruse to get us to attend."

"Why can't we just ignore it again?"

This time Stark stepped in. "Whoa, hold up there big guy. It's called accountability. We not showing would be the same as giving them ammo to arm the press against us. Even if it's not about Sokovia, the least we can do is hear them out."

I don't like any of this but I guess public appearance and credibility is just as important in the long run. 





You can find +10 chapters ahead in my patreøn
