

You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn



"I see someone finally got rid of those bastards. Even going as far as to clean out one of their breeding cesspools. Glad you did, but I'm afraid there is no extra tip for the effort." An orange skinned man with same colored hair, said as he reviewed the authenticity of Vision and Sif's report, one confirmed by nearby authorities they reported it to.

Sif, still in her Zena disguise, waved off the man's words in disinterest. "Not needed. They are common enemies in hundreds of galaxies so it's nothing more than taking care of trash at its roots."

The man nodded in understanding as he easily read Sif's words. "Personal history, I see. Not that I'm surprised as it's the same with a lot of people. That aside, since it's a joint request, your bounty will automatically be deposited in a few minutes by the bank. Anything else I can help you with?"

Sif looked at Vision and the latter took the reins and inquired about the Time Stone, and the information regarding Thanos' armies and the Nova Corp.

He wasn't at all subtle or secretive with his words which were spoken casually, painting a picture of simple curiosity to be generally knowledgeable about what had happened.

Like expected, the man didn't suspect anything since he gets asked this question a lot and from the information on Zena's public portfolio, she appears to be one of the few morally upright bounty hunters.

As for Vision asking, the man just took it as simple curiosity from a newbie bounty hunter as his portfolio was as new as it could get.

An eager and curious fish let out into the vast sea of space – A general conclusion given how Vision portrayed himself.

"Nothing everybody doesn't already know. Got no idea why that madman's people were in Nova territory in the first place, but they insisted they were pursuing one of their own turned-traitor. Given how close it was to Xandar, they were quickly notified and when those on site pressured the alien vessel to come aboard and investigate their 'traitor' and why they were in Nova territory in the first place, with such a warcraft no less, those bastards attacked."

"Hmm?" Vision appeared Visibly confused and scratched his head. "Surely that isn't such a smart thing to do, right? Wouldn't it have been better to wait for the nearby reinforcements than trying to provoke a clearly hostile vessel?"

By now, a few people were listening and instead of it being a conversation between Vision and the guy, those around started throwing their own thoughts and what they heard.

"True, but given the way Xandar mobilized a huge force and got there in time before they could escape, I think they were already aware of their movements or at least had a lookout for it." A guy with fangs that extended out of his mouth said and a few others nodded with his words while another added in the same vein.

"Yeah, I think so too. And don't forget that security in some quadrants and sectors in Nova's Empire went up a few months prior to the fight. The military guys were moving on and off planets, even dead ones, as if looking for something."

"What, really? You think they already had info on the appearance of the Time Stone inside their territory prior to the arrival of Thanos' battleship?" Vision asked while looking as if he was very interested in the conversation.

"Stop asking stupid questions, DaVinci. We still have a few targets to hit before heading back to GN-6308." His 'boss', Zena, chided coldly and started wrapping things up to leave.

"C'mon, don't tell me you're not at least curious?" He noticed a few people who were discreetly paying rapt attention to the conversation around him, more than likely in the market for information.

Sif might not have known why he suddenly decided to not be discreet as they fished for information but she didn't doubt or question him and expertly played along. Such a blessing that being cold and no-nonsense came natural to her as that was what she usually came off as when she spoke fewer words, preventing the Asgardian bluntness that borderlined ignorance and airheadedness from coming out when she speaks.

"No, I don't. The less I know about it the better, same should go for you. Who knows whether another fight will spill out in the coming days or months, better we are nowhere near here if it does." She said and walked out, leaving Vision who looked as if he was torn between choosing obedience or curiosity.

The orange skinned man who settled their rewards nudged him a little and tilted his chin in the direction Sif left in. "She's not all that wrong, y'know. Everyone is a bit too excited about the rumor being that they were fighting over an Infinity Stone, something no one has seen in thousands of years. Even if it was true, it'll probably end up falling in Xandar's hands, which I think is safer for everyone."

Some agreed and some did not, most remained silent, as the talks went on but Vision had already left and tracked Sif on her way to Wanda and Pietro's location, a fancy high class confectionery.

He easily caught up to her with the expressive face he showed the entire time back there long gone from his face.

"That was a bit different than I expected, but did you get anything from it?" Sif asked after they reached the twins and sat with them.

"I hoped it would have been a more private checkout with how large the target mission was but it obviously wasn't so I had to improvise." Vision smoothly replied.

He then went on further. "We didn't expect the mission to go through a legal system, which is probably why most people didn't do it, also the fact that it's close to Xandar and news of their altercation with Thanos."

"Most people won't pick it based on that fact alone, talk less of tracing who and where the bounty came from." Wanda pointed out.

"Exactly. And it was a lot easier to make people talk when everyone is talking, especially about common things as no one will feel left out or ignorant that way. Even those fishing for info lowered their guards a bit to act natural and blend in when we started talking. Little mental nudges from the and the fact that everybody wants to appear more knowledgeable than the other person, even subconsciously, makes it easier for them to spill what they know and I managed to read a few thoughts and gain some new info."

They talked freely as if chatting about casual things as none of their words sounded out, literally so that if someone sat shoulder to shoulder with them they still won't hear a word or hear something else completely. All Wanda's handiwork.

"So what's our next step?" Sif asked, being the most ignorant when it came to spy work or anything similar to it, unless when it involved cutting someone down.

Vision tapped a rhythm on the table and laid out their next best course of action. "Either try and approach the system where they fought, but the entire system around it and neighboring ones are all under heavy surveillance with strict clearance passes. An obvious reaction."

"There are a few people in the city that claim they were around the place where the fight started and when it did. A bit risky as some of them are rather high profile, already left the city, or are simply lying, and/or know nothing new or important. Obviously a bit time consuming too."

"Easiest way would be to buy new info from a broker but it's the easiest to get tracked or taken note of even when disguised. The brokers work for the main city so they report anything suspicious to it, either for the continued security or pass to continue their business. There's no way the city won't make use of its underground information hub and with that we can be easily traced back to the docks."

"But you can easily take care of the public security, right?" Pietro asked, not seeing what the problem was which Sif actually did.

"That'll only draw more attention from the city and its security if Simons continually deflects or disarms their preprogrammed surveillance systems." She then looked at Vision. "Which one should we do? Buying the information is the easiest but it doesn't necessarily mean that even if we do get noticed, they'll ardently track our movements. We won't be the only ones fishing for that information, right?"

The others nodded at her words, even Vision did, but Vision still didn't agree with it. "Time efficient, easiest and arguably also the safest, also marginally the most accurate – all reasons to go with it but I'd rather we go with the second. Besides, nothing is stopping us from choosing both options and I also mentioned picking up some good info from some of the informants and bounty hunters who were there keeping a group ear in case anything new pops up."

Wanda immediately caught his line of reason. "You want to target them first - the informants and the buyers -, possibly hitting both options at the same time with more diminished risks." She theorized and got a fist bump from Vision.

Pietro only let himself focus on the good part. "So we are staying here a day longer or two? Cool. Might hit up a few stores and try their… services. Maybe even enjoy the break like a tourist. What do you say, Sif? Up for showing me the local sights?"

"I'm sorry. Unfortunately, I'm not a local, nor am I familiar with the city. You can get the information from those robots stationed everywhere in the city though." She genuinely replied and gave a sincere suggestion which just stomped Pietro harder, earning him a gloating giggle from Wanda while Vision focused on other things. More serious things.





I know it's getting slow paced and my brain is at fault with that. I'm trying to see if I can make this impromptu arc one that leaves a lasting impact on the story and the world itself before we go back to the Avengers and earth.

How long? I honestly have no idea. I thought this would be a few chapters mini-arc but that would leave too many holes and take away the chance to widen the scope of the story.

Hopefully I can manage and not prematurely burn out in the middle of it.

Ciao, QuackVader out.