
Speak Of The Devil...

We finally arrived on the shores of the island that we had spotted earlier.

Judging from what I could sense with my Observation haki, the island was larger than it seemed; having a capital city right on the opposite side of the island. I couldn't tell why they had left this side of the island completely abandoned, however. The four Moby Dicks immediately docked, and the pirate crew immediately left the ship and started making their way towards a nearby city. 

The entire island was more of a savannah than it was a forest, so it was easy to spot the city after a few hours of walking. The Division Commanders had already given the crew members instructions on what to do, we were already content with supplies, but we were looking for some more people to help out with the cleaning of the four Moby Dicks. 

Whitebeard was currently snoring on his chair while this was happening. He really didn't seem to care about the specifics, as a captain should, so he drank himself into an alcohol induced nap. The 2nd Division was immediately ordered to maintain guard over Whitebeard's ship, Whitebeard had taken temporary command over them until he could find a new 2nd Division Commander.

As for me, I remained lounging on my trusty old couch with Stussy, who laid my head on her lap while she enjoyed a cup of tea. We hadn't received today's paper, so I had the crew keep an eye out for that, but other than that; it was obvious it was going to be another one of those peaceful slow days in which I could have napped for the entire day.

However, Stussy's steaming cup of tea that layed on my head told me otherwise, because as soon as I opened my eyes to protest being used as a teacup table. I laid my eyes on some unsuspected guests.

There were three of them to be exact, each one had a cloak that hid their faces for the most part, each in colors of green, black and pink. The one dawning the black robe had a humongous figure compared to the other two, while the green and pink had a normal build. However, their scents were simply to familiar for me not to know who the black and pink cloaks were.

"To what, do I owe the pleasure?" I asked non-chalantly.

"My subordinates tell me that you are a person of trust, I came to verify that claim," The person in the green cloak replied.

"Ho? By hopping aboard one of the Whitebeard pirate's ships?" I retorted. 

It was then that all three of them slowly began to take the hood out of their heads. It was just as I had suspected: it was Ginny, Bartholomew and the man known as Monkey D. Dragon. I never really expected him to be here, but I was sure that I was going to get the reason why he was here.

Stussy immediately pushed my head away to rush towards Ginny and Bartholomew, and she gave them a big hug when she got to them.

"Ginny! Bartholomew! How've you guys been doing?? I've missed you!" Stussy exclaimed while rubbing her cheeks on the faces of both of them.

The funny thing about this interaction was the fact that she had immediately forced Bartholomew to bend down so she could hug the both of them at the same time. Leaving Bartholomew in a pretty awkward position while this happened. Dragon and I continued waiting for them to catch up with each other, in the meantime, we decided to have a conversation of our own.

"What do you want, Dragon?" I asked coldly.

"I've heard rumors, of what the Whitebeard Pirates had done to Mariejois. I just came to confirm whether they were true or not," Dragon responded calmly. His voice was deep, and calm; he could easily soothe people if he decided to put his mind into it.

"And what if they're true?" 

"Then I would like to extend an oppurtunity to form an alliance with the Whitebeard Pirates," Dragon continued. 

This immediately shut up the conversation that Stussy was having with the two of them. The trio immediately stared at Dragon incredulously while I finally decided to get up from my lying position so I could look at this man.

"You're talking to the wrong person then," I replied indifferently, I don't know where this man was playing at; but I didn't like it. 

The Revolutionary Army had always shown distaste towards piracy, if they found a kingdom in which pirates were. They normally would immediately kill off all the pirates and use that narrative to topple over the reigning kingdom. It was then, that they would replace the former ruler with a ruler that would align with their values. Though that wasn't always the case, it was still a well known piece of information throughout the entire world.

Him showing up here meant that they were planning on starting a Revolution on this island, and if we weren't careful enough, the man would have used us as the foundation for it. 

"We have no qualms with the Whitebeard Pirates if that is what you're thinking," Dragon immediately began to defuse the situation, "We simply want more information about the Holy Land, and we're willing to go this far if it means that we can access that information."

"Still," I replied, "You're talking to the wrong person, there is a huge man sleeping in one of those ships in front of us. Go talk to him first, he is the captain, after all."

Dragon could easily tell that I wasn't going to be convinced until he talked to Whitebeard. I wasn't sure what would transpire if the two of them were to interact, but at the end of the day, he was still the captain. Talking to me meant that he didn't acknowledge Whitebeard's presence, and that was something I wasn't about to tolerate from anyone.

Relenting, he drifted off to find Whitebeard, who was immediately awake thanks to their abrupt appearance. Leaving the two youngins in our care, Bartholomew and Ginny wasted no time making their way towards me with Stussy dragging them along. They were all smiles now, knowing that the tensions had eased.

She sat them down on some chairs that Ken had gone out of his way to provide, and Stussy got them some more of the tea that she had been drinking while she was at it. 

"It's been so long! How did you guys end up in the Revolutionary Army?" Stussy inquired, while taking a seat on my couch.

"A few years after you dropped us on the island, we ended up getting abducted by another World Noble," Ginny started darkly, "We didn't know that there had been other World Nobles going out to the world, so they captured us."

"However, that was when we had found Dragon! We were almost at Mariejois, when he raided the ship and helped us escape! We've been with him ever since," Ginny finished with a bright smile.

Her personality was as flamboyant as I had last left her, but I couldn't help but notice that some red scales had slowly began to emerge from the side of her neck. The sickness had been spreading a little bit slower than anticipated thanks to Marco's treatment, but it was still progressing nonetheless.

Ginny seemed to notice this, and subconciously covered her neck with her hand. Bartholomew removed the scarf he was wearing and wrapped it around Ginny who excepted it with a slight blush. 

"We-we haven't been able to find a permanent cure, but we'll find it!" Ginny exclaimed optimistically. It was obvious that she had been trying to lighten the suddenly dark mood that took over the conversation. However, her efforts bore no fruit, it was during times like this that I had urges to pay Mariejois another visit.

However, Dragon arrived with Whitebeard before I could voice out my opinions on the matter; and Whitebeard seemed to be rather annoyed with the fact that his nap was so rudely interrupted because of this.

"Brat! Why do I have to keep waking up to talk to different people! Isn't it your job as my son?!"

I'm getting a lot of approval for the Fairytail Fan-fic.

Stay tuned, I'll soon be letting y'all know when I'll drop it.

Love y'all!!!!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts