
The value of a hero

This is a story about Doryoku Suzuki, a kid whose powerful and uncontrollable quirk gave him many problems throughout his life, and who unlike everyone else, his only dream and goal is to help his mother instead of being a hero. —The story mostly takes place at the same time as when Aizawa was studying at the U.A. —Bnha and the image on the cover don't belong to me obviously. —Any advice to improve the writing is welcome.

Grim_Jester · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Internships with Last laser: Part 8

In the park that was south of Last Laser's home relatively far away, several explosions and strong tremors could be heard.

Doryoku was jumping around dodging Big Stout's siege, being attacked by giant hammer-like arms and very fast attacks, but dodging everything much more easily after each attack despite not using his hands.

He moved to the side to dodge another of Big Stout's attacks, hanging in the air for a moment.

Suddenly Doryoku made a sharp turn and also dodged Kanbatsu using his own foot to move him away, who was trying to take him by surprise.

'Tch damn, every second he learns something different to evade us and he doesn't even seem a bit tired after all this' Big Stout thought as he retracted his arm and changed his entire body to pure muscle.

For Doryoku the biggest problem was Kanbatsu's surprise attacks, and being in such an open place that weakness vanished, as long as he was alert it would be very difficult to take him by surprise.

Big Stout stepped forward forcefully and ran towards Doryoku at high speed to try a different attack.

Doryoku let out a small sigh to calm himself and waited for Big Stout's attack and any weaknesses he might exploit.

Big Stout was still very aware of how useless it was to hit the boy directly, besides his fear of Kanbatsu mainly so...

He ran very quickly in a lunging fashion and did a small jump, falling to the ground with superhuman strength and lifting a large portion of the ground and then kicking it towards Doryoku.

He didn't really expect that, but still he touched that portion with his index finger, which stopped short at the slightest contact and then fell to the ground.

And as he fell the first thing Doryoku could see was Big Stout throwing a big straight punch at him, something that didn't worry or surprise him at all.

Just as he braced himself to receive the blow, he noticed that Kanbatsu was on that arm, so his expression quickly changed to a tense one at having him so excessively close to him.

Despite his instant dodge Kanbatsu was also extremely agile, so he managed to touch Doryoku's right hand which was one of the few places he had exposed.

Being away, Doryoku noted that it was much worse than last time, as he was sure that even a little of his internal blood had dried up.

His hands were shaking, one from the intense pain he felt and the other from fear due to his own instincts and thoughts, but still he refused to open his hands.

'You have to escape, it's logical, leave what you have in your hands, surely he can buy another equal or even better, besides, it must probably already be in pieces' it was the logic within Doryoku that warned him while he still flatly denied.

He didn't know why yet, but he didn't want to, he understood what it would feel like to lose something you appreciate despite being a simple object.

He understood it, he perfectly understood sadness, he perfectly understood emptiness, he perfectly understood the lack of something you yearn for and the suffering for this.

At that moment, Doryoku widened his eyes in shock as he perfectly understood something that had eluded him recently...

"Huhu, and that was only a slight touch, sometimes even I am surprised" Kanbatsu said slowly approaching with great pride, but not underestimating Doryoku like before.

Unlike him Big Stout looked around him for anything strange, quite serious and cautious about Doryoku despite everything.

"Maybe I'm a support villain and I've never fought directly, but I'd be pretty upset if you said you lost because you were up to something, drop that thing, you want weirdo?" Kanbatsu said with a wide grin and simply looking to annoy.

At this Doryoku shook his head in total denial and only tightened his hold more firmly.

"It's a ridiculous, a very bad decision and an idea completely devoid of any logic, but I'll still try, the best I can" Doryoku said with great resolution and determination in his words.

"I will never be able to make everyone happy or smiling, it's not me and I have to accept it, but still..." Doryoku said with some sadness knowing that he could never be the same as when he was a child, that was reality.

"I will avoid suffering, even if it's little and not the best, I'm sure I will even if I can never fully understand people!" Doryoku said with great resolve, not to lecture or change the villains' minds, but so that his voice would be louder than the one that forced him to flee.

Doryoku used the kinetic energy from the previous attack and this time he charged forward, bypassing his main strategy.

He was in front of Kanbatsu in an instant and even taking him off guard Kanbatsu was able to react and get away from him, but Doryoku still managed to give him a very strong right kick to the stomach, throwing him several meters back.

Doryoku fell to the ground on his left leg due to his right leg being so numb, barely keeping his balance and being instantly attacked by Big Stout and a steel grip.

He used his forearm and grazed his attack with great delicacy, absorbing the energy instantly, and then gave him a strong left kick with kinetic counter and sent him away, falling to the ground sitting down due to not being able to hold himself momentarily.

He was aware that if he failed to absorb an attack and went completely numb he would take a lot of direct damage and lose instantly by making a mistake, so he first hit Kanbatsu with all of his might to knock him unconscious first.

The idea was to escape and use his infinite stamina to overwhelm the enemy, but every second it was more possible for him to destroy the fragile hummingbird in his hands, and although it was complex this was the best way to achieve it.

Doryoku stood up a moment later rather shakily but still holding as steady as possible despite all.

Big Stout instantly returned after the attack with his entire body full of muscles and barely affected by Doryoku's previous attack.

He now wasn't even trying to catch him but to charge him, to get him close enough to do some real damage.

Doryoku jumped to the side to dodge without much difficulty, but when he fell both of his legs were still a bit weak and he was barely able to stand up very tottery.

Staggering... that gave Doryoku an idea.

Big Stout didn't waste a second and kept attacking faster and harder, this time as if he really wanted to kill him.

When he was a few meters away, Doryoku made a small tremor with his feet and a bit of kinetic energy, causing Big Stout to stagger a bit and have to place his foot on the ground with great force to avoid falling and continue with his attack.

This went on for what seemed like an eternity and Big Stout was getting closer due to the slowness of Doryoku's legs, putting Doryoku against the sword and the wall multiple times.

Doryoku also changed directions abruptly, causing Big Stout to put a great deal of force into his feet to change directions just as abruptly.

The combat was very even, both had a great resistance, but Doryoku was losing more and more ground in terms of reaction.

The pain from his hand was still there, his wobbly legs had no rest from being continually slammed into the ground with force, and the continued uncertainty of Kanbatsu's surprise attack made him too tense.

Even so, he continued to dodge many more times, compensating for each of his physical failures with his mental abilities and making Big Stout never reach him.

Doryoku hit his foot against the ground again causing the same reaction in Big Stout so as not to fall and try to catch him, being dodged by him again with a jump.

As he fell to the ground, Doryoku felt a very strong cramp in his right leg, so he had to fall on his left leg only, quite sore and with heavy breathing.

He could go on infinitely as long as he didn't take internal damage, other than that he was a completely normal person, something that was noticeable every time he took damage.

Doryoku looked up quickly to find Big Stout and found him running towards him still with no intention of being overconfident or underestimating him.

Doryoku tried to stand up and use his right leg despite the pain, but he couldn't, barely holding on to his left leg.

He wanted to go on for at least a few more times, but seeing that he could barely get up, he decided to do the best he could and came up with it.

Big Stout came up ready for anything, a desperate attack, a lazy evasion or whatever mistake he was sure he would make right now, all to finally break this boy who, in his eyes, was a terrible problem in the future.

Facing each other, Doryoku jumped back to dodge as usual, but he barely had any strength and could barely get away.

Big Stout used all of his strength on his feet and approached at ridiculous speed, coming within inches of Doryoku with the intention of applying a lock and leaving him with at least one great limitation in the future.

Still, Doryoku let out another sigh to calm down, placed his right foot on one of Big Stout's arms to do a slight forward somersault in the air despite the intense pain, and said...

"Kinetic Counter!!!!" Doryoku said with great force causing Big Stout to widen his eyes in complete shock.

Doryoku kicked hard with his left leg right at Big Stout's head, so hard that there was even an immense vibration and shock wave due to the impact.

Big Stout instantly fell to the ground causing a large crater in the ground and leaving a large cloud of earth around him.

Doryoku fell a few meters further, spinning from not being able to use both legs to stop himself, but still keeping his hands as secure as possible.

After a few twists and turns, Doryoku tried to at least sit up and look at the situation, even though he couldn't do much of anything now.

The cloud of earth still hadn't dispersed, but Doryoku hoped he wouldn't find Big Stout conscious, not because he couldn't defend himself, but because he would have to use his hands at any cost to do so.

After a few seconds the cloud of earth dissipated and Big Stout was completely out of action, causing Doryoku to let out a deep sigh of relaxation, despite still being very alert and aware of Kanbatsu.

Apparently he didn't expect that every time he would cause a tremor with his legs to change direction Doryoku would absorb that force, although he had to admit that such a strategy would only be useful in this situation and it was still very risky.

He couldn't do anything predictable or logical since Big Stout always showed great respect towards him, so that led him straight to the most stupid and dysfunctional option.

After a couple of minutes of rest, Doryoku got up, still a little wobbly, and looked around for an unconscious Kanbatsu.

But after walking around for a bit he didn't find anything, so Doryoku concluded that he had escaped and that he hadn't been unconscious for long since he was able to dodge the direct hit from him to a great extent.

Still, Doryoku sat down again next to the unconscious Big Stout and waited for some hero, it was already beginning to dawn and a park is always a good place to start a hero's day.

He tried to get up again, but a few seconds later he fell back due to another cramp, so he held his leg with a lot of pain.

"I'm not sure if I prefer this or my wrist burning" Doryoku said quite sore but enduring it so as not to burn his wrist instead.

And so, he ends the fight against his first villains.

For now nothing, I'm I little overwhelmed this day, sorry and have a nice day.

Grim_Jestercreators' thoughts