


When I awoke the next morning, I saw Vixen through the window of my cabin, so I put both my elbows on the window and my face on my hand. He is attractive, and his body is muscular. Many women stare at him, and to be honest, I could be lucky if we ended up together. I giggled at my own thinking, then sighed when a maid stood up and opened the cabin door in front of me.

“Good morning, Miss Shranaia,” she said, bowing. “Mr. Vixen is sending his prepared food for you.”

A smile spread over my lips as I gazed at the meal it had delivered. When she put it down, I got in front of my table and got excited. The maid left me after she delivered my breakfast. When I saw the message, I couldn't help but be touched, but I wasn’t sure what should I feel about. I was eating when I heard a knock on the door, and when it opened, I saw Gena and Rara’s joyful smiles. They stared at the meal I was eating and then laughed as if they were mocking me. I just sighed and then I asked them what they needed and why they were in my cabin.

“I hope everyone is as attentive as Vixen. I’ve seen you like that before but is this too much?” Rara said, then I frowned at her.

“Is it a big deal?” I asked, then looked at the two of them.

“Not at all,” Gena answered. “You know, I think it’s better that Vixen is like that; I prefer the way he was on Shranaia,” Gena replied, and I smiled.

“Woah? Have you ever been in a relationship, Gena?” Rara inquired.

Gena shook her head and turned to face her. “How about you?” she said to Rara, making me giggle.

“She hasn’t had it yet, but she’ll be near with that,” I said, looking outside to see where Ron and Ran were now nearing my cabin.

“What are you talking about? Are you insane?” Rara said, agitated.

Just then, Ron and Ran walked in, frowning at Rara’s displeased expression, while Gena and I laughed. We merely shrugged, and then I kept eating. After eating, I prepared to go to the academy, and when we arrived, Gena and I took our seats right away. She’s friendly, and even our classmates are her friends.

“What are you going to do after class?” Gena said, and I think about it.

“I planned to practice on my own, but I want to see the world and meet your friend,” she said, and I smiled at her.

“To tell you the truth, Gena, I need to protect Jenny from those wicked beasts who want to hunt me,” I said, and she grimaced.

“Aside from the beast you named, are there any others?” she inquired.

Gena had no idea what had happened to me before I arrived at this pack. And, to be honest, I can’t see Jenny right now because someone is after me, and I don’t want her to feel terrible about it. There are many things I can’t consider, especially for the sake of my friend and others around me.

After class, we headed to a spot where we could rest for a bit. I brought the book I got from the library and read it first, then Gena fell asleep as though she was exhausted from the day, despite the fact that we didn't do much at school. While reading, I couldn’t help but wonder what happened to our pack and what Fergus’ real intention for attacking our pack was.

Since the beginning, I’ve had no idea. But I wanted to make sure they got the vengeance they deserved. When I finished reading the book, I rose up and went into the library to return it. I said my goodbyes to Gena before leaving. I didn’t see any students in the school hall when I arrived, so I assumed the lesson had ended.

“I didn’t know that the class was over?” I said to myself. When I got to the library, I saw a familiar figure that I know I saw before. “What is he doing here?”

I walked inside and returned the book to its proper position. When I finished returning it, I crouched beneath the table and peered at the man who walked through a door that appeared out of nowhere. I grimaced since I had never seen anything like it before coming here. However, that man is the Omega. I rose up and gently walked out, and when I did, I spotted Rara walking down the stairs. I greeted her and signaled her not to make any noise, which she did.

“Why? What happened?” she asked.

“Shh... just be quiet and we need to get out of here,” I said.

When we got out, we spotted Ron looking into nothingness, and to be honest, I just saw him seriously, as if he was deep in thought. I’ve never seen Ron act like that before, but I guess there’s a reason. Because of his behavior, Rara and I glanced at each other and went to him together; he was startled by what we did.

“What the fck is on your mind?” he said angrily, as Rara and I exchanged glances.

“Surprising you?” my answer.

“What’s your problem, and how deep are your thoughts? Do you have a problem?” Rara inquired.

“Nothing,” he said, and we sat next to him.

“You could tell us if you want,” I said.

“You know, Shranaia, there’s something you don’t know about Vixen,” he stated honestly, and I stared at him.

“Can you stop me if you don’t say anything nonsense?” I said, angry, and he chuckled.

“I simply have a question regarding what vaewolfves are,” I inquired, and he glared at me.

“Vaewolfves? Where is it coming from?” Rara asked.

“It was about the hybrid,” Ron explained.

“Do you know anything about hybrids?” I questioned.

Ron came to a halt, glanced away from me, stood up, and walked away from us. I don’t know what’s wrong with being a veawolfves, but I know there’s something special about me, and there’s a reason why strange things happen to me.

I simply groaned at what had happened, then we decided to return home. When I returned to my cabin, I noticed Vixen standing at the door with meals. I became delighted and rushed towards him with a smile on my face.

“Vixen!” I called out, and he turned to smile at me. “What is that?” I’ll wonder. “Food?” I added.

He nodded after first looking at the meal. “Let’s eat together?” he said, and I consented.

Rara lifted her brows after crossing her arms. “Wow, I wasn’t aware that when eating, there must be someone at the same time?” she exclaimed, her expression irritated.

“Why don’t you invite Ran?” Vixen suggested, claiming that Rara despised him.

“You’re disgusting,” she exclaimed as she walked away, then Vixen and I both chuckled at what had happened.

We went inside the cabin and then ate together. His delectable food continues to astound me. I informed him about the hybrid book I read. He just sat there quietly, listening to my story, with no expression, which irritated me because he couldn’t come up with any thoughts. I’m not sure why they avoid discussing the hybrid, and every time I ask about it, they don’t give me an answer.

“What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a wolf dog?” I asked Vixen, who stared at me.

“Being a wolf dog is preferable to being an ugly human wolf,” he remarked, and I winced.

“What is the point of learning wolf techniques?”

“Why are you asking, Shranaia? There has been proper research on those topics,” he replied, and I groaned and glanced up.

“Actually, I’m having a hard time fighting as a wolf-dog; I don’t know why, because I was good at those things while Daddy was training me,” I remarked, looking at him.

“Even if you’re having trouble, I can train you,” he offered, and I smiled.

There are certain things I can’t tell him, and I simply want to keep them to myself until I figure out what’s wrong with me. I walked inside the cabin after we talked, and before he left, he warned me not to think too much. When he left, I slumped on my bed and took long breaths in response to my weird sensation. It’s as though I’m thirsty and don’t know what to do. I stood up to drink some water, but my thirst was not satisfied. I exclaimed when the hue of my eyes changed, as did the length of my nails and fangs.

“Fuck!” I said, then glanced in the mirror but couldn’t see myself.

My heart beat faster at what happened and my vision gradually blurred until I collapsed on the floor and I didn't know what happened next.


When I opened my eyes after hearing my name, I saw Ron’s face with a frown, as if he was wondering what had happened to me I stood up, glanced around, and gripped my head because I was in pain. I took a big breath and looked at him, then he help me to stand up.

“What has happened to you?” he asks.

I couldn’t answer Ron, and I just closed my eyes tightly because of what happened. “Vixen told me you needed to see him in the practice area,” he said, and I looked at him.

“I will go,” I said, and he smiled.

“He just gave me some food for you; I’m simply curious about what you two have, but I’m genuinely jealous of what Vixen is doing for you,” he explained, and I scowled.

“What are you talking about?” I inquired, and he sighed.

“I... forget it.”

“Gosh, don’t tell me you’ve missed Jenny?” I snidely said.

He can’t look at me, that’s why I confirm what I was thinking. I laugh at him and even tease him more, causing him to turn into a red face. “I just saw her and she was doing fine, but I was just upset because she was talking to someone else while she despised me and ignored me,” he added, and I stopped laughing and got serious.

“Are you sure she’s okay? Isn’t she doing anything to hurt herself?” I inquired, and he simply shook his head.

“She isn’t,” he simply said, and I exhaled a sigh of relief.

“I actually missing her lately,” I said.

“Don’t worry about her ‘cause she’s far from harm.”

I simply nodded to him before eating. Ron had departed, so I bathed and dressed. After that, I went to find Vixen. When I arrived at his location, I noticed Rara seated next to Gena, as well as Ron, Ran, and Vixen, who were all waiting to see what would happen.

I came to a halt when I smelt blood and turned to find one of their guys with a wound on his arm from a struggle with another of their mates. I instantly covered my mouth and nose and hurried away from there. When I went to the restroom, I glanced in the mirror and saw blood flowing out of my nose.

“What is wrong with me?” I asked myself as I turned on the water and cleaned my face.

“What happened?”

Because of the shock, I spun around and held my chest. “Gena, you startled me,” I said, and she gave the peace sign in response.

“I saw you running,” she added, raising my head.

“Just... just a nosebleed,” I said, as she approached me.

“Just... just a nosebleed,” I just answered her, then she approached me.

“I think it’s not just that,” she said, then I looked at her. “I know you’ve seen Vixen top less and who wouldn’t get a nosebleed right?”

I honestly didn’t expect Gena to say that, especially since it wasn’t the genuine reason. I want to correct her for what she occurred, and I want to smack her all over the place for what she said. When the blood from my nose was gone, I told her to return to where Vixen was, and when we arrived, I noticed Ron and Ran battling, while Vixen was simply staring at the two of them while clutching a piece of paper in his hand. My forehead furrowed as a result. When I came closer, I asked Vixen what the two were doing, and he explained it was to prepare the wolves for the next full moon.