
The uchiha dimensional restaurant

Guo Huang runs a dimensional restaurant and travels around the world And his employees are not good at all Around the restaurant, you can see Shisui handing out flyers outside, Madara as a security guard in the lobby, Itachi entertaining customers at the front desk, and Obito delivering food for you Ali is responsible for enticing customers to consume, and begging for food by the way. Nezuko is standing at the door, in charge of attracting customers

Mallison · アニメ·コミックス
68 Chs

chapter 52 Sister Misaka? I Want It!

"Boss, I have something important to tell you!"

As soon as Mikoto entered the kitchen, he looked around, looking for Guo Huang, who was with Ahri at this time.

Seeing Guo Huang's confused expression and Ahri's unscrupulous hands, Mikoto's eyes widened.

what the hell? What are these two doing?

At this time, Guo Huang was also confused.

Unexpectedly, this kind of thing was bumped into by Mikoto, which made Guo Huang more or less embarrassed.

Ahri, on the other hand, maintained a charming expression, acting more naturally, as if she couldn't see Mikoto.

"Yes… I'm sorry boss, I'm sorry to bother you!"

After reacting, Mikoto's face flushed instantly, and he stammered when he spoke, and hurriedly walked out of the kitchen and closed the door.

"Uh, did she misunderstand something?"

Mikoto's hurried escape made Guo Huang even more confused.

We didn't do anything, what are you doing?

"It's okay, little brother Guo Huang, as long as we're not embarrassed, it's her who is embarrassed."

Ahri hugged Guo Huang from behind and continued to tease Guo Huang as he did just now.

"It's not all because of you! Besides, is this an embarrassing question?"

Guo Huang gently pushed Ahri away, finally feeling unbearable.

If he continued to make trouble with Ahri like this, he was afraid that he would not be able to help Ahri to rectify on the spot.

So Guo Huang decided to quickly send Ahri away.

It just so happened that Mikoto also came, so you can take this time to ask Mikoto what she is looking for.

"Okay, don't make trouble, the big pot of rice is ready. Hurry up and serve it to the guests. I'll go and see what's going on with Mikoto."

Guo Huang finished cooking, wiped the oil on his hands with a towel, turned and walked out of the kitchen.

"Oh, what a fun little brother."

When Guo Huang left, Ali showed disappointment.

She was so charming, but Guo Huang was still unmoved, which led her to suspect that Guo Huang was a dead gay again.

At the same time, in the hallway outside the kitchen.

Mikoto was leaning against the wall in a daze with a flushed face, his eyes a little lonely.

To be honest, when she recalled the scene of Guo Huang and Ali just now, her mood suddenly became very complicated.

Mikoto couldn't explain this feeling, and he didn't even understand why he felt this way.

But in her heart, it was very difficult.

After getting along for this period of time, although Mikoto didn't show it on the surface, she actually had a great affection for Guo Huang unknowingly.

This kind of goodwill probably originated from the moment Guo Huang protected her yesterday.

Whether it was Guo Huang's protection or Guo Huang's strength, Mikoto couldn't help but fall for it.

Even after she learned about the plan of the absolute capable person, she subconsciously regarded Guo Huang as her only support.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, Kuroko, who was late, saw Mikoto squatting in the corner and felt very puzzled.

What kind of stimulation did her elder sister get? Why did you suddenly become so depressed?

After hearing Kuroko's voice, Mikoto finally stopped his thoughts.

"Eh? No… nothing."

I saw Mikoto hurriedly waved his hand, saying that he was fine, and told Kuroko not to think too much.

However, at this moment, Guo Huang just came out of the kitchen and came to Mikoto and Kuroko.

"What's the matter, Mikoto, what's the matter with me?"

Guo Huang lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth, looking at Mikoto curiously.

The other party came to him in such a hurry, there must be something important.

Looking at Guo Huang in front of him, Mikoto's eyes couldn't help but get a little rosy.

No one knew how desperate she was last night, and no one knew how much pressure she was under.

In order to sabotage the Absolute Capable Project, Mikoto tried almost everything possible.

But she could not defeat Accelerator by herself alone.

The only person who can help her is Guo Huang in front of her.

Thinking of this, Mikoto rushed forward and held Guo Huang's hand tightly.

"Boss, there is one thing I want to ask you."

When Mikoto said this, there was a slight weeping in his tone.

Guo Huang was a little surprised to find Mikoto like this.

With Mikoto's arrogant personality, he would take the initiative to ask him for help, it seems that the other party is definitely in big trouble.

Guo Huang, who had read the catalog of forbidden magical books, began to speculate secretly, could it be that Mikoto learned about Sister Misaka?

and many more! Miss Misaka?

Guo Huang recalled his sister Misaka, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Right now, the next yuan restaurant is seriously short of people, Guo Huang is worried about not being able to recruit employees.

Judging from the current timeline, Accelerator should not have killed too many Misaka sisters, and it is estimated that there are at least 10,000 remaining sisters.

If they were hired as waiters, wouldn't the problem of lack of staff be completely solved!

Although doing so would destroy Aleister's artificial heaven plan, Guo Huang doesn't care so much.

Anyway, Laozi is invincible in the Dimension Restaurant, even the devil can't hurt me, how can you, Aleister, take me?

So, Guo Huang nodded to Mikoto and said, "Okay, then come into my room and talk."

After Guo Huang finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Huang, Kuroko and Mikoto disappeared in the corridor in an instant.

The next second, he appeared in Guo Huang's room.

As long as he is in the Dimension Restaurant, Guo Huang is a god, and he can do whatever he wants.

"what happened?"

Mikoto watched Guo Huang's room and was taken aback.

"Is this spatial movement?"

madara was also stunned. Could Guo Huang also have the ability to move in space?

And Guo Huang made it to the bed, flicked the soot, and said flatly: "Tell me, what's the matter."