
The tale of a lone cultivator

Chris Parker reincarnates, after experiencing mysterious circumstances. In his new life, which is also full of mysteries, he looses many things, due to an attack of the ones he should be protected by. After that, he allows no one to get close to him and finds the path that is stated as evil by others, to get revenge on those who betrayed him. (P.s.: the real storyline begins with chapter 6, so if you don't want the background information just start reading from there on out) (P.p.s.:The chapters before chapter 6 are relatively short and not as good as the ones thereafter. I hope that if you don't like the beginning that you'll try reading the longer chapters. Thank you.) (The chapter release rate will depend on how much support I get, so if you want more chapters per week, give feedback, so I can improve my writing skills, and power stones to encourage me in publishing more frequently.)

1txd0r1 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Sunray Technique

Idris put the scroll into his spatial bag. He would check out the prowess of the "Sunray Technique" when he got home.

First he needed to get out of this dungeon. He searched for something to return to the school and found a crystal coming out of the throne.

It was green and as big as his knife. As he grabbed it, the crystal sucked him in.

Suddenly he appeared in front of the red crystal, which was used to teleport into the dungeon.

The room was significantly brighter than the cave, but compared to the outside, it was relatively dark.

Idris wanted to know just how long he had needed to raid the dungeon. If he did it in a short period of time, he could dive into it several times a day and get more beast spirits.

When he stepped out of the building, the sun blinded him. It was too bright for him to look normal and narrowed his eyes to reduce the light, that got into them, as much as he could.

He then resumed and began strolling through the city until he arrived at his house. He knocked and a servant let him in.

Idris directly moved into his room to cultivate. He took out the orbs he had gathered and began to absorb their energy.

In the end, he broke through to the advanced stage of the 8th layer Body Tempering Realm. He was happy to see the results of his hard work.

After that, he took the scroll. The "Sunray Technique" hadn't some awesome name, but it should be strong.

He read through the instructions and performed the steps stated inside. As he finished, he felt a great power flowing within himself. It moved into his mana core and strengthened it.

Due to the amount of energy being added, he broke through to the beginner stage of the 9th layer Body Tempering Realm.

Besides his "shadow window", another one appeared. It looked like this:

[Rays: 10]

[Energy: 1]

[Level: 1]

This time, Rays and Level were both new. Idris could only anticipate their use. He thought that Rays were the number of rays being bundled and Level the result of how many times he used the technique. But he didn't know what the effects of both were and how exactly they would affect the technique.

After the process was completed, Idris wanted to test out the technique's power.

He moved out of the city to the field he had tested his spells on once before. He got into a good position and activated the technique.

Sunrays bundled and and formed a slightly visible ray. The ray could be controlled by Idris. He commanded it to fly onto the ground. And as it did, it became so fast, fire spread around it.

It touched the floor. A huge explosion occurred. Pieces of dirt flew around. The grass started to burn and Idris casted Waterfield to extinct the flames. Fortunately, this time it was a normal fire and the water could dissolve it.

After the smoke disbanded, a big hole could be seen. It was five metres deep and had a four metre radius.

Idris was surprised from the power of the "Sunray Technique". It was on level one, but already so powerful. What would he be able to reach when it got stronger?

He wanted to test the technique tomorrow in one of the dungeons. He would dive into the second one again and look how fast he could clear it.

Idris would wait to brakethrough to the Martial Beginner Realm and then try himself in the third one. He still wasn't sure if he could get through it alive with his current strength. But after the brakethrough, his power would increase significantly and he could probably easily clear the next dungeon. That's what he hoped at least.

Then he turned around to go home.


The next day, Idris walked to school again. It was early in the morning and he was still a bit sleepy.

When he arrived, he directly moved towards his classroom. He walked towards Mrs. Skar whi they had for their first lesson today, and said: "Good morning Mrs. Skar."

She looked at me with a smile and asked: "Good morning Idris. What is it?"

"I will excuse myself from the lesson today. If you have any questions about my absence, please speak with the headmaster about it." Idris stated.

Mrs. Skar was a little surprised and retorted: "I permit it, but what are you going to do?"

"Please speak with the headmaster about it. I have something urgent to attend to." He just said so much and was already out of the room again.

He ran downstairs, just like yesterday and touched the red crystal. And again he was pulled in by the stone.

He found himself in the cave he was yesterday in. The darkness was a hindrance once again, but his eyes fastly got used to it.

This time though he wasn't so cautious and just walked through the tunnels, not caring about making a sound.

Skeletons came out of their hideouts and attacked him. Since he knew how to defeat them, he just killed them, made them his subordinates, took their beast spirits, put them into his bag and continued his march.

He collected 31 beast spirits before entering the boss room. Again a gigantic skeleton sat on a throne, a crown on is head.

It took its cudgel and attacked Idris. He toyed with it a bit, until the boss became enraged and darkness covered it.

This time Idris waited for it to reach its peak strength. He then activated "Sunray Technique". And he realized his mistake. Inside a cave was no sun and no light.

He could slap himself for his stupidity. But it couldn't be helped anymore and he began to fight.

After a short time the skeleton was killed by Lightning Strike. Idris took the beast spirit, made it his subordinate and teleported outside again.

Even though he hadn't used the "Sunray Technique" and couldn't use it inside the same dungeon, he still dived into it multiple times.

He used his shadows to do all the work and ended up with 109 beast spirits and also increased their prowess.

He had worked for a few hours and decided it was time to go home. Tomorrow he would definitely use the "Sunray Technique" and dive into the third ranked dungeon.


[The Superb Necromancer Technique]:

[Shadows: 224]

[Strength: 76]

[Energy: 24]

[Cultivation: 7th layer Body Tempering Realm]


[Sunray Technique]:

[Rays: 10]

[Energy: 1]

[Level: 1]


{Overall stats:

1. Cultivation: [Beginner stage of the 9th layer Body Tempering Realm]

2. Elements: [Water: 3rd layer]; [Fire: 6th layer]; [Wind: 6th layer]; [Earth: 1st layer]; [Ice: 3rd layer]; [Lightning: 8th layer]; [Light: 4th layer]; [Darkness: 7th layer]

3. Spells: [1-Waterfield]; [1-Fireball]; [1-Windblade]; [1-Earth wall]; [3-Fire Lance]; [3-Lightning Strike]; [3-Wind Armor]; [3-Revert]; [4-Dark Flames]; [4-Dark Domain]; [5-Spirit Destruction]; [5-Wind Shield]; [5-Slash]; [5-Dark Fur]

4. Techniques: [?-The Superb Necromancer Technique]; [?-Sunray Technique] }