
The tale of a lone cultivator

Chris Parker reincarnates, after experiencing mysterious circumstances. In his new life, which is also full of mysteries, he looses many things, due to an attack of the ones he should be protected by. After that, he allows no one to get close to him and finds the path that is stated as evil by others, to get revenge on those who betrayed him. (P.s.: the real storyline begins with chapter 6, so if you don't want the background information just start reading from there on out) (P.p.s.:The chapters before chapter 6 are relatively short and not as good as the ones thereafter. I hope that if you don't like the beginning that you'll try reading the longer chapters. Thank you.) (The chapter release rate will depend on how much support I get, so if you want more chapters per week, give feedback, so I can improve my writing skills, and power stones to encourage me in publishing more frequently.)

1txd0r1 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Rank 2 dungeon

After the discussion with Herbert, Idris rushed a floor down. He wanted to test out the dungeons as fast as he could.

He reached the five crystals he had already seen in the morning.

The first one's color was yellow, the second red, the third blue, the fourth violet and the fifth green. Little signs were place on them, stating the rank of the beasts inside.

Idris wanted to test his strength first and went towards the red crystal. He placed his hand on top and was sucked inside the stone.

He appeared in a dark cave, no light could be seen. It was cold, but Idris didn't care. He just tried to see anything.

His eyes slowly got used to the dark. Even though he wasn't able to make out any details, he realized that his surroundings were all stone. Some plants came out from between slight cracks in the floor and walls. Water dripped down on the ground, making a sound which was somewhat scary in the dark. Every drop echoed through the cave and made Idris shiver a bit.

He noticed this and forced himself to stop. How could he fear some dark room like this? There wasn't even anything special, right?

Idris had a bad feeling. It was so quite. He began to walk down the straight way.

As he kicked away some small pebbles, Idris suddenly heard something. It wasn't the stone he had kicked away. It was a rattle.

He looked around. The dark made it hard to see and he didn't notice any movement. He became wary of this place and began to get more serious

Idris walked another step and again a rattle could be heard. This time it continuously echoed through the cave.

Idris turned around where the sound came from. His eyes landed on a skeleton. It was moving at a great speed and was already in front of his face.

It surprised him and Idris reflexively shot a Fireball at his opponent.

But instead of killing the skeleton, the spell just went through the hollow places between its bones. It didn't even flinch and brought down its sword onto Idris.

He activated Dark Fur to protect himself. The blade bounced of his body and flew out of the skeleton's hand, against the stone wall.

Idris had to think about a way to kill his opponent. He couldn't use his normal spells. That's why he casted Dark Flames. The ground was lit on fire.

The room was now as bright as outside the dungeon.

Even though the fire was hotter than a normal one, nothing happened to the skeleton. It just moved forward trying to hit Idris. He evaded the slow punch and retreated.

He began to think again. This time he came up with another idea. He took out his knife and activated Lightning Strike.

The blade started to get covered by electricity. Idris was the one to attack now and charged at his opponent.

He aimed at the head, but the skeleton was unexpectedly fast and dodged the knife. It tried to grab his hand and remove the blade, but Idris was faster and pulled back his arm.

Before the skeleton could react, he swung down the dagger again. This time the knife hit its shoulder. The arm of the monster fell to the ground.

'Finally' Idris thought and started to attack the beast over and over again until it was nothing more than a pile of bones.

The remains dissipated and instead an orb appeared.

Idris didn't know which element the skeleton had, since it never activated it, but therefore it was a very strong opponent.

He took the orb and put it into his spatial bag.

Idris resumed his way through the tunnels. Every now and then a skeleton appeared and attacked him, but since he knew how to defeat them, it wasn't much of a problem. He just sliced them all up like the first one.

Idris also used "The Superb Necromancer Technique" on them and made them his subordinates. The number of orbs he held in his bag, increased drastically. It were about 25.

After an hour, Idris arrived at the boss room. It was bigger than the cave before and a throne stood in the middle.

A at least six metre tall skeleton sat on it, a black crown on his head. Besides him a big cudgel, which had sharp spikes on it, leaned against his throne.

As Idris entered the room, its eyes began to shine in a light bluish tone.

"So it was you who killed all my subordinates. Because you showed up here now, I have no choice but to kill you." The skeleton didn't move its mouth to speak.

It was new to Idris that those monsters could speak, but perhaps it was just the boss, since it's power was higher. It should be a rank 3 beast. He should be able to defeat it, but its strength was still unknown.

The skeleton stood up, straightening to its full height. It reached for the cudgel and swung it a few times to get the feeling of wielding it again.

Idris made himself ready for the fight. He concentrated on the boss and focused his eyes on it.

Even so, suddenly the skeleton disappeared from its place and appeared on front of Idris again. He activated Wind Shield and Dark Fur. The first was easily broken by a swing of the cudgel. The Fur was harder though and Idris only flew back into the wall.

He hadn't been injured by the attack due to his king ranked spell. This made him realize how important defensive skills actually were and made himself a new goal. In the next week he would learn more spells not focused on attack.

He still had his offensive skills, which were still powerful enough for his current uses.

Idris stood up, walking out of a cloud of dust. He activated Lightning Strike and his knife started to shine.

A smile appeared on his face. He was looking forward to fighting such a strong opponent.

He began running towards the skeleton, rays of electricity spraying around the cave.

He swung the dagger down. A blade of lightning appeared and was fired into his enemy's direction. It was pretty fast, but the boss was even faster. It evaded the knife and attacked.

Idris casted Dark Fur, just in case the cudgel would hit him, and dodged the club.

He was now under the arm of the skeleton and stabbed it with Lightning Strike activated. Bones flew away as its arm exploded.

Idris withdrew again. The boss let out an angry howl. Its body began to be surrounded by darkness and an unfathomable pressure was weighing down onto Idris.

The skeleton possessed the darkness element too. The black matter was being absorbed by it and made it even more powerful.

Idris just laughed as he saw this: "Hahaha. You really think such petty tricks work on me?"

He activated Dark Domain and a black sphere was erected. Fortunately, the effect of this spell was only limited to the user and couldn't boost the darkness element of others.

The energy inside his body grew exponentially. Black flames appeared around Idris and completely covered him. His blood boiled and his heart beat got faster.

The skeleton charged at him with confidence. Its cudgel too was covered in darkness. It dropped down on Idris, without effect.

It noticed too late that it was already dead, as the boy formed a black ball and threw it at the boss.

The bones completely vanished, only for an orb and a scroll to appear.

It was the second time this had happened. Both times Idris had killed a stronger opponent. Was that the mystery behind "The Superb Necromancer Technique"? Was it because he had eliminated a more powerful beast than his actual cultivation level was?

Idris took the orb to add another shadow to his subordinates.

Then he grabbed the scroll and opened it. It was a technique called "Sunray Technique".


[The Superb Necromancer Technique]:

[Shadows: 84]

[Strength: 36]

[Energy: 12]

[Cultivation: 6th layer Body Tempering Realm]


{Overall stats:

1. Cultivation: [Advanced stage of the 7th layer Body Tempering Realm]

2. Elements: [Water: 2nd layer]; [Fire: 6th layer]; [Wind: 6th layer]; [Earth: 1st layer]; [Ice: 3rd layer]; [Lightning: 7th layer]; [Light: 3rd layer]; [Darkness: 6th layer]

3. Spells: [1-Waterfield]; [1-Fireball]; [1-Windblade]; [1-Earth wall]; [3-Fire Lance]; [3-Lightning Strike]; [3-Wind Armor]; [3-Revert]; [4-Dark Flames]; [4-Dark Domain]; [5-Spirit Destruction]; [5-Wind Shield]; [5-Slash]; [5-Dark Fur]

4. Techniques: [?-The Superb Necromancer Technique] }

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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