
The tale of a lone cultivator

Chris Parker reincarnates, after experiencing mysterious circumstances. In his new life, which is also full of mysteries, he looses many things, due to an attack of the ones he should be protected by. After that, he allows no one to get close to him and finds the path that is stated as evil by others, to get revenge on those who betrayed him. (P.s.: the real storyline begins with chapter 6, so if you don't want the background information just start reading from there on out) (P.p.s.:The chapters before chapter 6 are relatively short and not as good as the ones thereafter. I hope that if you don't like the beginning that you'll try reading the longer chapters. Thank you.) (The chapter release rate will depend on how much support I get, so if you want more chapters per week, give feedback, so I can improve my writing skills, and power stones to encourage me in publishing more frequently.)

1txd0r1 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Sunray Technique II

As Idris arrived at his mansion, he immediately went into his own room. He wanted to cultivate directly. There were still many beast spirits he had placed into his spatial bag that he would use. He would probably brakethrough to the Martial Beginner Realm this time.

After that he planned to also learn some new spells, to take on stronger enemies over time.

He sat on his bed and layed the beast spirits before him. There were a total 109 of them his shadow subordinates had killed and collected.

He began to swallow one after another, as his cultivation increased further at an unimaginable speed.

After all 109 orbs, he had broken through to the middle stage of the 1st layer Martial Beginner Realm. Even though his progress was slowed down because of his two techniques, compared to other people, his strength increased too fast. Idris didn't know that and was a little disappointed, but still happy.

He moved downstairs and into the library. He took out the book for spells and searched for a while. Since he wanted to learn more defensive skills, he placed his focus on them.

In the end, he chose were:

1. [6-Safeguard: Creates an armor around the user's body. Can annull all spells up to emperor rank.]

2. [6-Lightning Steps: Lets the caster use lightning to boost their speed.]

3. [6-IV-Armor: Creates an invisible protection barrier at any position.]

4. [6-Poison: Creates a slight layer of poison on the skin to infect the ones that touch the user.]

5. [6-Implosion: Makes the one, who it's used against, implode.]

Three of them were defensive, one a movement and the last one an offensive spell.

Idris didn't want to neglect his attack power and chose to at least learn one new assault skill. He also focused more on darkness spells like IV-Armor and Implosion, since he had his Dark Domain to increase their power.

All in all, he wanted to make the most progress in the elements lightning, light and darkness. That's why he became more picky.

Idris began training the five skills right after. Tomorrow he would test out his new spells and the "Sunray Technique".


The next morning, Idris stood up early again. He directly went to school.

As he arrived there, he immediately excused himself from the lessons and headed towards the dungeons.

Instead of using the red crystal, he touched the blue one, the third ranked dungeon. He was sucked in and awoke in another landscape.

The land here was full of fields and many different exotic plants. It was sunny and warm. Idris also made sure he could use the "Sunray Technique" here.

Even though it was a place with nature spreading wildly around, a path was clearly shown, as no plants grew there.

When he walked down the way, he took some good looking plants and placed them in his spatial bag. Some emanated mysterious light, which drew him to them. Some of them were just for show and even attacked him, but some had mana in them.

Soon after, a monster showed up. It was a huge grizzly bear. It roared loudly as it saw Idris, demonstrating him its four rows of very sharp teeth.

Finally he could test out the "Sunray Technique". He activated it. Rays bundled and formed a bigger one. He ordered it to fly onto the bear. It did, and a huge explosion followed and dust flew everywhere.

As the smoke disbanded, Idris could see the bear. It lay on its back, the ray of light in its head and blood leaking out of the wound. The corpse began to burn, because of the heat the ray emitted.

The "Sunray Technique" was too overpowered. It had directly killed a rank three beast with only one time being shot. Could he kill the biss of this dungeon with the technique too? Idris was itching to find out.

But before he continued his march, he looked onte the window of his skill.


[Sunray Technique]:

[Rays: 15]

[Energy: 7]

[Level: 2]


The level had increased, because Idris had used the technique. If he activated it more often, it would grow even stronger than it was now. Then it would perhaps be able to kill a rank six or seven beast. But the question was, how many levels were there? If there were ten, the prowess wouldn't increase much, but if it were 100, the strength would surely go up drastically.

Idris' heart started beating faster as he thought about it.

But first he needed to finish the dungeon. He resumed walking, after picking up the beast spirit and making it his subordinate. Soon the landscape changed, as he went up a mountain. Stones began to replace the grass and the road became more difficult and dangerous to wander on.

While Idris tried his best not to fall down to his dead, a monster appeared from the front. He was so surprised, he stumbled backwards. Unfortunately, behind him was nothing and he fell. He could just barely grab the edge of the stone way.

Idris pulled himself up again, only to notice the mouth of the beast before his eyes. It was a horse like monster, but had a pair of wings on its back.

It roared and saliva flew Idris in his face. He grimaced at the smell.

Before the horse could do more harm, Idris activated the "Sunray Technique". The sunlight bundled and a ray shot towards the beast. A great explosion, that almost threw Idris off the way again, followed the impact.

After the cloud of dust cleared, the dead horse could be seen. As before, Idris put the beast spirit in his bag and he made the horse submit to him.

He continued his walk, more and more monsters attacking him. Soon the mountain went down again and grass began to fill Idris' gaze again.

As he moved on, the beasts became more, until he came into a forest. There, only few animals dared to do something to him.

He eventually came to a clearing. Idris wanted to follow the path further, but it stopped here. It had to be the hideout of the boss.

His "Sunray Technique's" stats looked like this:

[Sunray Technique]:

[Rays: 45]

[Energy: 7]

[Level: 8]

He also realized that every time he leveled up, he had to use the technique more often to level up again and that the rays would increase by five every level.

As Idris was immersed in his thoughts, the ground began to tremble. It became stronger until a gigantic gorilla came jumping out of the woods.

Its muscles were no joke and its aura. Its aura was what was bad. It felt like an advanced stage rank four beast. A dhiver ran down Idris' spine, as he made himself ready to fight.

The gorilla stood on his two legs and roared, while punching itself on the chest.

Suddenly it vanished from its position and appeared in front of Idris. He reflexively held up his arms and activated Safeguard, IV-Armor, Poison, Dark Fur and Wind Shield.

The shield was easily crushed. It was the same with the IV-armor and Dark Fur. Only Safeguard protected him. Idris flung backwards into several trees. His back hurt, because of the trunks he had destroyed.

He moaned, but immediately got cautious again, after realizing where he was.

Idris casted Dark Domain and Lightning Steps. A sphere erected around the fight that boosted the user's darkness element. As he sped forward, increasing his speed significantly, he activated Implosion.

Darkness gathered around the beast and concentrated in one point inside its body.

An implosion occurred, but instead of killing the gorilla, it made it only more aggressive. It swung down its fist. Idris could barely evade it and his arm got torn off.

Blood sprayed out od the wound wildly. He screamed in agony.

The Dark Domain dissipated, therefore three rays of light formed and shot at the gorilla. It erected a earth wall to defend itself. The rays were too weak and got stuck inside the barrier.

Idris activated Dark Domain again, but it was too late. The gorilla jump several metres into the air and swung down its fist.

Idris was crushed under the fist.

No, he was almost crushed.

Black flames appeared and began to cover his body. His arm grew back and his skin became black.

A devilish smile formed on his face, as dark horns grew on his forehead and his eyes turned red.

Only one thing could be heard from him: "Now you're fucked."


{Overall stats:

1. Cultivation: [Middle stage of the 1st layer Martial Beginner Realm]

2. Elements: [Water: 3rd layer]; [Fire: 6th layer]; [Wind: 6th layer]; [Earth: 1st layer]; [Ice: 3rd layer]; [Lightning: 9th layer]; [Light: 5th layer]; [Darkness: 8th layer]

3. Spells: [1-Waterfield]; [1-Fireball]; [1-Windblade]; [1-Earth wall]; [3-Fire Lance]; [3-Lightning Strike]; [3-Wind Armor]; [3-Revert]; [4-Dark Flames]; [4-Dark Domain]; [5-Spirit Destruction]; [5-Wind Shield]; [5-Slash]; [5-Dark Fur]; [6-Safeguard]; [6-Lightning Steps]; [6-IV-Armor]; [6-Poison]; [6-Implosion]

4. Techniques: [?-The Superb Necromancer Technique]; [?-Sunray Technique] }

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