
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

Mysteryon · 映画
356 Chs

The Arrogant Fudge

This summer vacation is going to be very busy for everyone.

Dumbledore was busy running around looking for reliable allies.

The Malfoys were busy holding Voldemort's stinky feet, so Draco didn't always come to play with Lucas as he used to.

Lucas met him several times by chance, and Draco was always dressed in black with a serious face.

As for Fudge, his days were quite busy giving speeches, also thinking about how to discredit Dumbledore and Harry Potter in the newspapers.

[The-Boy-Who-Lied - Harry Potter!]

[Dumbledore: Crazy or Threatening?]

Lucas smiled and put down the two newspapers in his hand.

Of these two newspapers, the first was published just after the holiday started, and the other was freshly released this morning.

They are just two of the most representative of the many newspapers that vilified the two wizards.

Actually, just last month, Fudge had the Daily Prophet publish an article every day about the threat that is Dumbledore.

Ordinary wizards can't tell whether the contents of the newspaper are true or not.

So more and more people began to question Dumbledore and the Boy-Who-Lived.

It is believed that the two are working together to direct a conspiracy.

"Aunt Vinda, how are our people with the preparations?"

Lucas put down the newspaper and asked.

"Most of them are arranged in the countries surrounding England. As long as you give the order, they can enter the country immediately."

"That's good, tell Uncle Abernathy that when the battle officially starts, hold back the troops and let the Order of the Phoenix stand in front."

Vinda nodded, and then continued: "Minister Fudge seems to be a little different recently."

"There is news from the people below that recently it has become very difficult to find Fudge to approve some procedures. If it is not for Pyne's help, I am afraid that it will not be possible at all."

"It's normal." Lucas took his teacup and walked to the window.

Looking at the colorful flowers competing for beauty in the garden as he sipped his tea, his eyes gradually became cold.

"Now that the public opinion is soaring, Fudge's support rate has increased significantly. If this continues, he is likely to be re-elected in the next term."

"With that confidence, his words will naturally become a lot tougher. Today we are going to visit Fudge, he probably wants to attack our Saints Group now."

Hearing Lucas' orders, Vinda left the study to prepare.

Lucas was still standing quietly by the window, but the teacup in his hand gradually turned into fine powder and disappeared.

Ministry of Magic.

There were many tourists from other countries taking photos in front of the Fountain of magical brethren.

The green flames in the fireplaces on both sides continued to flare, and a large number of people entered the Ministry of Magic continuously.

This is the norm for the Ministry of Magic.

As the only legal institution in the British magic world, there are many people who come here to handle affairs every day.

Crack~! !

Two loud sounds echoed in the atrium. Hearing the sound, the crowd naturally dispersed to both sides.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of Lucas and Vinda Rosier appeared on the spot.

People around were not surprised, since there were also quite a few people who came to the Ministry of Magic by apparating.

"Mr. Grindelwald, the minister asked me to pick you up!"

Pyne Carrow showed up right away.

On the way to the minister's office, Pyne briefly introduced Fudge's recent changes.

It can be summed up in a single word: arrogance!

Not only is he arrogant towards the members of the Saints Group, but he also has the same attitude towards the powerful Pureblood families.

Since his popularity with the public has risen sharply, Fudge seems to be planning to switch the master-slave relationship he has with the powerful people.

Nock nock nock~

Hearing the response coming from inside, Pyne immediately opened the door of the office.

"Oh, Mr. Grindelwald, how are you?"

Fudge was full of happiness, walking towards Lucas with enthusiasm.

"My recent life has not been bad, but I can see that Minister Fudge must have had a good life recently.

The smile on Fudge's face became more apparent.

"It's just something pleasant. I wonder what Mr. Grindelwald is here for?"

As soon as the two sat down on the sofa, Fudge directly asked Lucas why he came this time.

It was absolutely impossible that he would behave like this before his popularity increased. The Fudge of before would have wished he could chat with Lucas all day long.

With just a simple sentence, Lucas already had a judgment of Fudge in his mind.

"Minister, our Saints Group plans to open two more stores recently, and the location chosen for them just happens to be in the hands of the Ministry of Magic, so I have no choice but to trouble you."

"Why bother Mr. Grindelwald for such a trivial matter, but..."

Seeing the troubled look on Fudge's face.

Lucas asked him if he had any difficulties on the surface, but he couldn't help sneering in his heart.

Let Fudge be proud for a couple days more.

Then, the members of the Saints in the five major newspapers will immediately publish the news of Voldemort's return.

The more arrogant Fudge is now, the more embarrassed he will be when that happens!

Thinking up to this point, the smile on Lucas' face became more enthusiastic again.

"Minister, if you are in any trouble, just tell me, and I will do my best to help you."

"Well, to be honest, it's actually something in the family. Mr Grindelwald must know that my Fudge family has had a hard time in recent years."

"As a minister, I can't open the door of convenience to the people of my family, which makes people in the family complain."

"Recently, there are more and more complaints in the family, saying that I have been a minister for several years, but I have not contributed to the family, resulting in them not even having a decent property."

Lucas didn't answer immediately, instead he sipped his tea calmly. The steaming heat covered the coldness in his eyes.

He wants a store? It seems that Fudge has not only changed his temper, but now his appetite has increased a lot.

"Mr. Grindelwald?"

Lucas came back to his senses, with a smile on his face: "Well, these are minor problems."

Hearing his answer, Fudge nodded in satisfaction, but he didn't see the astonishing chill in the blond boy's eyes.

4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

Harry was lying flat by the flower bed outside. In the hot summer, the flower bed is a good place to enjoy the shade.

Certainly, Harry wasn't just here for the shade.

Directly above him was the living room of the house.

Since seeing Voldemort return with his own eyes a month ago.

He was here almost every day to eavesdrop on the news coming from the living room since his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia didn't let him be there.

Hearing the end of today's evening news.

Well, another day of world peace.

The reports did not mention strange people waving small wooden sticks in the street, so Harry sat up from the flower bed.

Looking up at the sky, his eyes seemed to be expecting something.

"Why is there no news at all?"

He has written to many people recently, but has received very few replies.

Only Ron and the twins wrote back occasionally, but the contents of their letters were all insignificant things.

For example, "what did you eat today?" "Did you have a good summer vacation?" These are not what he wanted to hear.

They clearly know what he wants to know, but no one wants to answer his questions.

As time went by, what Lucas said in the Headmaster's office seemed to have been forgotten by him.

Since there was no news of Voldemort for a month, he started worrying, and the more he worried, the more he hoped to get useful information.

At this moment, Hedwig flew from a distance.

Looking at the Daily Prophet thrown on the floor, he sighed in disappointment.

Opening the newspaper, without any surprise, it was criticizing Dumbledore again.

He didn't know if Dumbledore was doing well, but he was doing very badly anyway.

Putting away the newspaper, Harry walked out of the yard, passing through a section of wheat field, and an abandoned playground appeared in front of him.

Harry liked to stay here whenever he was in a bad mood.

While he was sitting on the swing thinking about how to find out about Voldemort's news, his fat cousin Dudley came over with his friends.

The appearance of several people made Harry feel even more helpless.

He has met them here more than once. Dudley would bring people here every day to wreak havoc and even smoke.

But the Dursleys were convinced that their son had just gone to a friend's house for tea. How stupid!

"Harry, what are you thinking about here? Are you thinking about who will save you?"

"What?" Harry looked at his cousin suspiciously.

Dudley smiled and said: "I heard some movement in your room last night, it seems that someone is talking in their sleep again."

"Dad, Dad, save me, don't kill me, Dad, come and save me"

Dudley frowned, imitating Harry's dream talking.

"Shut up, Dudley!" Harry blushed and stared angrily at the fat boy in front of him.

"Hey, he's coming to kill me, Dad! Mom! Come and save me, he's going to kill me!"

Dudley didn't stop, and even acted harder after seeing Harry's angry look.

Unable to bear it any longer, Harry drew out his wand, causing Dudley to close his mouth in an instant, and his face turned pale.

But the cronies behind him continued to make fun of Harry.

The boys thought it was funny how Harry was holding a stick, but soon they stopped laughing.

Watching the sky suddenly darken, these boys fled in all directions.

Harry was also puzzled by the sudden change in weather, but before he could figure out what was going on, Dudley said, "Get that thing off, what the hell have you done to me? Stop it right now!"

Harry turned to look at his fat cousin in front of him.

Dudley was trembling, and his breath came out as steam when he spoke.

The weather, which was still hot just now, suddenly became bitterly cold.

Harry let out a breath that felt all too familiar to him.

"Dudley, run, run home and don't stop!"

He took his cousin's hand and ran to the gate of the playground.

But before he could take two steps out, he saw two dementors rushing at them from the sky.

"Impossible, they shouldn't be in Little Whinging, they can't enter Muggle settlements!"

Harry looked at the dementors flying towards him in disbelief.

After trying to run away for a while, he was captured by the dementors.

The unlucky Dudley was knocked to the ground and his happy memories were gradually being sucked away.

Harry turned his head to look at his cousin with difficulty when the other Dementor started attacking him.

Harry tried to recall a happy memory, raised his wand and shouted: "Expecto Patronum!"

A silver-white stag appeared, and the two dementors fled in all directions while the two of them fell to the ground, and managed to save their lives.

Harry didn't know yet, that the moment he cast the Patronus Charm, the office of the Ministry of Magic in charge of checking the trace noticed his use of magic.

A letter from the Ministry of Magic immediately flew towards him.

At the same time, Lucas walked into the Ministry of Magic's elevator with a cold face.

"Vinda, after Fudge steps down, I don't want to see anyone from the Fudge family in the wizarding world ever again."


(Support with power stones or comments. You can subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read the complete fanfic ahead of time 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐍🦅🦁)