
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

Mysteryon · 映画
356 Chs

Fake Moody Arrives!

Harry kept picking up his pace.

He was still worried about Lucas doing something to Cedric and Krum.

Now the only way to solve it is to get Headmaster Dumbledore quickly.

As for why he didn't stay in the Forbidden Forest himself.

He is not a fool. Compared with the other two, the conflict between him and Lucas is greater, so it is much more dangerous for him to stay than for the other two to stay.

Besides, he didn't want to bother others with such a "running errand" task.

The oak gates of the castle were within sight, so he took a deep breath and sped over.


Hearing someone call his name, Harry stopped subconsciously. Looking at the figure coming out of the shadowy corner, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Professor Moody, it's great to meet you."

"Please take me to Headmaster Dumbledore, I met Mr. Barty Crouch in the Forbidden Forest, he looks very strange!"

"Crouch? Isn't he recuperating at home?" Fake Moody made a puzzled expression.

"Although I don't know what's going on, Mr. Crouch is in a very bad state, and he seems to have a mental problem."

"He's in the Forbidden Forest? Who's watching him there?"

Although Harry was in a hurry, out of trust in Professor Moody, he still named the three boys.

"Grindelwald? How can you give Crouch to him?! Let's go!."

He pulled Harry back the same way.

Harry struggled a few times and said, "Professor, I need to tell Headmaster Dumbledore about this."

"I'll inform Dumbledore, but Crouch is more important now, and it's not safe for him to stay with Grindelwald."

Harry was taken aback when he heard that. Unexpectedly, Professor Moody also had doubts about Lucas.

Sirius had said that Professor Moody was a Senior Auror who had seen countless dark wizards in his life, and no one can escape his magic eye.

"Professor, do you also think there is something wrong with Lucas?"

Moody certainly wouldn't admit it, but didn't deny it either.

Harry took the other's silence as his agreement.

First Sirius had doubts about Lucas, and now even Professor Moody is suspicious of Lucas.

Adding Harry himself, there were already three people who thought there was something wrong with Lucas.

Then there really must be something wrong with him!

Harry seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, and his steps couldn't help but quicken a lot.

This makes it difficult for the fake Moody who has a prosthetic leg next to him to follow!


The sudden barking caught Harry's attention. Seeing the giant black dog looking at him from a distance, his expression brightened.

Seeing his godson waving to him, Sirius ran over wagging his tail.

"Harry, Crouch is the most important thing now!"

"Professor, I met this dog in the Forbidden Forest, and it would be very convenient to have him lead the way."

Moody nodded dubiously.

The two of them and the dog set out on the road again, and they appeared outside the Forbidden Forest not long after.

Lucas saw the fake Moody coming towards him and with a slight movement of the fingers behind his back, the Patronus disappeared in a flash.

Wouldn't it be a pity if there were no Dumbledore and others watching the good show that's about to happen?

After doing all this, Lucas got up and walked towards Barty Crouch Sr.

Seeing him approaching suddenly, Cedric and Krum immediately became vigilant.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just worried that someone is going against Mr. Crouch."

After that he gestured to the distance. At this time, the footsteps of two people and one dog were clearly audible.

Seeing Harry bring Professor Moody, Cedric was visibly relieved.

Whether it is Moody's reputation or his status as a professor at the moment, it made him relax subconsciously.

But Krum frowned. If he remembers correctly, what Harry Potter had just said was that he was going to look for Headmaster Dumbledore.

But now he came back with a crazy old man.

"Mr. Potter, are you..."

"Krum, Professor Moody was a senior Auror in the past, and he is absolutely trustworthy!"

After Harry finished speaking, he looked at Lucas again, and found that he was standing in front of Mr. Crouch.

"I'm sorry Mr Potter, I said earlier that Mr Crouch had to be handed over to Headmaster Dumbledore."

"You didn't let me take him away just now, and now I can't let you take him away either, not even with Professor Moody."

"You..." Harry's expression was very angry, but even angrier than him was the fake Moody.

Crouch Jr. imitated Alastor Moody's reaction very well.

The eccentric old man yelled immediately after being distrusted: "Grindelwald, you evil piece of… hand over Crouch quickly."

"Oh~ the professor at the school actually called a student evil! It seems that I should report it to the Headmaster."

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense, get out of the way immediately!"

"I'm sorry, but if Headmaster Dumbledore isn't here, I will never hand Mr. Crouch over to anyone."

Harry took a step forward and said, "Lucas, Professor Moody is Dumbledore's most trusted person."

Lucas let out a sneer, Dumbledore clearly believed in himself more.

In terms of the most trusted person, it was probably Professor Snape in the past. At worst, there is Professor McGonagall.

Mad-Eye Moody? Although also in the list of trusted people, he was clearly not at the forefront.

What's more, the Mad-eye Moody in front of everyone is still a fake.

Harry didn't know what was going on, but hearing Lucas's sneer, he thought that he was laughing at him, so his expression became very ugly.

"Don't leave me, take me to Dumbledore...I did something wrong, it's all my fault....my son..."

"Go and remind Dumbledore, go and remind Harry Potter, the Dark Lord is gradually becoming stronger, be careful..."

Old Barty's intermittent voice sounded.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard his words and a trace of cruelty flashed in the eyes of the fake Moody.

"Harry, there is no need to talk nonsense with this evil bastard, I will hold him back, you take Crouch to find Dumbledore!"


No sooner had Fake Moody finished speaking, the magic light lit up on his wand.

Harry hesitated for half a second, then drew out his wand and walked towards Old Barty.

'Locomotor Mortis!'

Harry's legs got stuck together and he started to fall face forward. Fortunately, the fake Moody used magic to stop him in time. Otherwise, he might have broken his nose.


Lucas waved his wand, and a giant python appeared in front of everyone.

Both Krum and Cedric were stunned by the giant python several meters tall in front of them.

Harry was not much better, the three of them seemed to be intimidated by the huge size of the python.

He didn't realize that the strength Lucas was using was still far from that of a quasi-legendary wizard.

As the time passed, the spells used by Lucas and the fake Moody were getting stronger and stronger.


Fake Moody's arm got a large gash from the curse. At the same time, it also interrupted the spell he was about to cast.

Seeing Lucas raise his wand again, Harry hurriedly said to the two people next to him: "Help me! We must not let Lucas take Mr. Crouch away!"

Cedric didn't think much, and subconsciously pulled out his wand.

'Stupefy!' Lucas didn't give him a chance to make a shot at all.

Seeing Cedric passed out on the ground, Krum looked at Lucas with fear in his eyes and stepped back tremblingly.

When he turned around to run away, Lucas whispered devilishly behind him: "Petrificus Totalus"

After knocking out the two who were in the way, Lucas turned to glance at Harry, which made him frightened, probably thinking that Lucas was going to attack him.

Unexpectedly, Lucas really just took a look, and then continued to cast spells on the fake Moody.

Feeling humiliated, Harry's face flushed Weasley red.

At the same time, the fake Moody also became impatient when he saw that he couldn't attack for a long time.




The fake Moody and Harry's spells burst into dazzling light at the same time. Even Sirius, who had been watching the battle for a long time, rushed towards Lucas.

The sound of two people and one dog attracted a group of people who came from a distance.

Lucas's lips curled up slightly.

Finally hooked!

He waved his wand and performed excellent counter skills for everyone.

Not only did he hit the two spells at the same time, he also threw them to the side of Barty Crouch Sr, making it look like an accident.

Of course, there was also the help of the fake Moody, after all, the two had the same goal.

To be on the safe side, Lucas also used his combination skill to hide a full-level Imperius Curse in the spells of the three of them.

With Crouch's mental state at this time, the Imperius Curse he cast with all his strength should be able to easily destroy his spirit.

If old Barty is lucky, he will become an idiot; if he is unlucky, he will be killed on the spot!

"Mr. Crouch!"

Seeing Crouch slowly fall to the ground, Lucas yelled in surprise.

While the fake Moody had a hearty smile on his lips and Harry was completely dumbfounded.

As for Sirius, he stopped his biting action in time, and also stared blankly at Mr Crouch not far away.

The reason why Sirius was in a daze was entirely because he was dazzled by the great joy when he saw his enemy die suddenly. After all it was Barty Crouch who threw him at Azkaban without a trial.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them and the dog felt a huge pressure descending from the sky.

Looking at the angry Lucas, Harry wanted to explain but found that he couldn't speak at all.




With three consecutive stunning spells, two people and one dog were knocked out without any resistance.

At this time Dumbledore also brought the professors closer.

"Lucas, what the hell happened?"

Lucas replied angrily: "Headmaster, why don't you ask this reckless father and son? You said they won't make trouble, but look at what happened now."

After that, he walked towards old Barty Crouch.

Professor Snape, who had finished examining Crouch by this time, looked at the crowd and shook his head: "Professor Moody's Imperius Curse and Potter's magic overwhelmed Mr. Crouch, who was already covered in injuries."

This meaning is already very obvious, Barty Crouch Sr was beyond saving.

"Krum! Krum!"

At this moment Karkaroff came to his beloved student.

Looking at the petrified Krum, he asked Dumbledore angrily: "I need an explanation, why did Krum become like this just after listening to the content of the third task?"

Dumbledore looked at the crowd and sighed helplessly.

"Take Mr. Krum and Mr. Diggory for treatment first, and we'll talk about it in detail after I've asked Harry and Alastor about it."

Seeing several professors controlling the unconscious people on the ground and walking towards the castle, Lucas put his hands behind his back and followed slowly.

'Poor Barty Crouch!'

Looking at the old Crouch whose complexion had turned completely pale, Lucas said something silently in his heart.

(Support with power stones or comments. You can subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read the complete fanfic months ahead of time 🐍🦁🦅🦡)