
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

Mysteryon · 映画
356 Chs

Beauxbatons And Durmstrang!

The setting sun in early winter barely brought a little warmth to the students.

At the same time, Beauxbatons' carriage was also brought.

It was a huge carriage.

From a distance, it looked very small, but once it was approaching they realized that it was the size of a house, soaring through the sky, being drawn by twelve Abraxan horses.

Abraxans are a kind of Pegasus. They are very large in size, and each one is about the size of an elephant.

Lucas tightened his cloak. He didn't really want to come out to meet the two schools in such cold weather.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, Lucas's expression has not changed, it is still elegant and charming as always.

But the three girls around him could clearly feel his dissatisfaction.

"My dear, they are guests."

"Of course I know, otherwise why would I appear here?"

Lucas looked at Hermione and raised an eyebrow.

"My lord, are you unhappy?"

Astoria's voice came from beside him.

Seeing her concerned eyes, Lucas smiled and shook his head.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because I feel that the Lord Chief seems unhappy."

The eyes of his three girlfriends looked at the petite girl instantly and this made her very nervous, feeling as if she was under scrutiny.

At this time, Beauxbatons carriage had heavily landed from the sky.

The tall Abraxans put a lot of pressure on the students.

The twelve horses snorted and looked at the crowd with red eyes, as if they were about to launch an attack at any time.

They were clearly putting on a show of strength, those smarter students immediately understood Beauxbatons plan.

Hermione frowned and her original expectations for the two schools dropped a lot in an instant.

The strong sense of oppression made the students in the front row keep retreating.

Unfortunately, Harry and his friends were in the first row. Seeing the huge horse hooves being raised, Ron became pale with fright.

Although Harry is better than his friends in the courage department, it is also limited.

If it weren't for the people behind he might be sitting on the ground with his buttocks.


A heavy cold snort attracted the attention of the Abraxans.

Lucas' elf aura made them restless, they kept trampling the ground with their horseshoes.

This made Madame Maxime, who was ready to get off the carriage almost fall down.

Waiting until the horses regained their composure, the Headmistress of Beauxbatons didn't bother to put on airs anymore.

She quickly let the boy next to her open the carriage door and lower the stairs.

Fleur Delacour stood behind her Headmistress with a very nervous expression.

She was too familiar with that aura that was released just now.

It was the boy she met once in France, the person she couldn't forget even after two years.

'Does he remember me?'

She was feeling a little apprehensive.

When she came back to her senses, she found that Madame Maxime had already walked ahead.

She didn't have time to think so much, and hurriedly followed the giant woman's footsteps.

All the students of Hogwarts gathered outside the carriage, but Fleur still found Lucas in the crowd with a single glance.

Seeing the beautiful girls around him, not only was Fleur not angry, but she also felt it was just right.

If there is no one pursuing such an outstanding boy like Lucas, that can only mean that the eyes of those women are blind.

When he noticed someone staring at him, Lucas followed the feeling and found that the one staring at him was Fleur Delacour, that beautiful veela.

He smiled slightly and nodded at her and Fleur lowered her head when she saw it, but she was very excited inside her mind.

'He remembers me!'

"Fleur, it's a bit cold outside, let's go into the castle first."

Hearing Madame Maxime's words from ahead, she hurriedly followed her into the school.

The sun had now set almost completely and there was only a ray of afterglow coming from behind the mountain.

With the sun gone, the only thing they could feel was the bitter cold wind.

Lucas beckoned his girlfriends to approach him, and a small ball of fire appeared in the palm of his hand looking like a miniature sun.

"Let's get a bit of warmth."

He could have used warming charms but somehow, doing this just felt better.

His eyes looked towards the black lake and his expression turned a bit annoyed.

'Igor Karkaroff!'

He repeated the name in his mind.

He'd better show up soon in his stupid ship, because if he makes them wait any longer, he can't guarantee that he will not throw the Fiendfyre in his hand at the ship's mast!

"Look at the lake, there's something there."

The student that shouted should have really good eyesight, otherwise the only explanation is that he must be following a script, because Lucas couldn't see anything in this darkness.

Lucas complained in his heart, and looked at the three-masted sailboat that had surfaced.

Heavy, neat steps, wearing tightly padded coats. The Durmstrang's students came off the boat looking like bears.

Leading the charge was none other than Durmstrang's Headmaster, Igor Karkaroff, and beside him was his favorite student, Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian seeker.

"Oh~ Albus, my old friend!"

Karkaroff hugged Dumbledore warmly.

As a Death Eater, not only did he get along with the old bee in such a friendly way. After leaving Azkaban, he actually became the headmaster of Durmstrang.

It has to be said that Karkaroff is indeed quite capable, it's just a pity that he is too timid.

"Harry, look, it's Krum, and he's actually here."

Ron Weasley's excited voice was heard from the side, sounding almost like a fangirl.

Lucas sneered and walked towards the great hall with his girlfriends.

Now that the other two schools have been welcomed. Naturally, he didn't want to stay outside for one more second.

When they entered the great hall, the Beauxbatons students were already seated at the Ravenclaw long table.

Dumbledore, who came later, arranged Durmstrang's students to sit at the Slytherin long table.

Not only people from two schools came here today, Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman also took their seats on the teachers' table early.

Lucas sat at his usual place at the Slytherin table, took out his wand and tapped it on the table.

Then a cup of steaming black tea appeared in front of him, this made those Durmstrang students very curious.

Especially Krum who was feeling cold. He also wanted a cup to warm himself up, so he knocked on the table like Lucas did.

But all he got was the good-natured laughter of the Slytherins around.

"Mr. Krum, at Hogwarts, apart from the professors, only our Chief has such special treatment."

Draco, as an avid Quidditch fan, did his part and explained for Krum.

In fact, he didn't understand why Lucas can get such treatment either.

He thought it might be Dumbledore who gave him this privilege.

He probably would have never imagined that Lucas inherited Helga Hufflepuff's secret garden and also got her cup.

Hence the command of the house-elves. After all, the first house elves at Hogwarts were all brought in by Helga.

"Ladies and gentlemen, guests and ghosts, welcome to Hogwarts, and now please enjoy a sumptuous dinner."

Dumbledore's words came from the teachers' table.

At the same time, various dishes appeared on the long tables, but this time it also included a lot of French, German, Bulgarian, Swedish and even Russian food since Durmstrang takes students from various countries.

This made the guests from afar very satisfied.

In the Ravenclaw long table.

While eating the food in front of her, Hermione stared at the silver-haired girl not far away.

"Mione, what are you looking at?"

Cho looked in the direction Hermione was looking at, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"What a beautiful girl."

"Hmph, I'm afraid it's not as simple as being beautiful, that beautiful girl has stared at Lucas 41 times since we entered the great hall."

"Huh?" Cho looked at Hermione in surprise.

Her surprise was actually aimed at the good sister beside her, just how bored was she to be counting how many times someone glances at their boyfriend? Looks like someone was feeling threatened.

"Hmph! It seems that Lucas has something to hide from us. He seemed to have a beautiful encounter during his time in France."

She guessed immediately that they might have met before.

After Hermione finished speaking, the fork in her hand stabbed hard into a piece of chicken.

Soon, everyone wiped out the food in front of them.

When the last person puts down the food in their hands, the leftovers on the table immediately disappear without a trace. Even the dinner plates were clean and tidy again.

Dumbledore strolled up to the podium in front.

"First of all, allow me to introduce two guests to everyone. The first is Mr. Barty Crouch, the director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation."

Crouch still looked serious as always. After standing up and waving his hand slightly to everyone, he sat back in his seat.

"Next is Mr Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports."

Bagman's popularity among students was pretty high. After all, he used to be a famous Quidditch player before.

"With the efforts of the two directors, we can gather here today, so the two directors will form a judging team along with the Headmasters of the three schools."

"We will score the performance of the three champions in the tasks, now let us bring the impartial judge that's going to be selecting each school champion, the Goblet of Fire!"

Filch walked towards the front with a large wooden box in his hands.

There was also a little white cat by his side. It is said that it was given to him by Hagrid to replace the dead Mrs. Norris.

With the wooden box placed in front of Dumbledore, he drew his wand lightly and the exterior of the wooden box melted like snow.

A quaint wooden cup appeared in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, a blue white flame rose from the cup.

The Goblet of Fire, which had been dusty for many years, was once again lit in front of everyone.

(Support with power stones or comments. You can subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read the complete fanfic ahead of time)