
The Spartan who became a God

Disclaimer I do not own the right to any image included or the halo franchise and all credit goes to there respective owners I only own characters from Oblivion Team as they are my own Creations This story is based around a halo fan called John who was reincarnated into the halo universe. the main character will be the same generation Spartan as master chief just that he has been in Cryo due to his destructive abilities as unlike master chief this one was put through more experiments by Halsey giving him abilities beyond the norm so much so that he has to have an Ai that can help control him however as John is a reincarnater he has a system that has modified the Ai so that it help John who goes by the Spartan Name Dark. This story takes place during Halo 2 and after since he was in Cryo on earth during the events of the first game. The Ais name is Destiny and is represented by a female voice John's Spartan code Is 909 also he uses his Spartan name after reincarnation never using his previous name or the name of the body before becoming a Spartan also due to the system he has he will get stronger over time although he is already powerful also due to the system he is immune to the flood infection as his body is modified by the system making it impossible for flood to control him. Any constructive criticism is allowed this means suggestion on how I can improve the chapters writing quality also please include an example of you do this so I can see how it's suppose to look thank you in advance also in future I may be open to suggestions on some events but that's in future for now I am currently following the events of Halo 2. Do note I have note read any of Halos extended material this may mean some events in the story may contradict what those say I apologise if so but I only plan to use the events of the games if in future I decide otherwise I will let you know. You can read ahead on patreon will still upload here but patreon will be ahead. I will try to upload two chapters every week. for those who want to support and read chapters before those on webnovel you can support me on patreon. patreon.com/LuciferDark324

LuciferDark · ゲーム
76 Chs

Chapter 19 Arrival at the Portal Device and Familiar Foe

Dark Pov

After running past the melting corpse of the large flood form I see a straight shot towards the room where the portal device is so I quicken my pace after I get inside I notice the portal is still offline I look at the time to see I still have 2 minutes left out of the 10 I had meaning I have to wait 1 minute and 30 seconds.

As I was in my thought the ceiling begins to open like the the way it did when I fought against the spider sentinel which gives me a bad premonition and as if to answer a very familiar spider falls from the ceiling as it does and energy shields surrounds the portal device [ we have a problem someone forcibly activated the power before the restart was complete] i sigh i think i could have guessed that from the energy shield surrounding the portal device [ I know what you are thinking that its obvious right but thats not the problem the shield is connected to the spider sentinel meaning you need to destroy it in less than 80 seconds if you do not want to cleansed ] hearing this I waste no time in shooting the lazer in it's mouth causing it to explode but to my surprise the spider sentinel is still functioning so I start shooting its legs before it can charge the purple orbs on its legs after taking out 2 legs the rest of the orbs shoot lazers at me i quickly roll to the left just barely dodging the lazers after the dodge I start shooting at the legs again this time I do better and destroy 3 more legs leaving 3 more to go as I was about to aim at the next leg the spider sentinel charges at me I manage to dodge once i am standing again i point at the remaining legs and open fire i was successful in destroying the remaing legs and as the last one was destroyed the spider sentinel body collasped on the floor.

The shield surrounding the portal device disappears but before I could celebrate [ Dark the cleansing count down has stopped] hearing this I have a hunch who is messing with the facility as if answering my hunch a voice that i could never mistake and who i thought would only hear once I get to the library " you are blind to the truth of this ring and it's purpose the key you hold is not salvation and only leads to destruction" I really hate whoevers idea it was to make the Gravemind to talk in this ominous tone "I do not need you to tell me Halos purpose I already know so just mind your own business Gravemind" I reply in hope it will just be quiet but unfortunately it seems to walk to talk me to death "it does not matter you will not be able to take it to the actual control facility you are alone you have no way to get there" this guy is really annoying while he was doing his monologue i was able to get close to a terminal and quickly connect my helmet to it and allow Destiny to restart the countdown before disconnecting from tge terminal and moving Infront of the portal" I never said I was going to the control facility that's not my job" not leaving him time to reply I jump into the portal generated by the portal device.

A/N I know this one is short but it's the last chapter before the library so it's the end of this bit and I thought and what do you think of the Introduction of the Gravemind I tried to get it to be the same as the games but I not sure how close it was but hope you enjoyed